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A member registered Jun 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wow, thanks for the feedback! Looking back it was a little foolhardy to try to do something like this in two weeks, for Pico-8, as a second ever jam (and second ever game). But hey, you live, you learn, and I did learn a fair bit. I do mean to come back to it at least enough to get it playable, and when I do I'll see about using shades for depth, because that is one thing that I often felt could be better but it worked just well enough as is that I moved on to other things that were more pressing.

You actually can leave the map screen, by pressing 'X'. Not the most intuitive or elegant solution, and I forgot to mention it on the project page, but I wanted to keep the Pico-8 system menu accessible, while still using the dedicated inputs for it to bring up my own custom pause screen with the map. It's another thing that coming back without the jam time pressure I'll want to see if I can do better.

Nice! The edge being a hard barrier would've made sense, too, but I think you're right this way's cooler.

What a neat little tactics game! I was disappointed to find that pushing enemies off ledges softlocks the game, but I really liked getting the three little dudes working together nonetheless.

Took me half a bloody hour. Couldn't walk away until I'd done it. That last section was really tough. What a beautiful, clever little game.

Thank you! This was Red's first time working with a tracker, and I think it came out really well!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! I agree the space is a bit cramped. We might do a pass on the level design for a post-jam polish update, but to a certain extent it's a consequence of choosing to make a single-screen arcade game on Pico-8's 128x128 display.

Thanks! We've been getting a lot of positive comments on our use of Pico-8, and I'm glad. It's such a cute little engine and it was fun to develop in.

Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you liked it! We made it with that kind of old arcade simplicity in mind. Quite a few people have mentioned the ghosts spawn killing them, and yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a simple fix. Planning to do an update after the voting is done.

Yeah, the ghost spawn kill is first on my list to fix for a post-jam update. Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

That was our inspiration haha. Our cat likes to sing in the hallway at night, and knocks stuff over when bored. Sometimes it seems like she's chasing something like a bug up into the blinds and we can't see what it is, so we just say it's a ghost.

I'm kind of terrible at stealth but I had a good time with this. You might be a little too much faster than the orcs when not carrying anything, but I liked using the sewer grates to get around while weighed down. Not sure about how well it fits the theme since it's more like "one floor" of a castle, with hallways between different spaces. But it's high marks everywhere else for sure.

Cool take on the theme. Bedroom stretched out into a hell hallway definitely feels appropriate to nightmares. I like that your weapon is a pillow, too. Combat did feel kind of squishy? If that's the right way to describe it, idk. Possibly the lack of sound effects was part of it. The music did fit the game real well, though.

You've noted that this is unfinished so I'll just try to comment on what's here. I like the kind of neon sign look, and the not-quite-pacman-ghost little jelly dudes. There doesn't seem to be any kind of a goal implemented yet, but from what I can gather it looks like you're meant to work together with the three little dudes to get around, since they each have a color they can't jump on. That's a cool concept. It's currently a little hard to get up on to any of the platforms, since the height of the jump vs. the platform height is a tight squeeze. It's also hard to remember which key switches to which dude - some kind of indicator of which one you're controlling would go a long way.

I'd love to see this fully fleshed out. If you post a finished version of this after the jam I'll definitely check it out.

I love the look. Like 1-but but with a splash of color. Bit of a downwell vibe I think, and I mean that as a compliment. I like simple, sort of meditative arcade-style score chasers like this, too. I could probably sit here and play this for ages but there are too many other jam entries to check out haha. Even if the space is a little abstract for me to see it as a "room", I think you did a good job trying to fit the themes of two different jams.

Very cool! Love the way the story is told in little increments, and the moving back and forth through time. Game crashed when I got the bad ending, and I agree with everyone who says that arrows+space+mouse is an awkward control scheme. But I found it compelling enough to replay for the true ending, and that's the real test of a game like this. Good job.

Very creepy and uncomfortable. That eye, jeez. I did have it freeze once when getting up from the computer and another time when locking the door. Possibly because I was playing in browser. Very impressive overall, though and I really think it nailed how claustrophobic and oppressive a single room, even a familiar, one can become in the right context.

Like the concept, love the art. Never really felt like I was under any pressure or in real danger. I assume colliding with divers would have cost me a life but they were slow and predictable enough that it was always easy to avoid. When I was exploring I also found it pretty easy to outrun the camera and had to keep stopping short to avoid rushing off screen. But otherwise it was good. Controls felt responsive, and I liked the way the divers got inkier and inkier as you hit them to show their "health".

