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A member registered Mar 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very interesting concept but very confunsing.

First, trasnform the trash and kill cards into something else. They aren't cards, they are a delete button. Make it obvious that they are special.

The people should have a distinction when they are already promoted.

And make the people and plans more visually distinct too, with to many cards its hard to tell quickly.

With a well made tutorial this game could be expanded a lot, it's very fun to play once you figure it out!

It took me i while to even see the nails in the first level and understand how to interact with them. Also being able to press down to pass to the lower plataform could help the feel - or change the sprite, that visual screams the kind of plataform that you can drop. Also the text area is way too big.

That being said, is very polished and its amazing that you managed to fit an boss fight there. Very fun game. I loved it!

the art is super funny and i really liked the overall concept of the game

the camera need some improvements. it moves too much up and down and you can't look down before dropping

with the concept of areas of damage, the ability to hold down to get low or fall quick could help a lot the feel and movement of the game.

and taking damage could be more obvious visually, i didn't realize i lost 2 heart one time.

overall a fun game with a cool concept and style!

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! I'll try to add a new scene for the the player to discover how to craft and drop items without the timer.

Hey! Just checking, did you figure it out that you can press 'E' or 'Shift' to drop the item you're holding? A lot of people that are struggling seems not to... Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you so much! You gave me a lot of ideas!

Like we discussed in discord, learning that you can drop items fixes some of those points. A lot of players aren't getting that, even with the text on the screen the whole game. A mini-tutorial could help i guess.

Different recipes and upgrades were on my to-do list, but i couldn't make it in time.

the web version? thanks for telling me, i haven't tested in linux yet

loved the look fr! could lean harder into that aesthetic.

i think that it would be more interesting to unlock weapons and upgrades in the run, not only in the main screen. is kind overwhelming the first time

idk if it was intentional for the bullets to curve tho!

overall very simple and fun experience, perfect for some quick play, i'd love to see some online version .io style

Thank you for playing in live! I'll play your game as soon as possible!

It's a very interesting suggestion. Some people also mentioned that the last step could be optional, so you could give dull swords, that do little damage, but can stall the enemies

I think i got stuck in the "What do you add to the tea?" screen

such a beatiful game, amazing paintings and really cool concept and story!

Thank you for the feedback! I really wish i had the time for a proper tutorial

Very fun concept and vibe! loved it

i've rated 65 games, and this is my favorite.

let's start my saying that the art is amazing. the color pallet is incredible, the icons and screen are on point. The music and sound effects are perfect, an the voice lines, omg. the controls are intuitive and the minigames are fun (i couldn't figure out how to beat the one where there's a circle jumping around tho). this game is amazing and more people should play it.

a couple of minor details that could improve it:

- add a pause button.

- add subtitles so more people can play it - meybe options in spanish and other languages.

- if i mess around with the camera i can see the head of the model lol

truly amazing!

i think that i used Q and E very little, maybe if there was narrow passages i could use them more. also you did use a lot of aviation terms that don't mean to much for most people an image or description could help with that overall it was a very cool concept and a very cool game. i'd play again easily with some adjustments

Very fun! it reminds me a lot of old browser games. Wish it had more endings already

super funny! with some polishing of the physics and some more items and variety it could go really far! 

i loved it!

the creatures designs are amazing! i do feel like the background could be improved with some simple changes, like not having 2 shades of blue (you can make all sea insted of seeing the sky in a top down game) and unifying the color pallet so it all feels like it belong together. some minigames could also be really nice to break the monotomy, like petting the pets or playing a game with them? or the pets could produce fertilizer? it's werid having to buy it

even so, i loved just seeing what each creature would transform into. very nice!

^ i wrote this without getting to the storm part. when i read in the comments i downloaded the game and played again. it still took a long time to get there, but maybe i wasn't making smart decisions with my money. but i'm glad i did, the atmosphere of the game is amazin! great work

it's very frenetic, but maybe that's the style.

you can go down and get stuck! and a sans-serif font and some background could help the aesthetics.

i really like the eyes following the movement and it's a very fun quick game

i think that you should either give the character more movement and make less enemies appear in each wave, or give the character a long range weapon. overall a very cool concept that could be expanded a lot

the art is amazing and i loved the concept

i just think that the enemies were to fast, and the aim kinda hard to control -i was just shotting down while they attacked me and hoping for the bes

overall a very cool concept that could be explored a lot given time

interesting concept and artstyle but the movements felt kinda off
i got stuck in the dishes minigame so it's just like real life

the game looks and sounds amazing. it's really impressive doing this with javascript and html.

i also loved the map, an amazing concept

my only problems is that the game feels to slow and could give some more information for the player as to what to do - what items should i store in the lighthouse etc

my mom said mine is the best

you're wrong, you see, how can yours be the best, when mine is?

Thank you so much! Your game is on my list to play yet!

I came back to finish later! Even with some falls the game is still very cozy, and the sound design is amazing

Just not the one you made!

Hey! If you're still looking for games to play, i'd love to hear what you think about my game!

It's overcooked-like game about a cat blacksmith trying to make swords to defend their village

that really helps! it must've broken my state verification somehow, thanks again for the feedback!

actually you got the true ending where the rats don't have the courage to attack you and surrender

nah, that's bug for sure, i hadn't come across that one yet, i'll try to reproduce and fix it for the post-jam patch! thank you so much for the feedback!

Thank you so much! Those were my 2 biggest inspirations for this game! For sure it'll need more balancing tho

a lot was cut from the scope so we could finish in time 😅 thank you!

I could see the second character but couldn't make the jump. Tried again and got stuck again :(

Thank you! I'll have to find a way to teach the player that via gameplay only

Thank you for the feedback! I did intend on having a station were you could spend ingots to regain health, but it wasn't ready in time. For sure i'll be rebalancing the game as soon as the jam is over, to have a more subtle curve.
If you want a tip, try putting a second iron ore in the furnace while you remove the first. This way, it should be ready to pick up as soon as you finish the first sword, allowing you to continue the loop without stopping.

Jacksmith! It was on my moodboard this whole week lol

I played A LOT of jacksmith this week to inspire this game lol