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Zanimljiv koncept. Možda bi radio bolje u multiplayer okruženju, jer ima malo "Squid Game" šmeka. Dobra grafika. Ja nisam ljubitelj kombinacije izometrijske perspektive sa WASD kontrolama, jer se nešto što je suštinski krst (ili okrenuto slovo T) mapira na nešto što je okrenuto za 45 stepeni, ali u ovako brzim partijama ne pravi problem. Dobra grafika, fino ispeglano, dobar Game Jam naslov. Veliki pozdrav za Dream Team ekipu :)
You are right on the visual thing. I did plan to change the dice model with the one I built for this game, but something went wrong (the model used in the first phase had faces randomly stamped, and the opposite sides didn't add up to 7) so I panicked and went to correcting the model in place instead of fixing my model and swapping it. As for the rest, I would also do it differently if I did it again.
I think the main issue with yours controls compared to others is that people in left-to-right reading countries perceive up and right as "up" and not up and left (i could have sworn there is a Poynter institute article describing this, but I cannot find it), and this makes the number of errors go up a bit. Scott Klemmer calls this category of UX problems a "mapping issue". In the old times where 3d camera was not a choice, game devs often solved this by making sure there is a clear "face" and "tail" to the character you are moving, and that the "face" always faces up, but I would suggest you try to solve the issues and at least try mouse control (having ground as a separate layer and raycasting only against that, with highliting tiles on hover will help, if not solve the issue).
It is not a game-breaking issue, don't get me wrong, just something that made me make a couple of mistakes, so my daily job as a UX consultant started creeping in the conversation. Great game and a very nice effort.
I really appreciate how much you've done in 48 hours. My hackathon experience is a bit angry at you for accepting a "build a factorio-like game in two days" challenge. This features nice and simple graphics, the building mechanics work as intended, and what you've built works fine, but understandably lacks polish. Very nice effort. I have a feeling this would have a potential to be a top contender if this was a game jam with a 7 or 14 days limit.
Is this... my game, just 2d? No, a different game, but I was scared for a bit when I first looked at it. I like the simple aesthetic, reminds me a bit of "Into the Breach". There has been quite a few games with a very similar idea, some of them looking more polished, but I very much appreciate two things about yours.
- The puzzles are very cleverly designed. From the get go, they are a fair, but tough nut to crack.
- You went for the isometric perspective, but rightly chose not to allow player to move with arrow keys or WASD, instead allowing them to click on tiles to move to them. A lot of games made WASD controls that do not map to the isometric grid (which, in turn, allows you to see 3 sides of a die, allowing you to calculate the other three). I personally went for a "behind the dice" perspective, allowing players to rotate the camera with Q and E, when the isometric perspective felt wrong.
Good job. Even though it feels simple, with no animations, you made up for that with very right choices when it came to user experience. Much appreciated.
Very clever concept where you have to think, anticipate and plan your every move. I like the graphics very much, but I've found it difficult to use the WASD controls on the isometric grid (got confused which button is which direction too often) if you insist on keeping the perspective, perhaps make the player move by clicking/tapping on the fields. Good game, nonetheless. Great job.
What a nice example of how taking a simple, not hard to develop idea and then doing it well and polishing it to perfection makes for an amazing game jam entry. The game feels punchy. The movement feels tight and just right, and the difficulty accelerates perfectly. It felt like I was playing Doom Eternal, but 2d. And with dice. And all in a same room. And nothing like Doom Eternal...
Amazing job!
A very nice, but very hard, game. I've had great time playing it. I think that having a mechanic that would make you invulnerable for a bit longer and push the enemies away from you when you get hit would take the game to another level of enjoyment, as sometimes, in some places, it feels like one hit is the end.
Good job!
Nice concept. As someone who made a game with a very similar look and feel , I appreciate some things you went for. Pointing to the number on the side without me having to rotate the camera is very appreciated. I also like that you managed to implement slopes as a puzzle mechanic. I thought about it during the jam, then just decided that having switches and bridges is enough, and went on to pretty up the graphics instead.
If anything, I would drop the isometric camera angle. It forces player to remember, and not instinctually feel, which button moves the die in which direction.
Nice tutorial section, also. Great job implementing this in 2 days.
Very nice concept. Even though our games look very different, the concepts are pretty similar. If you choose to develop this further, I would suggest some UX changes that I think helped the feel of what I did when I implemented them.
More than anything, bring the concept of the reference die closer to the player. I've found my eyes darting left (to the player) and right (to the reference die) a lot when doing the movement math. If you could make it happen all in place (perhaps by highlighting a field you can go to in each direction, and maybe go a step further allowing the user to calculate the next move from that field (i hope the image explains it). This would make for a much more direct movement experience.
Good job on completing this in 2 days. I've had fun trying to collect coins.