Whoah! There's something beautiful about a good snappy airdash. This is really, really good. Literally the only note I have is that it feels like a stretch of the theme. But it's a fantastic, well polished, clever little game.

Glitch aesthetic tied into fun variations to the mechanics that change the context of the single level on each loop, tight controls, a nice energetic little musical loop that doesn't get old over the short duration of the game, great art and animation. This one's the complete package.

Glitch aesthetic tied into fun variations to the mechanics that change the context of the single level on each loop, tight controls, a nice energetic little musical loop that doesn't get old over the short duration of the game, great art and animation. This one's the complete package.

Yeah the platform spacing could use some tuning, but because of how pico-8 does map tiles I'd have to make a sizeable change to the collision code in order to do a less than 8 pixel offset, and there wasn't time. I also agree there should be a grace period on ghost spawn. I'm probably going to do an update post-jam to try to polish things up a bit.

Thanks so much! Pico-8 is actually really fun to work with. I'd encourage you to try it out if you like its style.

Very clean and polished, nice core mechanic. Some sound effects would have been good, and the levels were a little easy, but I think they did a good job showing off the conceit of the game. Congrats on getting this out there on your own in a weekend.

Everything is on fire and I'm having a ball. Very cool.

Empty arcade is such an aesthetic. I love it. The early 90s carpeting really got me. I uh, did manage to softlock the game playing "Brickout". The ball went into the wall and got slowed down a lot, and then stopped completely after hitting a couple of bricks.

But good use of theme, and good way to get mileage out of a handful of simple mechanics. Very nicely done.

Love the intro. Very cool take on a wave based game. Really took some getting used to the physics, felt excellent to fall into a good zombie killing rhythm.

Love the intro. Very cool take on a wave based game. Really took some getting used to the physics, felt excellent to fall into a good zombie killing rhythm.

Love the intro. Very cool take on a wave based game. Really took some getting used to the physics, felt excellent to fall into a good zombie killing rhythm.

I've seen platformers use your own pathing against you before, but this really taking it to extremes. Very cool. Only having like a second or so to start moving at the start or after a respawn was kind of a pain; maybe that kind of pressure was intended but it would be easier to take things in and plan if the clones didn't start moving/spawning until you move from your spawn. It's a pretty well-crafted puzzle as is.

This is really cute, and I like the idea, but having to figure out what works and what doesn't by pure trial and error was frustrating.

Aww, I like this one a lot. Gameboy aesthetics tug on my heartstrings, and I love a good puzzle platformer. I ran into a little finickyness interacting  with the gameboy the first time. Got stuck and had to reload to get it to work. Might be a browser thing, I don't know. Took me a minute to realize only left shift would work to change carts, as well.

But yeah, really solid all around. Nice take on the theme, cool core mechanic, good art, good music, good "hup" sound.

What a good little game! Lovely art and music, nicely polished, and really resonates with the tiny apartment life XD

Nice! As someone who both loves shmups and is terrible at shmups, I got wrecked and had a good time doing it, so yeah, well done! I thought at first that the kind of quirky staccato movements were going to bug me but they're great actually.

Ah, I'm sorry, I try to finish games before offering feedback but after several minutes of trying I couldn't get the hang of the jump enough to get out of the little starting section and I had to give up. There are some pretty tight jumps in there for how finicky the controls are.

I like the lanky space dude and I think the kind of jetpack-jump thing is cool, I just found it too slippery for some of those one-block platforms.

Good game! I'm a little torn because I dislike simon says puzzles and had to do the ones at the start twice because I died, but that's just personal taste. It was all very well put together, and that last fight with the minotaur was pretty tense.

I like these kinds of space management puzzles, and the dialogue with the portraits and the corkboard background is charming. I only wish there were one or two more puzzles, but I can't really fault that for a jam.

I'll have to check it out after the jam, then. In its current state it was making me motion sick. Love the art, though.

Ah, yeah, that kind of thing is hard to gauge without playtesting because you just get used to how it all is. Now that I know that I'll try to come back and finish it later when I have time. I'm trying to get to as many jam games as I can right now.

Pretty hard to see at times, and I kept getting a message about needing a controller when interacting with the TV screen. It didn't seem to affect anything though.

Tossing furniture around to find clues is something I wish I could do in irl escape rooms.

This is in fact what having a cat is like.