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A member registered Aug 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice game! I found myself liking a lot about the game, especially:

  1. the variety of obstacles there are, I think the fact that you have the option to break or open a lock is cool!
  2. The game isn't linear, meaning you can easily choose your own path, and decide whether you want to break a door, pick an alternative door, or stick around to unpack some items.
  3. the pits are a nice option for an alternative path, with the consequence of taking damage of course.
  4. being able to shoot objects while being blocked by rubble/ a pit.
  5. G  U  N  S  !  !  !  !  !

I did get a couple of goofy moments in some of my runs, some of them being bugs, others being luck, like:

-having a bandage on the floor vanish when i used one thats in my inventory

- have a locker block a lock thats on a door

- I also was able to escape on my 2nd/3rd room on one of my runs (pretty lucky ig).

-I did get a small jumpscare from the audio being a bit too loud lol, had my volume set a bit higher than the usual after watching a youtube video and the sfx that plays when booting up the game caught me off guard.

overall, I had a lot of fun playing and I did a couple of runs to explore the game a bit better. I like the effort you've put into this entry, great job!

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I really like how well the color pallet works with the art! The game is simple enough to be able to quickly learn how to play the game. I also like how the snake can basically eat itself while chasing you. I appreciate that the snake can relocate the cheese when it eats it to make it a bit easier to last longer.

I think the only thing that felt a bit odd was the input for movement. but to be honest, I cant even think of a better alternative either. The only idea I got that might be interesting is to have it move by clicking a directional arrow that is around the mouse (as in the player, not the cursor), but that would also slow down the gameplay in comparison to the controls that are set right now.

But overall, I had fun playing and gave this game multiple replays and my best score is 270. great job!

This game is really well made! There are some things I like a lot about this game like:

  1. -gradually introducing mechanics throughout levels rather than forcing it down on the first level, which makes remembering the mechanics a lot easier.
  2. -The physics and grapple mechanic is amazing and clean!
  3. -the ability to drop down faster rather than having to wait slowly until you hit the ground.
  4. -The recoil when shooting feels good and can help me run away faster from the deadline boss when it approaches me.

 Though I do have a few suggestions in case you plan to update this game.

  1. - I think the Deadline boss hitbox is a bit too big to the point where I die without even hitting the text, perhaps it'd be a good idea to inflate the hitbox a bit.
  2. -the sprite of the grapple tiles blends in with the spikes, perhaps adjust the colors to make it more easier to see
  3. -i think it would be a cool idea to see the grapple tile flash or change color when you're either in range to do a websling or when your mouse position collides with a grapple tile. that way it can be a bit easier to know when to right click.

Overall, I had fun playing this game. Took a while to finish but I managed to reach the end with enough trial and error! great job!

okay so I've recently realized that there could be some people that may have played the v1.0 version instead of v1.1 and its pretty much my fault. To be clear, v1.1 was released about 5 minutes before submission period ended and the 1.0 version was released a day before in case I was unable to work on the game for the final day. The difference between v1.0 and v1.1 isnt massive, but it added sounds and background music, fixed a few bugs and had minor tweaks. At this point, v1.0 shouldve been called the preview version while v1.1 shouldve actually been called "v1.0". I take full blame on this and I'll keep this in mind when participating in future jams.

Oh yeah, for anyone wondering why v1.0 is still downloadable when v1.1 is pretty much the more recommended version is because i was unable to test v1.1 much due to only having minutes before the submission period ended. So I kept v1.0 up in case v1.1 had any new gamebreaking bugs.

With that aside, I really appreciate everyone who played and gave feedback! Im looking to potentially add some more content once the jam fully ends!

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pretty cool and simple game, I got 2530 without moving, and 4361 while moving

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Pretty cool game! I gave the game 2 different runs, one on HARDCORE-YEAH and the other on EZ-easy.  I wasnt able to finish HARDCORE-YEAH mode due to a crash, but i did manage to finish the game in EZ-easy mode. The roomba somehow was both the most troublesome yet the most helpful entity in the game lmao. I had put myself in situations where it was either pinning me against a corner or being a true homie and getting me unstuck in tight spaces. Also, for 2 days of development, i'd say you cooked pretty well, good stuff!

asdfjjwjassds so sorry about! This is the first time i've ever uploaded a repository to github so i didnt know that it automatically gets set to private. It should be visible now!

Whoops! forgot to drop the source code earlier!  Here it is:

oh yeah another thing, you might want to try putting the main.exe file outside of the data folder. if you dont know how to do that without it crashing, simply import all python scripts like this:

from import *

from data.code.main_menu import *


simply apply that to every python script you've written for your game and it should be able to run fine outside the data folder

Yo this is neat! I got through about 30 rooms and i gotta say, im really loving the variety of weapons! my favorite one has to be the one that looks like a ray gun. I liked the bosses, not sure if i fought all of them but I fought about 2 different bosses. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the crow that dashed towards you when getting close as they are kinda hard to see when I started playing. I eventually got used to finding them after about a dozen rooms but it was a bit hard looking for them at first. With that aside, I like how it turned out! great job!

