This is a really great idea, I'm not sure whether I've played anything quite like this before. The game play is a perfect balance between spot the difference and reaction speeds. Looks great too!
Matt Ravenhall
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There's a really interest mechanic here, and it all looks great. The controls are little tricky, often I would throw myself rather than an enemy and some level starts were insta-deaths (enemies shouldn't be able to spawn too close to you). But that's all just a case of refining what seems like a solid core game. Nice work!
Really awesome atmosphere, and I love the idea - though it would be nice to know where the ship's problem is rather than having to find it manually. On my first go I timed out on day one as I opened the engine room door!
Also found a possible bug on a later playthrough: I opened the computer screen at the top of the ship and everything froze? Perhaps I just missed something?
Great job over all!
Thanks for the super detailed feedback!
Under-the-hood skillchecks mostly depend on your team's skill set (a few are straight-up luck). E.g. if something spooky happens, you might have a resilience check against the team member whose resilience is the lowest. Or if you're trying to operate the mining laser, that's an education check against your highest education crew member. If your crew are red for all stats, you're gonna have a bad time.
I went back and forth on how much to reveal what a decision would do, and settled on having subtle hints in the text rather than something like a difficulty icon (mostly because of limited time to be honest!). For a future version, I'd probably add a simple visual indicator that shows whether a decision is luck-based, an easy fitness check, a hard survival check etc. The intention is definitely to be more about resource and skill management (and crew management) than bad luck. Ultimately, it's about creating stories (some of which end up with your crew going crazy or being blown up).
You're also correct that I intentionally leaned towards more difficult and punishing outcomes given the theme and the limited time that people have to check out games during this phase. A more developed version of Extraction would probably have longer missions that gradually change in difficulty over time.