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A member registered Nov 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the kind words! Shame we didnt manage to do better with the coding, but our amazing RainLy definately put her 100% into our sprites.

Poor guy will spend the night in the corridor. :(

Just an awesome piece of work.  Some dialogue lines make me smirk. Especially want to appreciate a nice and warm color palette.

Only thing that would make it even better for me, it is the possibility to ruin the case with incorrect conclusions, but overall, i loved it. Best design ive saw on this jam so far.

Well, it was fun.

The thing that wasnt fun,  that you couldnt recover from failed tasks, and cant take multiple objects with you, so it makes a lose inevitable at some point.

My experience with the game started with the broken buttons in main menu. Then it was invisible monsters that swarmed the entrance to the place and after that even after the restrart i couldnt move, even after complete re-opening the tab. 

Im sure there is a loot of effort, sadly i couldnt enjoy it  :(

Ive had a nice and a little frustrating experience! Leaderboard is a nice touch, it added a little comp and make my little monkey brain play it more than a few times to get into a history.

Cant really add something new that wasnt been said before, so... Ggs!

Yes, controls are janky, especially with inability to choose the correct interaction with window and pc sometimes, we will probably look into that after the jam ends. Thanks, we glad you had a nice time and we really appreciating your criticism, good sir

There is 7 (8). Yes, we are discussing the probability of polishing current version and probably making expanded more-like-a-game.

It was a pleasant experience with interesting cross-dimensional platforming. Good work!
The only thing that i dont like - changing dimensions on a spacebar, it fucked me up so many times on the third level :(.

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This is... something ive not expected. It was fun, creepy, pretty and have very unsettling vibes.

I admire your pixelart and artstyle. Brings back fond memories of beholder with a creepy spice on it. Probably the best visuals ive seen on this jam so far.

Got 1 question: is there really that my boy could done something differently?

Dude, i just fell out of my chair when ive heard the character death sound. I freaking love it. 
Didnt manage to finish the game, thought. :(
Impressive work! Love the arts. (only 1 problem with repeated earth tile and slight problem with the camera after the jumps, i think it should be a little faster)

Really liked it. Only thing i missed it is a score at the end. 
I want to note that changing the visual type is always a nice way to emphasize 2 dimensions theme.

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Gosh, i think ive never get the time to rate all in that topic, but i definately return the favor if you gave our your honest opinion.


Well, not objective, but i fking love bows and headshots, and this one is fking awesome, cause you can shoot heads with arrows in jump! 

Thank you! Valid points, we just dont make out how to name it, cuz we made menu like in a hour before deadline and our brains was kinda melted. and, to be honest, i was just too lazy to redraw it).

We fixed part about F's, thanks for noticing!

Yah, we kinda crop this out changing it to E, definately will remove it from instructions. Thanks!

That... Was awesome. Really good vibes, nice music, and interesting gameplay. The only though ive got when its ended was that i want more. I have nothing else to say, very good job. 

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Great job for 1 man, never thought you can manage to complete all of the tasks in such short period of time without a team. Props to all of that.

I feel like the plants on the water should not move with the player, and movement feels a little slow. It would be great to accelerate things with a time, or something like that.

Good concept for the theme, and it was fun to play, but a little harder that i can manage without a stress. :)

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Damn, i have a gameplay fetish on bows and so on, it is just so much fun.
Great job!
Something strange happened after i tried to get into fullscreen after alt-tabing away. But it isnt a crit, just scary looking box white box. (im sorry, itch wont let me upload an error image, and ive lost it...)

Nice aesthetic and music. Love the gameplay so far, took me like 10 minutes to die, and i think that full playthrough take like 20-m, it is a good thing! Liked the movement. 

Issues with the text on upgrade screen (its just gone) and i have a feeling that rockets do a little too much damage (ive killed 3rd boss right after the spawn). Also, i still hear that sound of shooting in my brain and, probably, will hear that in my dreams, and i think a little variety could be nice (or manual shooting).

