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A member registered Jan 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yes, the game's web page is almost always open to modify since it doesn't affect the actual game in any way.

Thanks!  And yes it's procedural, just a basic ik setup though.

Amazing job with the polished visuals and really cool bosses!  I love how unique all the bosses and environments are.  I think the fov do with being a little higher but that's a minor gripe.  Also I'm not sure if it's a bug or just not intentional but after being knocked down a few times from the animal charges to the center pole the boss would stop coming down, which I feel is a missed opportunity to get past that phase faster as a hidden shortcut.  Besides that the bosses felt really well balanced and never felt like they were bullet sponges.  

Thanks for the feedback!  I had tried linking the player rotation to the truck rotation completely but I found it a lot harder to aim when you also have to turn to dodge attacks, but I do need a way to better let the player know the truck's orientation.  The music was a race against the clock but I'm glad the sound effects turned out well.

I’m glad you liked it!  There are audio cues for both hitting and getting hit but the audio isn’t balanced well so it’s a bit too subtle at the moment, but I definitely need to add some more visual cues in the future.  As for the controls, I wanted to add a tutorial but I ran out of time, I do regret not putting some text in game at least.  Thanks again for the feedback!

Very polished all around and a lot of fun with friends, especially with how easy it is to just straight up get started.  The bosses all felt fair and challenging besides their health which was definitely too much, at least in 4 player lobbies.  Another thing is that the items and especially the stat boosters don't feel that powerful or game changing. A small thing is reducing the knockback on the sword since I was given all the attack speed boosts from my friends but I was only landing half the attacks because the knockback.  Besides those minor nitpicks you guys did a great job and I would definitely buy a full release version of this in a heartbeat.  

The music and visual seemed pretty polished and the controls felt really tight.  The first boss felt really well tuned but even after so many tries I could only get the second one down to around 10% at best.  I think the projectiles are just a tad too fast and different boss states come after one another too quickly that it feels unfair.  Besides that, the game is very enjoyable and the exchange theme is done really well though and not being forced to be near the weapon to pick it up at the cost of uptime is a well designed mini tradeoff. 

I'm glad you liked.  While the boss only takes a little over a minute to kill if you hit all your shots with the ak and half that with the rocket launcher, it was tuned before it could attack so it's definitely too tanky now and it for sure needs more clear health indicators but unfortunately I didn't have the time to create clear phases.  Thanks again for the feedback!

I liked the art and overall polish of the game and how much easier the level is after your first try where you map everything out.  The owl seemed a tad sporadic but the lizard felt a lot more fair since it gave just enough time to dodge any attacks.  Only complaint was getting stuck against walls and then getting hit.  Overall nice job!

Really cool central mechanic, glad you didn't cap the speed based damage so with a well timed throw you can one shot them.  Besides the last bird it felt scary in those close calls with just enough time to escape.  I would have maybe liked slightly larger box grab hit boxes especially when zoomed out, and smoothen out the slow motion but besides that it felt well made.

Thanks! I do kinda want to keep working on it, though more turn based.

Thanks!  I followed this thread which is basically painting the vertex of a model and using a shader to smooth it out.  I couldn't really find a way to make splats or decals work on an transparent bridge so I just went with a black bridge against a black void.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but I think I would go with texture painting next time.

Spoiler:  You need to wait a little or get far enough and they replace the regular disks (shot with 1, 2 or 3)

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Thanks, I spent a lot of time on the look!  I forgot to mention reloading in the opening dialogue but you can reload by pressing r.

It was originally supposed to be color picker from a color triangle but I ran out of time for that.  You can just enter 255 in one to bypass it though.

Thanks!  Maybe something like a circle of particles whenever you hit something that shows the radius.

Really nice graphics and audio (especially the music).  And the UI is really clean.  Maybe after the final upgrade for fire rate you can hold it down since you need to click constantly.  

Thanks a lot, I'm really happy people are still playing!  I might, but the main game music has a lot of silence (about half of it).  Maybe the probably music though. 

Thanks!  I had a hard time deciding what to do for the theme and limitation so I felt the focus on juice and art was a better idea.

Thanks, I've tried using blender before but I could never understand it, I would definitely give more of the credit to the tutorials though lol.  I'm glad you liked it!

Pretty fun, unfortunate you ran out of time to add a tutorial since it would help to know what things do at the start.  Really cool and fun overall!

It took a while to finish some stuff fix some bugs and build but it is finally up.

Pretty fun and a really nice color choice.  I think some preset randomly chosen levels could make for some cool variety.  Pretty well polished overall though, nice job!

I would have liked to put in some sound effects and some more polish overall but ran out of time due to some game breaking bugs that needed to be fixed.

Thanks, unfortunately we ran out of time to put a couple messages in that could help get players started.

Wasn't able to beat it in the video but I got a very close time.

How do you even pull it off lol

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This is the fastest one I've done legit so far.  I'll get a video of it soon

Video of similar time

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I'm sorry lol -- Are glitches allowed?

Had to secure #1...

The platforming feels much better with that update.  

Thanks, I love how it came out too!

Thanks, I'm working on a bigger version that fixes the bugs (not allowed moves have been fixed) and adds in the rogue-lite element.  I'm glad you saw the theme connection!

Thanks!  There's a lot to add for the future.

Cool  game, the art and sounds are great.  I think the shooting should just be left or right instead of requiring to click on the enemy.  I wish jumping could let you avoid the enemies.  The out of bullets thing was really cool for me.  Overall a nice simple game, just needs a bit more stuff.

Really fun and the sounds and art is very well done!  The physics is fun too watch but I think the soup falls a little too fast.  Overall great game!

Very nice art, and the music is really good as well.  Lots of bugs though especially on the second level, mainly clipping through the ground, or sliding off a cloud or getting stuck against one.  Overall pretty cool though and the movement, besides the bugs, feels fun.

I’m glad you liked it!  I too love chess like games.  A lot of time was spent fixing bugs so I plan on working on some extra polish and features after the jam ends.