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A member registered Nov 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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oh awesome okay thanks that helps a lot. I actually started following him recently!  I will look through more of his tutorials. 

Great job on your game!!!  I accidentally clicked the TNT!

congrats on your first game.  I like how the bullet shells bounce off the wall and stay around in the level!

Cute game and good music choice.  I'm glad I was finally able to relieve myself at the end.  The art is well done!

Cute game and good music choice.  I'm glad I was finally able to relieve myself at the end.  The art is well done!

Really liked the Elf animation.  How did you learn to animate?  I dunno how to animate but it looks like you used this rough color blocking approach to sketch out some frames?  I was able to set the elf free!

Nice game.  Dialogue was funny!  I wish I could skip the talking after trying again.  It's a really hard game!

Visual effects are great.  I liked the idea of making multiple mini-games.

There is a graphical effect in the first game that happens right before the "ball" is thrown that makes it hard to interpret the direction of the first "throw".

I couldn't get past the second game.  I thought I was close to the end but it kept going and then when I died I had to start over and I gave up. I think if you had checkpoints the player might be more motivated to continue since they can make a bit of progress each time.  Just an idea though.

Very cool game overall.  I liked the story element to it.

Thank you so for taking the time to play!

Thanks for the heads up.  Yes, that’s what I’m expecting.  That’s fine, it’s the reality of how his games will be judged if he wants to get into this field.  In any case, he will not read the comments directly. 

I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed it!  Thanks for the kind words. 

awesome, thanks for the great feedback. Yeah this is my first unity game so I was just figuring stuff out as I went  along.  

Re: Tile maps, I guess that means I can turn colliders off for specific layers?  That would be great and definitely neater than what I have done.

(1 edit)

Definitely. I’ve added it in a PR but didn’t get it in before the deadline. Will update once the game jam ends. 

So happy to hear that. Thanks for taking the time to play my game too.

This was cool but as others mentioned very unforgiving!  Would be nice if you had a health bar or something.  Animations were great!  The music was great too and somehow fit with the graphics.

Somehow reminds me of Mirror's Edge.  Enjoyed the dash and double jump mechanics.  I sucked at the wall running.

This is amazing.  The gun feels so powerful.  Graphics and sound are really well done.  I hope your game gets more attention!  I'd love to play more.

This is a hilarious concept.  Is it possible to actually operate the escalator effectively???  I'm so horrible at it.  Anyway I love the idea.

Really interesting concept.  I wasn't sure if there was any penalty to me just making the platforms really large and easy to walk on.  Somehow the camera angle was very uncomfortable for my eyes.  This was a cool and unique take on the theme.

I really enjoyed this!  Took me a couple of tries to find a winning strategy.  I feel like my strategy was kind of cheesy... I just spawned in a corner so I could prevent getting swarmed.  I hope you get more reviews.  I think the idea is great.

Great looking game. Liked the stepped movement. As others mentioned I wish you didn't have to pick items at the start of the round. I think this has a lot of potential.

Fun little game.  The health scaling was very clever.  When I jumped on and killed two hexagons, only to have the third one pop out spikes, I felt it was a bit unfair.  I was lead to believe you could jump on them and then the rules changed suddenly without indication.  I actually had a very similar idea to yours.  It was interesting to see the difference in how we implemented a similar mechanic.  Oh and I liked the parallax background too.

The art was great.  I liked the out of focus foreground pillars.  I felt the movement mechanics could use some improvement.  Also the game seemed to get stuck when I used the key to open a door.  The screen darkened and nothing happened.  Aside from that it seems promising and you're off to a great start.

Tileset and pixel art were great.  I felt like I was colliding with the environment  in places where visually it seemed I should fit through.  I like your take on the theme and I enjoyed the music.  Well done.

thank you so much for taking the time to write this detailed feedback. I will revisit how the high jump is introduced to the player.  The idea is to press and hold jump and at any time on the way up, press toggle size. You can press toggle size  super early in the jump or closer to the peak, just as long as you continue to hold down jump. Thanks again!  It helps a lot. 

Very well done.  Art was excellent and the gameplay was fun and easy to understand.  Also, thanks for introducing me to peritune!  The music was so high quality and fit the game very well.

Very well done.  Art was excellent and the gameplay was fun and easy to understand.  Also, thanks for introducing me to peritune!  The music was so high quality and fit the game very well.

Great graphics, unique mechanics.  The lighting effects were very cool.  Combat didn't feel great.  I wish the cool down on changing size was shorter.  Overall very well done.

Enjoyed it quite a bit!  Animations were very well done.  Combat is quite difficult, I think some stun or knock back on the enemies might help.  Enjoyed the unique gameplay mechanics and balancing the damage taken.

Loved it, it was a lot of fun.  Graphics were great too.

latest version of chrome on a Mac 

Lots of fun! I haven't played Suika game so not sure how it compares but I can see why it might be so popular after playing this.  Simple concept and addictive.

Love the idea!  As everyone else said, would be so much better with sound! Great job reproducing the wordle interface.

Enjoyed your game! I had a very similar interpretation of the theme with similar mechanics! Like the previous commenter I couldn't actually get dash to work.  I tried my game pad and also the shift key.  The areas I was able to play were fun though!  Graphics and music were both well done.

Fun game!  Great retro aesthetic.  I would like to try the game with normal left right controls and a button for slashing in the direction I'm facing, instead of in the direction of my mouse click.

Enjoyed it!  I wish it were easier to make progress and the game lasted longer.  I'm not sure if anything I did was effective or not, it always seemed to end up a disaster.

Awesome.  Gonna try it again :)

Very cute.  Somehow the main character reminds me of Bocchi from Bocchi the rock.  Agree with the other commenter, I wish walk speed was faster.  Sometimes you know the solution but executing it takes a while.  Loved the art and the music.

(1 edit)

Nice jump feel, loved the double jump. It's hard to get out of being crushed once it starts. I guess maybe that's realistically what it's like to get rolled over :(  Overall really nice and simple concept.

Super cute. Great art and animations. Music was perfect.  I felt like sometimes the scales weren't registering my scraping(?) even when I was at full sharpness.  Overall very fun little game.