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Canoparia Games

A member registered Sep 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Excellent game! Lots of polish. I completed it in about 17 minutes.

Thank you! Yes, there were a lot of features that were left out due to not being MVP, they might appear in a future game, so I don't want to spoil :)

Excellent on all counts! What you have here is a complex but fine-tuned set of card games with superb production quality. This is absolutely worthy of publishing on Android or Steam.

Nice work, reminded me of hollow knight, but the backgrounds remind me of Terraria. Control scheme could be improved, but well done!

Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately the indicators didn't quite make it into the game but they would have helped so much. And yes there were lots of opportunities to cheese the enemies.

I will try your game tomorrow when I am able!

Thank you for the feedback! The combat is kind of janky, yes. The worst bit is the lack of indicators for ability cooldowns. I have a lot of useful feedback for next time I make a game like this.

Thank you! I will try your game tomorrow when I am able.

Thank you for the feedback! And congrats on performing so well in the jam!

Indeed, the font and resolution that were chosen don't work together at all. The font is large and blurry, and fixing one only makes the other worse. One solution is just to use a more suitable font, though it would ideally be serif because of the medieval gothic theme. An alternative is having two resolutions, one for the UI and one for the gameplay,  like Celeste does.

There are two things I would change about the attack animation, I would make it a lot faster and also add an arc of light. The running animation seemed OK to me, though it should not play while jumping.

Thank you! I've played and rated your game too. It's really good!

(1 edit)

Perfect theme interpretation. I completed the game, and I was surprised by how well you managed to make this game mechanic work!

In the dominoes level, I was able to manipulate the dominoes before dropping the weight, by playing with the sliders. That level also took me a fair few tries while all the other levels were quite easy.

Thank you! I will play and rate your game when I have time tomorrow.

Thank you for playing, and giving compliments and feedback! 

Interesting to know about the controller. I tested it using an Xbox controller but not Dualshock, Godot seemed to think the key mappings would work fine for Dualshock, but I will need to actually buy one to test games in future.

I will play and rate your game but I have to do it on my laptop, so tomorrow.

Thank you for playing! Yes, it seems that players have found a lot of creative ways to get at enemies with the sword instead of using the abilities. The abilities synergise to let you quickly take down the big demons but not many people have got the knack of this, instead they prefer whittling away at the demons' health from -just- out of range!

I was worried you'd be annoyed because you spent so much time putting the game together and I'm just reducing it to a 2 minute experience! It's really worth it to go into such a game blind, and enjoy it at one's own pace. If it takes 30 minutes or two sessions to find everything, so be it.

(3 edits)

Lovely game, beautiful art! You obviously spent a lot of time and effort making this.

This doesn't quite do it justice, but here is an any% speedrun of your game in 2:19:

Thank you, I've now completed the game. Well done! Unfortunately I had the same issue as Xentios where the final boss fight occurred and the game ended before I managed to find the 3rd scale.

(3 edits)

Level 3 seems impossible for me because the purple platforms are too far apart even with a double jump. I struggle with the camera a bit too.Apart from this, fun game and I like the music! I am using an Xbox controller and the web-based version of the game.

Really fun game! Well done! I wish there were more levels.

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Amazing game! Gameplay and level design is really well thought-out.

The music really hits hard when it first starts. I was really digging it. The only negative is that it kept going at the same pace and it started to get old.

I love the pixel art and animation, it's superb. Much better than I could do in my game.

Theme interpretation is solid.

I'm tired so I'll probably come back to this game tomorrow but it's really good.

(4 edits)

Lovely simple game. I have played a minigame very similar to this before and found the idea intuitive. I got 32 seconds and I'm quite happy with that 21.5 seconds and I would really appreciate a quick-restart button at this point!

I'm pleased that you let us un-invert the controls in the settings because I couldn't handle the default. But once it was set the way I'm used to, I found it easy to slow down and speed up on all the right bits.

Some music may have been nice.

I haven't tried the multiplayer aspect but that seems really interesting.

Really good work interpreting the theme and turning it into viable gameplay!

I found the voiceover talking while there was a page of text a bit jarring.

(of course there is someone in the leaderboard with a score of 0 haha)

Well in hindsight my "review" just looks really patronising now. I'm the kind of person who would play God of War for 2 days and then go "yeah it shows potential" lol

I think I might have got the record. Lovely game!

High score 502, it was quite interesting!

I have no idea if you'll get around to this comment ( you made a big commitment! ) but here's my link: https://matt-rule.itch.io/justicars-scales

(1 edit)

Good game, I didn't quite make it to the part where you scale, because the platforming was too hard for me, but that's just me. I worked out how to long jump and high jump but I always struggle with consistency in these games. Nice that you have finished the game and have a well-polished result, be proud!

