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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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The trick is to use the increased turning of the non-malfunctioning direction to turn corners. You know, if there's a left turn and the left turning is malfunctioning, you start turning right until you face left, and can continue driving forward. I wanted it to be a bit of a risk/reward thing; do you fix your turning now and risk losing time and getting a malfunction at an inconvenient time, or continue driving but with only one direction available?

I do admit that the game may be a bit overly difficult, though. I didn't have time to test it properly lol.

(1 edit)

There are instructions on the games' description that explains what the buttons do exactly. I admit that they should've been included in the game itself, but I unfortunately ran out of time. If I could've worked with the game longer, I would've also added unique names for coins and fixed the counter going below zero. Next time I'll start my game a bit earlier, so I can polish it for longer.

You're right about the font. I had time to pick a better one, but I just picked it because it was CC0 lol

(also you seemed to have posted the same comment twice)

Right you are, my mistake! I was supposed to write 4, but I seemed to have wrote 3 instead. If I understood correctly, there is one for hitting the spaceship, one for hitting the earth, one for hitting both and one for hitting neither.

It's hard to write much about this game, as there's only like 3 things I can do. I get that narrative games are as long as their content is, and that 2 days isn't a lot of time to make a game with lots of content, so I'll give you props for trying.

If you do update this to be something bigger, maybe something could happen if I go over the earth and suddenly smash into it, or if I crash into the earth first and then into the spaceship?

This game is almost impossible to beat without cheating! But the boss was fun, even when I was cheating. Because I couldn't shoot when I was hit, it was a fun challenge to bet the boss quickly. It wasn't about if I could do it or not, as I literally couldn't die, it was about how fast I could do it.

I found it annoying how I sometimes just couldn't move vertically and sideways to dodge enemies, but I think I can guess why this is; This is actually a vertically scrolling shooter, like Xevious, where the players movement is limited to a box. However, instead of having the view of the camera imply where the "box" is, the camera is attached to the player and the "box" is invisible. I suppose it's fine to remind everyone why designing the camera to show where the player can move has been a staple for 40 years now :p

Oops, I should've noticed that thing with starting prices. Maybe I'll fix that later.

Ah, if  only there was more time to add those, the gamejam curse. Maybe if I do work on it later...

Since you did ask nicely, I'll look at your game :)

The voice of the "statue" is me saying "AMOGUS" :D

Those tornadoes were quite tricky to avoid, until I realised that I could just fly over them lmao.

SPOILER: Can't believe Mr. S died :(

Making a game for 4 jams at once must not be easy! 

I accidentally crashed my first ship into the dock while trying to get to the fishes and I couldn't buy another one, as I had no fish :D

I wish the ships would move just a bit faster or have an option to speed up. Waiting for them to get to where I wanted them was tedious!

I see, I thought I explained decently. Battles are basically like pulling straws. You get as many "straws" (aka chances to win) as you have mercenaries, and the enemy gets as many "straws" as they have mercenaries. So if you have 8 mercs and the enemy has 2 mercs, you have an 8 out of 10 chance to win.

English is not my first language, so I understand if I didn't explain it well enough. How should I have explained it in the game instead?

Quite fun! I would've liked if every game was controlled with mouse for conveniences’ sake and I also found the graphics lacklustre, but they work.

I liked what I saw so far. Shame that the null-bug exists, though.

Was fun, but getting the secret upgrade (whatever it is) is a pain! I get around a 100-150 money before I run out of oxygen, and I got to about 600 gems before I gave up. It's a fun game loop, but I wish the expedition was a bit faster paced.

+respect to anyone who makes a 3d game for a gamejam. That said, the game was quite easy. Not sure if it ramps up later or something, but if it did, I got bored before that happened lol.

That was quite fun! I liked a lot how the mechanics and systems were used to tell a story.

SPOILER: Quite ironic that the humans brought their own doom by feeding the fish.

The controls of the ship were surprisingly realistic, which I am a fan of. Shame there was no ending, now the poor seaman has to wander the brine for all eternity :(

Aye, it's alright.

There wasn't a need for all those buttons for crouching or running, as there wasn't a situation where I needed to crouch and no situation where I would not want to run. The hit detection on the problems were quite small, and I would get a bit frustrated when it didn't register a hit, even though I pointed very close to it. Finally, not sure if the ending opens after some time has passed or if I fix enough things, because if it's on a timer, there's not much room to improve once you get to the end.

Kinda wish there was more challenge in it! I made like 30 coffees until I got bored, so I just let the errors arrive, but it seems like you can't really "lose" in the game.

The "object slows down if you're close to it" thing is an intuitive, yet surprisingly versatile mechanic, and the first world shows it off well. The burgers did nothing when collected...and that's great! It's fun to collect things for the sake of collecting them, it doesn't have/need to be anything more than that. I also liked the title/end screen art. Overall, I did have fun with it.

If you are looking to improve it, here's my gripes with it: The second world is kinda lame, as the optimal play is to just wait until the walls turn off and the in-game visuals in general are kinda ugly.

Original idea, I give you that! 

The music was fine, it fit the mood nicely. Not sure if I just didn't hear any sound effects or if there were any sound effects at all. As the game is about pushing buttons and sliders, it would've been great if there was some audio feedback when pressing, hovering or releasing buttons.

'T was alright, I liked the astethic, as it reminded me of Tinker Knight's stage from Shovel Knight, but I ragequit at the level where you have to use a gear to push a box into a button over a lava pond. Every time I tried the level, the box either got stuck on the scaffolding in a way where I had no other choice but to push it in lava, or it just fell in the lava! I knew what to do, I just couldn't get the game to do what I wanted :(

That was surprisingly fun! Although running all the way to the seat got a bit tedious, it was overall great.

When I played it, there was this one moment where I almost died by falling into spikes, but managed to save myself by quickly shooting a rocket! While the presentation is a bit simple, the gameplay was quite fun!

Could I ask if there is a victory condition in this game? I got the ball into both of the goals, punched both robots a lot, reset the game multiple times in case there were bugs, but nothing in the game seems to be confirming or denying that I'm doing anything right or wrong. Is this by design?

The booty alone makes this game fantastic


Wow, that last password really did piss me off! Those pesky symbols used their AOE attack while all my letters rushed in and they got wrecked. Making my password longer or adding capital letters just delays the inevetable, as symbols are simply more powerful than letters. I had to grind a while to get more sybols and letters.

If this isn't the best way to prove a point with gameplay, I don't know what is. Good job!

Wow, this was great! I enjoyed the puzzles, but I didn't like that it switched controls often, as it got in the way of solving the puzzle. you got a great idea on your hands!

It took me a while to figure out that this seems to be a color-matching puzzle. You know, blue units seem to go for blue minerals, red units to red, etc. It's a unique idea, I hope you get to refine it better someday!

This was a really great puzzle, I am impressed!

That was pretty fun! Thanks for the "Quick-switch" button, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to play this on my 7 year old laptop, because it ran kinda bad and I don't have a mouse :D

Wow, this was very fun!

Kinda wish there was a way to change the speed manually, in addition to the randomizer, as it's quite tedious to wait for the platforms to change color.

You get some point for the storyline, it's not everyday you see a game featuring Greenland!

What a unique, shek-cellent game! Who knew mashing your key- i mean writing, could ever be this fun?

That was a fine game! That final level (spoiler alert!) sure was taking the theme literally :p

This was quite fun! Fuel managment adds a surprising layer to it.

Thanks for enjoying it! I was running out of time and rushing things so much, I forgot to explain what the win condition was :D