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A member registered May 25, 2016

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Thanks for playing! Unfortunately the mixed pixel art styles was the result of a last minute git conflict that ended up putting in the old placeholder graphic instead of the nice one we made. In the images for the game you can see what it originally looked like. Beetlejuice was also a leftover placeholder but we thought it was kinda funny to keep in, but we'll likely remove once we come out with the full game

Thanks for playing to the end, not many people have! We originally wanted more mechanics to prevent spam, but had to cut most due to time. There was supposed to be a Try Again option that would let you start off at the same battle again, losing most of your nuts in the process, but it unfortunately broke last minute

Thanks for the feedback! We're experimenting now with giving players a countdown timer of a few seconds before each battle to plan, as well as an autobattler option that increases player cooldown timers for balancing purposes, but our original intention was to make a game that required lots of fast-paced decision making that discouraged spamming. We're hoping to have a fixed up version by end of the jam, and then develop it into a more fleshed out game afterwards

Cute game, I absolutely love the art style for the enemies and their animations! 5/5 on graphics. Final score was 1460, but i realized that the score didnt reset on death :( It was nice having some slightly different enemy types, but some that shot at you might be fun, and awarding varying points would be good too. My hand is also very tired from all the clicking, maybe some kind of hold-down firing would be a nice respite for my wrist :) 

For arcade games like this, i like to recommend what our team did, and use the LootLocker SDK that lets you easily host leaderboards online for games like this. Super simple to use, just need an API key, and then call an endpoint with score and username/id. Would love to see how I compared against others!

Music was good, but i wasnt able to get any of the other guns working, and it seemed to just show a pistol the whole time. Played through the first night but it didnt seem like there were many zombies at all, and the music was oddly calming

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Wow that got dark and took a left turn quick! I was expecting a farming kind of collect-a-thon but was happily surprised. Its nice that there's a levelling system as well. Some notes though:

  1. I missed the axe the first time and soft locked myself, as I couldnt go back
  2. Some things in the village i could just walk-through, and could also walk out of bounds
  3. Not sure if intentional, but upon dying and continuing again some enemies still had the same amount of health as before
  4. Goku being super high-res compared to everything else felt pretty jarring

Made it to night 5! I found that i used almost exclusively the side cannons and just strafed around them, then just upgraded attack speed a lot. The clicking on the bottom right was a bit awkward, and pressing Q and E were a bit odd when using WASD i found. Loved the sound design btw, those cannons just sounded so beefy. Also loved the banter between the crew and the tutorial built into the game

Nice work, this is a cool spin on tetris! Some things Id like to see in a full release

  1. Ability to rotate my character, or maybe be able to rotate the pieces somehow coming up. A way to do this would be to assume that your character is (0,0), on an axis, and by swapping the x and y coordinates / negating them you can perform the different rotations
  2. Some option to restart the game, and maybe a pause button
  3. When the timer ran out nothing really happened, at least not that I noticed
  4. Not sure i fully understood how the scoring worked, it turned to weird number symbols and didnt seem to update after that. A leaderboard would be a cool addition for a score based game like this. We implemented one using a service called LootLocker, where you just need an access key and call their api with scores and a name/id

Also nice reference to dont fear the reaper in the music ;)

Loved the sound design indicating what enemies will come next. It was definitely a fairly challenging game for me but i quite enjoyed it!

Love it! The super mario world block switching idea is a great addition, and I like the fast-paced gameplay and lots of checkpoints (for bad gamers like myself). I was a bit confused at first with the tutorial when it said A to jump which I imagine is for controllers. The music switchup in the second part was great as well. Nice work

Thanks for playing! Its definitely intentional, and some of the later fights past the king beetle will have you swapping tech trees again and again if you want to get a high score. Sorry to hear about the beetle, his shields element is actually leaf, which requires fire to break. The intention was to have to switch to another element after to do damage, but that was before enchant did 0 damage. 

Very cool idea for a platformer! I noticed some events in the airship looped though as i missed the teleporter and had to go back, and then got kinda stuck at the next part with spikes, but that might just be because I'm bad with platformers in general

Thanks for the lovely feedback! We plan on taking into account peoples feedback and release a more polished version after the jam, so stay tuned for that as well

Hey, you'll need to unspec the elements after to start doing damage again. The intention was to get the player to have to respec instead of keeping the same skills. Its not a common system so i can understand the confusion, you're not the only one :)

Thanks for playing though!