Well done with producing such a well-rounded game! Sound and graphics are good quality, though I have a personal dislike for the red character (but that's just me!) The platform physics seems a little off, I was able to jump up a block where it seemed I shouldn't have been able to, and in other places it wouldn't let me jump off the edge of a platform, which makes me think this was done in Godot, because my game had the exact same issue.

I got stuck with the door at the top surrounded by rows of spikes, I would like to try different things to proceed but every failure would mean a 5-minute delay as I get both characters to the top again and remember the sequence in which they have to progress so I decided to stop there.

But on the whole this is a great game!

This is like Ratchet and Clank with Synthwave.

Gameplay: Pleasant movement, weapons, animations, everything felt clean. You have to look around a lot because enemies can sneak up on you. Cons: Enemies move towards you in a straight line and there's no variety in their attacks. The weapons feel nice to use and responsive, but I would prefer being able to experiment with different weapons and switch back and forth at will rather than having... the computer... dictate it for me. One of the tanky enemies managed to properly corner me so I couldn't move, but its attacks weren't connecting and I just shot it to pieces.

The final boss was a hilarious surprise. It was really tough though. I barely managed to defeat it.

Graphics: Textures are clean and animations are superb. Having all these enemies waddle towards me like ducklings is funny.

Audio: The synthwave music is gorgeous. The sound played on picking up gears is even more satisfying than the one Ratchet and Clank uses somehow.

Overall a delight to play.


What's around the corner?


I did discover the "retry button" by the way and that you have to press it before the screen shake, that was what helped me complete the game.

(2 edits)

The timer + screen shake is a bit brutal but here we go 😎

I was just thinking, how did you design those 3D textures, covering the inside of the fruits the whole way through? And how are you measuring the mass of an arbitrary 3D shape? What sorcery is this?!

Ah well knowing that I have to try again now don't I? 😎

Thank you for the kind words and feedback! One of the early tutorials was meant to block progress until the player works out how to use the scales, but you can just skip it by attacking the dryad through the wall, which is not intended. I agree the combat system had a few bits lacking. A dodge or block was initially planned but I didn't have time to fit it in.

I'll check out your entry now :)

(1 edit)

Nicely polished, Really satisfying gameplay until you lose and then it's frustrating. I got the hang of it and got quite far, I thought, then suddenly there was a super short timer, I had to move 5 items over, the alarm started playing and I had to start over. I don't know if I got very far in the game.

The physics-based gameplay is unique and really well polished considering how different it is. And having fruit go flying everywhere is funny.

In future I would prefer a web version.

Anyway, good game and well done!

(3 edits)

I didn't have any issues with the game freezing. In case it helps, I am running the game on Windows 10 and I have a GTX 1650

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Thank you for the feedback! (your game is really good btw, everyone should play it!)

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I love this!

Died a few times early on but I'm familiar with bullet hell games and won stage 5 after a few minutes.

Gameplay is superb. The music fits too. Compared with other games in this jam, this is very well polished. I really can't find much to fault. If anything, I wonder if you could introduce more variety in the enemies because there are only two types, add more levels (maybe 30 levels), ramp up the difficulty slower  and don't end the game instantly when someone gets caught but maybe reset them to the start of that level (or make them play 5 levels then give them a checkpoint?).

These are just ideas though and the game is great as-is, absolutely solid.

First of all, congrats on hitting the deadline! It's clear you put a lot of hard work in, but you possibly ran into scoping issues.

Mixed themes like this can and do work, but it takes a lot of skill to pull them off. Where this could be improved is the theme of the presentation, the vibe jumped straight from "quiet workshop" to "nature documentary".

The workshop scene is about just following instructions and once you understand the instructions, it's easy to get 95% or more on all metrics. However, you demonstrate skill with putting a 3D scene together and polishing it, and the task / controls are intuitive.

The battle scene is where I realise that this game's scope was enormous for a month game jam and it was going to be a lot more than what we see. Potentially a JRPG alongside the workshop gameplay loop?

I would suggest, don't give up, do more jams! Next time, choose fewer themes (or a single theme),  pick a main menu plus one gameplay scene, work out how resolve scoping issues early on and avoid scope creep because when crunch time arrives, all that time you think you had disappears (even on its own, a single game idea always has more aspects than anyone can predict).

In all, this was an admirable effort and a lot of hard work, well done! Sorry for the wall of text.

Nice work, congratulations on hitting the deadline, I read your comment about a conflict when trying to push the project!

Thank you for the feedback, I'll check out your game after work! :)

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I love this gif. I don't know why but to me it's delightful seeing the variety of creative cheese/exploits people have found, like attacking the first aggressive dryad through the walls instead of using the scales on her, or backtracking infinitely to restore health at the checkpoint.

The big demons are possible by using the scales + hourglass to reset onto the platform or just jumping on their heads after an attack.

Thank you for the feedback, I'll check out your game after work :)