Really bad footsteps sounds, too loud, like that guy walked on my ears.

Really enjoyed the music battle, thought, it was unexpected, and emphasize dimensional shift - good work! And lighting, even without normalmaps, make the picture better. Cheers for parallax!

Dude? Our level design is a straight box. :)
I have a feeling that this is all about the spammy thing again, so, sorry but no, we dont like that.

Thank you!
if i get that right, it is about killing the boss before closing the door? Thats our another time management fckup, we wanted to add comics after that, so player dont get confused next time.

Thanks! Well, it is depends on combining different variations of actions, after you try to do harmony, sarcastic and chaotic.

Thanks! This is completely on us, we should definately focus more of tutorial and the ui.

Thank you very much for that review! We will definately focus more time on the UI and tutorials next time. 

And thanks for good words at the jury, it was really pleasant to draw them after 200 frames of animations. :)

That... is awesome pixelart and art style. I really adore that. 

Didnt find a way to do something else, other than pressing buttons not to die, though.

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It is too fast. And i fking hate the trash-wrong mechanic. because of that.

Despite that, i really liked all pixelart and phone ui. It works good, didnt notice any bugs. GJ!

Unable to parse Build/Builds.framework.js.br! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

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This is my subjective top:
1 - Eru Bicha) It was something... I freaking love horrors, and this one is have the one thing that good horrors should have - atmosphere and good fking sounds. Overall visuals is awesome too.
2 - Microcosm) - It is most polished and really good looking in all aspects, except the theme, in my opinion. Overall speaking, it looks like a really cool and i wont be surprised if i see that game on smartphones in a few months.
3 -  Descent into Lost Dimensions)  This one is break my mind. Dude just got wild and make a cool, aesthetic piece of a good game. The only reason, that its not higher - ive got stuck in textures and been so lazy to get to an end.
4 -  Welding)  This game have a really good vibes and puzzle gameplay loop. Its really atmospheric, you definately should try that out to chill and have a good vibes.
5 - Tatarun 2) Visually speaking - this is my most favorite piece so far it is awesome.  Lighting, particles, style - i fking love it. It is has a good platforming also.
6 -  Soul Ride)  I really love this concept of a fake cross-dimensional hell taxi, and when you need to talk with a passenger while driving. Give me a pleasant russian-taxi vibes on so many levels.

Hello everyone. Share your own tops here, so many people could see more of your favorite gems in that big pile of thousand submissions.

I suggest you to include at least 5, and explain why is it so good, but feel free to use another format you may like.

Thank you everyone for your feedback. 
We upload a patch, that should fix most of the problems that you mention.

*Now Continue button spawn you in office location after the cutscene

* Now X on the ending screen works properly.

* Sound manager was fixed (no double tracks now)

* Office cutscene was polished a little. (Camera movements now not so wacky)

* Manager dublication fixed

* Some managers was moved from the DND category, cause it leads to errors.

* Fixed bug that breaks cutscenes after pressing continue in the first walkthrough.

Нет, простите, накруточные мероприятия не совсем наша тема.

This was awesome. Really impressive work for 1 man.

Though, ive got stuck after checkpoint in the room with the 2sets of spikes with a note in the middle, rushing left after the checkpoint.

There is a bug when you can get out of bounds changing dimension in a down room and go into free fall. 

Really liked the playing with two dimensions theme with both gameplay and story. Guitar hero playing is not my thing, thought, but if it was rhythmic it could be more enjoyable.

Cute art style and overall looks like the most finished/polished game that ive seen on this jam so far. Especially gameplay speaking. Props to the team, amazing work for such a short period. Notice only one minor visual bug with the fast-sharp-(headed???) enemy doubling it sprite and flickering after i space him.

Thank you. We will try to fix that error, and cutscene time asap. 

We probably cant add more explanation and tutorials about possible actions while we on jam, though, but maybe after voting period ends we will look into that.