Here is a small sample of how it looks, sorry that its unreadable as I had to compress it like hell to be able to upload, but it at least shows transition being more eased.

Not too bad of a score, nice. thanks to everyone who played and I appreciate those who offered some constructive criticism!

 Im still working on dropping an update to address all of the issues thats been had during voting period. The major issue about abrupt transitioning has in fact been resolved in the next update, I also added some extra QoL changes such as flashing marks that locates where your supposed to go to proceed to the next level, an extra key counter that tells you how many keys are in a certain room+how many of them you collected, and more!

The update will probably drop some time today, probably late at night, if not then tommorow. Had fun  on this year's cozy autumn jam and I got to learn some new things/lessons that I could carry over to the next Firith jam!

Thank you for your feedback! I will see what I can do about the closeness in colors, might do some tweaks in the details to improve the ability of being able to locate a path better, as for the transitions, I finally got that resolved in the next update which may release somewhere today (maybe). Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear you finally managed to get your project uploaded! I like how simple the game is, yet it manages to add some challenge. I like visuals a lot.

 The art style, the choice of colors, and the background music work well together to convey some coziness. I gave the game about 4 different runs and all of them had me end up getting stuck so I never got to the end sadly. Despite never making to the end, I still had fun trying to get far and I like how the game turned out, great job!

overall I had lots of fun w/ your game, drawing on the pumpkins was easily my favorite as you can tell from the image above. The art is really well executed and I can tell you've put a whole lot of effort into this, amazing job!

I really like the mix of 2D and 3D art, and the shading really nails the cozyness part! I got super distracted and started drawing something goofy on a pumpkin. Here is a pic, I hope you like this abomination:

I really like the art a lot, the scene looks super cozy! It took me a bit to solve the puzzle but I managed in the end! Only thing that kinda got me confused was the 2 options on the very topright of the screen, I still dont know what thats for but I still managed to get solve it... I think I might've missed something idk. But aside from that, I liked the sfx and background music, and I think the sun rays are a nice touch. The clues are made well enough to make the game not be too hard, and not be too easy either. Overall, I found myself enjoying this game and I am interested to see what kind of updates this game would receive in the future, great job!

Looked into it a bit more, and i feel kinda dumb now lol. The archived Renpy Repository did in fact seem to have PyInstaller, which was meant for a tool they were making called "RenPython", but I cant seem to find that tool inside of the current RenPy repository, or at least I cant find any file/folder labeled "RenPython". So I'll just assume that this tool was probably canned. Also, I didnt get flagged by Windows Defender. I think it was from MalwareBytes. If I tossed my game's exe file (not the game's zip file), it would get flagged by 4 out of 70 antiviruses as malicious, which one of them also happened to be MalwareBytes. And tbh this is expected since pyinstaller is pretty much known for getting lots of false flags for pygame projects. hell, I once had Norton delete a quick test build of an entry I made for last year's cozy autumn jam lmao.

So im gonna conclude that RenPy has probably developed its own method to distribute RenPy projects, and your situation of getting flagged is pretty different to mine. So uh yeah, sorry about bothering ya and I wish ya the best of luck on the results when the rating period ends!

Thanks for the feedback! And yeah the level transitions is definitely very abrupt. Im thinking of adding a small animation to ease it a bit more, might probably add a small screenfade to make it look a bit easier to look at. thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback! And I definitely agree with the awkward readablity on the keyblocks. I think I might need to explore in ways to make it more readable, had thoughts of maybe having a piece of text show up over any keyblock whenever you bump into them but Idk how well something like that would turn out yet. Glad to hear you also enjoyed the sequence of the multiple keyblock explosions, that is still my favorite part! Thanks for playing!

thanks for the feedback! And yeah... I guess I ended up using too much orange-like colors from the pallete. There are a few things in the game that I may consider tweaking when it comes to colors, maybe a bit of extra shading to tell a tiles/sprites apart but its something I haven't put too much thought into as of rn. thanks for playing!

I think you might want to get in contact with someone from the firith team on discord. Idk if they might let you reupload this late into the jam but i think its worth a try!

hello fellow pygamer. I just so happen to be able to play this game. Glad to see another pygame entry here. First thing I'd like to say, I actually kinda like how you went out of your way to support different resolutions, thats pretty epic.

Secondly, holy hell this was H A R D ! Like, its pretty similar to those "i Wanna" Platformer games in terms of difficulty. Luckily, I just so happen to like those kind of games... I like to suffer sometimes ya know? The amount of leap of faith drops is pretty wild lmao also screw you for adding a couple of traps after them xD.

 I wouldn't say this would be "cozy" for sure but I think the background music and background at least add a small bit of coziness. Speaking about the background, I like the use of parallax there. I think my only complaint of the visuals would be the fact that there is only one type of spikes, which is a spike  that faces upwards, I think it would be cool to have a ball-shaped spike  added into the game to make the spikes that are placed in mid-air not look too awkward.

I did manage to beat the game after lots of trial and error, and oh boy did it sure feel rewarding. this was probably the most unexpected game entry i've seen in this jam. I'll provide some screenshots as proof I beated it. Also, I'll say it again, glad to see another pygame entry. ngl i was starting to feel a bit lonely here, thinking that I was the only entry that was made in pygame, glad i was wrong.

 overall, I still had some fun despite the insane roadblocks that blocked the way to the end, and I think that this game was made well enough to give people a whole hell of a lot of rage. good job!

