Oh hey! Your game was also so cool, thanks for playing!
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Opening cutscene was *chef's kiss*. Wow this was a really cool take on the whole survivor's style game. The idea of playing the horde of enemies is something I haven't seen. This game was also really polished especially for a jam game (the colour palette is really striking)! I think with a little balancing, you guys could publish this if you wanted!
This reminds me of that plane game everyone used to play on their phones where you have to try to manage lots of little trajectories to avoid collisions. It creates a solid gameplay loop of teetering along the edge of disaster which really matches the theme. There's also something about 3d games retro-ised into pixel art that is soo charming, it's well done here. Cool game guys and I really loved how the cars absolutely explode on contact, it had me chuckling xD
This was a fun little game and the retro music really added to the vibe. Add some little sound effects on mining the different stones and it'll get even more satisfying! Also probably want to add some walls to the sides of the map to prevent falling out. BUT I don't know how you did it but I LOVE the dithering on the lights. Looks similar to the lighting in animal well and I could never figure out how it was done. It's a really cool effect, great stuff!
Ok sure the game can be laggy or whatever (insert obvious criticism you already know about). BUT I really wanna say, for all the RTS and tactics games I've played and made, I've never seen or thought of a control scheme as simple as draw a unit's path to command them. I particularly like how you can't re-command a unit until it gets where it was going. For that alone this is easily the most innovative game I've seen in the jam and you've got gears turning in my head now... Good work, and if it sparks your interest, keep working on this game. You've got a solid foundation!
Hahaha the theming was too real, even funny for a non-American (my condolences) xD. Snake is always a classic game so its hard to fail that formula but I liked the powerups and extra bits of polish you've included (particles and animations, good colour palette) and the opening cutscene really pushed home the theming you were going for and set the scene well. Good stuff guys!
Oooh you guys made a fossil digging game as well! There was something really satisfying in my monkey brain about cleaning up all the little fossils with crisp sound effects. Consider adding a random amount of dirt splotches to each fossil to make people really have to double check they've cleaned it all (I just got into the rhythm of finding 3 and onto the next). Also minor complaint but make the 2d background slightly lower opacity or just create more contrast between it and the fossil in the foreground. Fun little game, great job guys :))
This game was funnn. The quirky pixel art characters, a solid little game loop, and the chill music and the alchemist with the sunnies while he slowly poisons people was soo good xD. The volatility mechanic really hammers the theme home. And the different customer traits and potential for new ingredients gives the game room for expansion if you are interested in working on it further. Great job!
Visual and audio style is neat. The chunky synth-ey audio effects and the scan lines shader really reminded me of inscryption. Gameplay-wise it took me a bit to realise that the heart, bread, and sword icons in the top were even clickable buttons. Possibly make those interactable ones be front and centre while leaving the countdown ones in the top. Simple but neat game with style, good stuff!
I really liked the polish in the game, the swivel of the character when moving, the chill music to jam out with, and the buzzing electric line when building. One minor gripe I had was how it seems your block pieces randomise each time you return to checkpoint which is good and bad in that it forces you to take a different approach each restart. Overall cool game!