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Lukas Irzl

A member registered Jul 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really love the art style. Was it done digitally, or traditionally and scanned?
Overall, I love everything about this entry. Thank you so much for submitting this one.

The boss rush is definitely my favourite thing of the game jam. 10/10
It is super fun, challenging and you get to see cool bosses.

Congrats on beating the game! :)

Thank you so much for playing and your review! I am glad you enjoyed it.

The "Go to the next floor" is a bug ... ahem feature ... which I did not manage to fix until the deadline :D (and still wasn't able to find the issue, though). I will deal with that in later releases.
Also, the transparency issue with walls will be tackled for sure. It is one of the things I got accustomed to, but is a struggle nonetheless.

Regarding the ammo question: while the ammo type is random, you're more like to find ammo for your current equipped weapon. Something around 50% chance to find the "right" ammo.

Meeting the boss after having Satan rip off your health is brutal. But it's all about consequences, right? ;)

Thank you so much! :)

After killing a 3 hostages, instead of a shop you'll end up somewhere else. There you'll get a debuff (e.g. loose health, loose ammo, no more medkit drops, ...).

However, you'll find a cursed weapon in this place as well. While they are stronger, you also receive more damage (another consequence) after picking up a cursed weapon.

The music... I love that soundtrack! The art style is fun as well and reminds me of Binding of Isaac.

Despite I am being bad at the game, I had fun :)

Thank you so much for the kind words! :)

Yes, the shield is definiely too fantasy-ish. In the future I want to replace the shield with a proper one, like the swat shield you suggested. The idea with the corpse sounds super awkward and I love it. Will add it to the list :D

Thank you for playing my game! I am glad you like it :)

Yes, there definitely are consequences when killing hostages.

The narration and the audio overall is awesome. I absoluetly loved the music.

Seems like I unlocked easy mode by spam dodging in one direction, but I didn't mind. The dodge SFX was super satisfying.

Would love to see what you could do with this idea in more time. Keep it up! :)

You had me in he first half, not gonna lie.

I am glad you had fun playing :)

Your game is so much fun. The visuals are nice and the music is catchy.
Overall the game feels polished and has a great feel.

While I think the levels are a too long, others may enjoy the length. 

Definietly one of my favourites so far :)

The music is awesome. I really liked the vibe you were going with.

Regarding the gameplay I noticed a few things:
Unless I missed somehing, shooting in only 2 directions was a struggle in a survivor-style game. I wished I could shoot in more directions.
Also, I felt like the collisions of the enemies could be removed. In one attempt I ended up cornered between enemies and a wall and was not able to move. So I stood there and had to wait.

Apart from the things mentioned, I think you did somehting cool and make sure to keep up the good work! :)

Cool game :) The theme reminds me of my own game :D

The visuals are good and the music is fantastic. Keep up the good work!

I like the concept and the main character. The visuals and the music seemed nice. :)

One thing to think about is the readabiliy of the bullets. Maybe giving them more size and a different color would be beneficial. It was hard to see the bullets at times.

Also, is the main menu button broken upon dying?

The mechanic is definitely unique and sparked my interest.

Thank you for playing my game and the feedback! :)

To make the interactables more visible would be a great addition. Thank you for pointing that out.

Super fun game! I went all out on shoot speed and some health later on, and this seemed to be a great decision. I managed to defeat the boss on my 2nd or 3rd try.
The bullets are readable and the impact was satisfying.

Some background music or noise would make a great addition.

Keep up the good work! :)

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Cool game. I love the visuals, audio and the short, intense gameplay. :)

Also, you really nailed the theme, as there are consequences all over the place.

After 2 or 3 floors you'll end up in a shop where you can spend your earned money :)

I hope the game is not too hard, though.

I really dig the simple shapes and neon colors of your game. Together with the retro SFX it makes a cool and simple retro game.

Is there a reason for the camera zoom which depends on your position to the room? It took me way too many tries to figure the zoom thing out.