I like your choice on the game to take inspiration from, good pick! I think you executed the style really well on both gameplay and visuals! The only issue i had were the controls, but only because my main preference for movement is usually WASD, but I managed to adapt to it to the very end. The fact that you made this on your own game engine is awesome! And this entry you made should be an achievement for the hard work you've put in to making it happen! Great Job!

I enjoyed the writing of the customers, pretty humorous on some parts! I've managed to get most of them right except for the scarecrow one. I also really like the artstyle. great job!

yo quick question, how did you turn your renPy project to an exe? Did you use pyinstaller by any chance? Because I just got word from a discord dm that someone had their antivirus flag my game as spyware. The only similarity that both your game and my game have in common is that we both used pygame to make our projects (renPy was built using pygame). I just wanna know what the process is for turning a renPy game to an exe cuz the tool i used, Pyinstaller, has a method of packaging a python project to an exe that has most antiviruses flag it as shady malware.

Thank you for your feedback! Seems like I forgot to call a function that wipes out any active popups when reseting... whoops! As for the disorienting level transtioning. I'll probably put some time experimenting in ways to make level transitioning/ finding directions not feel so disorienting. Thanks for playing!

Hehehe this is great! I like this take on the coffee shop games, I laughed more than I'd like to admit. The lo-fi vinyls somehow made this whole mess feel a bit cozy. and the artstyle is cute! Now that Im thinking about it, you somehow made a game be cute, cozy, and chaotic... how the hell did you even manage to pull that off? Overall I enjoyed my time playing this game and this game has probably given me the most laughs so far, amazing job!

I like how the forest looks, Had a small issue where my mouse would escape onto my second monitor (using browser version) but that was just a minor issue. I think it would've been nice to see the player have a bit of a faster move speed especially with how long it takes to walk to then end. but overall i think this is pretty nice

Yooooo this is so cool! This whole thing seems very well thought out! I like how you made all 4 styles work and have the player understand its uses and identify situations of when each form is needed, thats some incredible game design! some sections that could've lead to deaths/screw-ups were acknowledged and were given either a forgivable respawn point or a chance of recovery by setting an extra set of platforms to give the player a chance to recover. I can tell that there was a lot of thought and experimenting put into these levels and it definitely paid off! The only style I think did feel a bit odd playing was the spider with its aiming for the websling mechanic. I also think that maybe there should have been an extra key to progress in NPC dialogue but those are just some small issues i had throughout the game. I also like the detail where the page of this game displays what could've been pulled off in that one section where you had to switch from a pumpkin to a ghost quickly, I actually took note of that when i got to that part... and was so close to getting through it!

To the whole team that contributed to this entry, you guys did a stupendous job in working together and making a well made/ well thought-out game!

glad you liked the art and puzzles, thanks for playing!

Man I loved making those extra sketches on each note. I use to do this a lot whenever I took down notes. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the visuals. thanks for playing!

glad you liked the vibe of the town, thanks for playing!

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Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely try to improve the sense of direction on where to go and add a transition in between levels if I ever end up updating the game. Also, glad to hear that you found satisfaction from blasting through multiple keyblocks! I only ended up adding those sections after I accidentally placed a set of them together during testing. It was worth it!

This is pretty cool! Its been a while since I last ran into a renPy game. I liked the art and the story. I also like these types of stories where you can assign yourself a name. I named myself OrphanDestroyerX and got a few good laughs from some of the dialogues. I gave 2 runs and got 2 different endings, good stuff overall, great job!

Also, my antivirus didnt pick up any signs of a trojan when booting this game up,  so all is good!

I like the simplicity of this game, pretty curious to see what this would've looked like with sfx and music. I want to be as cool as the squirrel delivery guy one day. nice job overall

I played this on the browser version using FireFox. Idk if its a firefox thing but I do remember a few games I've played on previous jams had issues that were exclusive to firefox.

I love the choice of colors used for this place! Feels super chill and cozy! It took me a while to get to the end but I finally managed to beat it. I ran into a bug where the game softlocked on me when pressing Esc while a text box showed up but aside from that I didnt run into any other issues. For what you managed to make in only 2 days, i'd say this game turned out really well, nice job!

oooo this is interesting!  Played this on brunch Rush mode and got my score up to 15. The only minigame I still dont know how to play is the one where you have to take out a whole cake from the oven. I think its a bit of an odd choice to have the "O" key be used to interact with this game but idk if this is the norm for these kinds of genres of games. with that aside I like the variety of minigames and how they require a quick reaction to complete them in a short period of time. I like the humorous intro when you pick brunch rush mode, kinda gave me an idea that I was probably screwed for picking this option. I also like how there is a hard mode if you get past the score of 13. Overall, I think this was hella fun to play and I like the creativity put into some of these minigames, amazing job!

Looks pretty, i like how there is a day and night cycle. The place also seems super cozy with the bright warm lighting, especially at night. nice!