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A jam submission

Semi The DroidView game page

Protect Semi by manipulating the board and placing him out of harms way!
Submitted by Frankie Alfano, Gaby Colon-Melendez — 2 minutes, 27 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is the graphics 1 bit?#294.9054.905

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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qusr and .gcm.

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one of my favorites so far! I hope you develop it further :)


Thank you! After the jam I plan to go back and add/fix a few more things to make the game more polished :)


Amazing concept! One of my favorite submissions, the art is great and the gameplay is innovative. I think the game could benefit from balancing the events in a better format and making it harder as the time goes on but overall, I really enjoyed it and would love to see the concept expanded more!


Yeah unfortunately I didn't have much time for balancing, there is a difficulty curve that I threw together in 5 minutes but it isn't super obvious that it is happening. I'll definitely improve that for the future, thank you so much for the kind words and the feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

Great graphics, audio effects and song . Loved the concept, would love to see it expanded some more.  I quickly realized I could get my player stuck without advancing just having a turret that doesn't shoot it one tile forward and the game was pretty much won, would like it a lot if the player could collect some different score by making hazards destroy other ones and stepping on a turret destroyed it, but maybe a mine killed you. Despite that, I made my character move somewhere else to avoid breaking the game and it was pretty fun for a while.


Thank you for playing! I wanted something different to happen when Semi tries to walk into a tile with a laser on it. I settled on just having Semi get stuck and not move forward as I thought maybe that could lead to some interesting strategies. Definitely overlooked the fact that you can just win by sitting there haha. I like your idea of having lasers be destroyed if Semi walks over them, I think that is a much better idea. Thanks for the feedback :)


this game is super awesome, the random generation means you could theoretically play it forever. the art is super charming and impressive. the game can both be a little too hard or too easy though due to the randomness (i died because a bomb spawned right in front of my path, but before that i effectively had an infinite loop) so balance is a bit off, but overall this game is really cool, i loved it.


Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it! I totally agree with you that the balance is a bit off, that is something that I want to improve on for the future. Right now I'm not doing enough checks when spawning in enemies to make sure they don't spawn in front of the player, so it's possible to just get unlucky and lose lmao.


This is a cute and fun concept! Loved the art design and the music was really chill. It's not quite laptop friendly as I couldn't pan the camera and therefore I had a limit to how far I could see even after zooming out(I probably had about 18 turns where I could feasibly make the move, and then I happened to die by then anyway). There's a surprising amount of depth with the possibility to turn Semi around and to use the obstacles to destroy each other. Excellent work!


Thank you! I see what you mean, I was developing the game on a desktop and didn't think about not having access to press the scroll wheel, a little bit of an oversight on my part haha. I can add in keyboard only controls as well to the game to make it more accessible, thanks for the feedback!


I love turn based games, this is a really clever idea with perfect execution. One of the few games in this jam that I will want to go back and play again!


Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


This game fits the theme very well and the gameplay feels good! Keep up the good work!


Thanks a lot! We are really proud of the final product, I think it's one of the best games that I've made. Will definitely keep it up for the future haha.


Awesome concept! It's tricky planning ahead because I wasn't sure which tiles could be moved or not at first, but I soon got the hang of it.


Awesome concept! It's tricky planning ahead because I wasn't sure which tiles could be moved or not at first, but I soon got the hang of it.


Thank you for playing! Yeah I had a few other people mention that to me, and I forgot to add that you cant move tile groups if they cause other tile groups to be floating to the instructions in the game, but I'm glad you figured it out :)


The art and music is fantastic and the gameplay is very on theme. Well done on a great entry!


Thank you so much, that means a lot :)


cool game!




almost missed the deadline :>


no FR we were sweating LMFAO


I was sweating and I was an hour early!


Oh clever mechanic and like others say deceptively difficult! Enjoyed this a lot!


Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it haha

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Nice gameplay and mechanic. It is a little bit more difficult than i thought. I also kept making Semi fall into the void lol. Overall, this is a good game!


Thank you for playing, we are really proud of how the game turned out :))


This is an ambitious idea that is very well executed. It is an excellent entry. It reminds me a bit of Into the Breach, yet it's very different and absolutely has its own personality. Well done.

(I think my only gameplay concern is that one time I didn't see a bomb under the arrow, but that could have been my own inattention at work.)


I LOVE Into The Breach and we definitely took inspiration from some of the art assets in that game. I'm really glad you think it's well-executed, that means a lot! I totally hear you about some things being hard with the arrow going over the top of them, it's definitely a little hard to show clarity with the 1-bit color palette lol. Maybe instead of showing the arrow all the time I could change it to only appear when the player hovers over Semi, but I'm not sure. Thank you so much for playing!


Interesting idea, sometimes I couldnt move a tile-group and idk why. The art is clear and the sfx are nice, the random levels are cool aswell.


Thank you! I will be updating the instructions for the game as I forgot to mention that you can only pick up a tile group if it leaves all the other tile groups connected on the board. This is so no tile groups are floating in space and they always stay as a group. I've been playing the game so much that I forgot that wasn't common knowledge haha, thanks for playing :)


Really neat puzzle survival that is deceptively more difficult than expected. Really enjoyed the design, and the sprites do a lot in 2 colors, great work!!


Thank you so much! We are really proud of the art, that means a lot to hear you thought it was good. Thanks a lot for playing!