One thing I wished was in the game was a retry. Having to quit and start the game for each try takes away the flow.

Other than that I had fun and finished playing with a score of ~11k. :)

Thank you! :)

The sanity system is a great idea for the theme. I love the reaction when firing at the neutral NPCs.

I am impressed that you added intro cutscene in your game, I really like it. :)

Walking backwards would be a great addititon to the gameplay. As the bullets have collision, I tried shooting enemies by letting the bullets bounce of the walls. Then, in order to dodge the enemy bullets you could only move in one direction, if you want to maintain the angle. Or move in a different direction and loose the angle.

You could try to add more emphasis on impacts to improve the game feel/juice. (like adding screen shake and stuff)

Other than that, cool game and keep up the good work!

Hey there, please check out my game if you'd like to try a 90s action movie inspired shooter:

I'll definitely check out your game if you leave feedback :)

Thank you for playing the game :)
A majority of the time was spent on the sprites and art for sure, but it was worth it, I guess.

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Fun little game you did there - I got to level 19 on my first try. :)

What's the big dino for? I thought this to be a boss, but the gates opened after defeating the minions.

Maybe the bullets could be a bit bigger, or read better, and some screenshake would be good for the juice/feel.
The dungeon crawling aspect with the single rooms is fun. Just like Zelda 1 or Binding of Isaac.

Hi, thx for letting me know! I did not know, that there was an error with the build.

I uploaded a new demo just before. Hopefully, you won't encounter any problems this time. :)

Glad you liked the audio :)

Camera control should get some rework, right. Others also mentioned that.

I am still thinking about, how to add predictable enemy AI. It is hard to tell where they are going right now.

Right. A shader to render the sprites behind trees might help out.

The camera control was meant to gain an overview, where enemies are. However, it might be better to fix it at the player.

Thank you for playing! :)

Adding a foreseeable pattern might be a good idea, if I am going to work further on it. Also, some sort of UI would be nice.

First try is amazing, by the way :D

Astonishing for the short amount of time. I like the way you added forward movement with the left mouse button. ;)

The arrows or the impact could have been slightly more visual, because I wasn't able to see if I hit something, until it ran away.

I like the idea and it was pretty fun.

There's definitely the potential to make something great out of it, so be sure to continue the work. :)

Thank you! :)

Honestly, I am also not able to finish the game sometimes, as the second level gets pretty hard.

Cool game with awesome art!

Never played such a game before, so it was pretty interesting. :)

Please expand the game! :D

Hard game. But a fun game ;)

It is similar to my game. But instead of controlling the hunter, you control the animal :D

I love the art, by the way.

Glad you enjoyed it for a short time ;)

Yeah, there's still a lot of potential, I guess.

Thank you!

I appreciate it :D

Loot powerful and unique gear, fight your way through a variety of dungeons and slay the strongest bosses!

Battle Soul Memories

Battle Soul Memories

Key Features

  • Action!
  • Random dungeons!
  • Even more action!
  • Bosses!
  • Items!
  • Even more items!


Battle Soul Memories was heavily inspired by titles such as Diablo, Grim Dawn and The Binding of Isaac.

Battle Soul Memories features rogue-like dungeons, so every run-through is different and features new content. At the current phase, three stages are fully implemented, as well as a town.
Each stage features an unique boss, which may end the current run. Don't worry and try again. Eventually, you'll find better equipment, or stick with your skill - it's up to you!


You can try the game by checking out the Demo topic, which is provided on the main page, or by clicking this link right here:


Knight Combat

Knight Combat

Item Variations

(1 edit)

Hey there,

thank you so much for checking out Battle Soul Memories.

As a result of the last few days, I want to provide a short demo, which covers the very first stages. Give it a try and don't forget to leave a comment, if you liked or disliked it. I am glad for every feedback.

Demo Link:

Have a nice morning, day or evening! ;)

Regards, Lukas