Nice little game! What did you use to develop it? It would be nice to have a way to continue from where i left off, or to have a couple lives to make it a big more forgiving for noobs like myself

We built a fast-paced RPG where you need to constantly retech your skill tree to defeat all the enemies

Tried to play a couple times, but i had a really hard time with the first horizontal spring. It eventually sprung me far enough to go across but I died soon after. Any tips so I can try again?

Thanks for playing, means a lot! Were you able to get the end to defeat the snake? It was quite tricky trying to balance everything, its the first time I've had to do much balancing in an RPG setting but it was a lot of fun

Nifty little game, Im digging the mountain and tornado art and soundtrack! Is there an end to the game, or is it just continue until you lose? Any plans to develop it further?

Thank you for the compliment, that's fantastic to hear! Sorry to hear about the slingshot bug though, and the idea is definitely a novel one as far as we can tell, but we were hoping the tooltips and pauses would help the players. Any recommendations on what would make it more clear on what to do?

Hey, thanks for playing our game! The shield breaking is definitely the most confusing part of the game, but the tooltip should disappear after selecting sword, fire, and enchant, not sure what happened there :(

Thanks for the feedback! It was greatly appreciated. The shield is definitely a strange one, and one that we didn't quite get around to balancing

10/10 on graphics, also love the idea of using trees (Our team was definitely looking forward to the trees proposal and had to change last minute to the theme)
The pacing on the rain is a bit long, although it does look very very nice.

Hey, if you have about 5-10 mins and are a fan of pokemon but more fast paced + skill trees, then feel free to check out our game

Dropped you a follow on twitch and will definitely check out the stream later tonight under the same username! Also left a review and comment on your game, great work!

Great job! I really like the idea of the game, but it took a few retries to really figure out how to be productive. Going in the negative for resources is an interesting idea, and there's definitely some cool min-maxing that could go on for this. I think something like a high score system could really benefit the game

Looking forward to seeing more of this game, and when i have some time i plan to come back to this to try and beat it

I liked the music, but an in-game quick tutorial would have helped a bit as i was kinda confused. Nice job in 2 days! Also +1 for godot

Very nice little game! I got so excited once i started playing the piano but was a bit sad when it broke. Great pacing, and im normally not one for point and click adventures but this was a good length for a gamejam. Now im curious what happens if the storm does come in

Very nice little game! I got so excited once i started playing the piano but was a bit sad when it broke. Great pacing, and im normally not one for point and click adventures but this was a good length for a gamejam. Now im curious what happens if the storm does come in.

Also if you're interested, we made a little pokemon-like rpg where the skill tree is reset-able depending on the battle. Playing it would be greatly appreciated!

Oh man I cant believe I didn't make the connection with that wall lmao. I saw it and thought oh that's just another way to get where i was before. I also realized I can sometimes cheese it and get caught on some wall collision and jump up from there ;) 

My mind was blown after that and then I had so much fun exploring the town and using the power-ups. Played it twice more and just beat the game! I think this is definitely my favorite game of the jam. When I was planting seeds I was eager to get back out to explore, was excited whenever i figured out some puzzle, or found one of the new seeds. Fantastic pacing and music, and a perfect length for a game jam (I know farming games generally tend to consume a lot of time). Really hope there's more of this after the jam! Great work guys.

Loved the animations and art in this! Got to day 6 but it took me a while to figure out how the fruit worked, I was just feeding it to them. At first I thought you would give them fruit and they'd evolve to have certain traits which is probably why. It would be nice if there was a bit more of an in-game tutorial, or some custom powerups when giving fruit.

I grew a pumpkin and it made a nice noise but I didn't know if it did anything extra so i just fed it to someone. Is the goal of the game to get all the different types of foods? Or just to see how long you can survive?

A few bugs unfortunately :( I had the same issue as FallingWall did with soldiers that made it a bit difficult once more of them showed up. They'd also tend to stack up on top of each other and move as a clump. Also had some issues with bad lag spikes every now and then (I tried first on mac but it would freeze, might be a godot thing though if you used that, as PC was better, but still had some spikes).

Its a solid base for a game, I really like the idea of growing custom crops to feed some kind of battle cycle (maybe a bit biased since our game does that too haha) and it shows a lot of potential. Great game for a solo dev! Looking forward to seeing more to come.
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I definitely felt like i was playing crystal chronicles or some other final fantasy with the art style! I kept thinking id run into random encounters in the forest :)

I like the core game loop, of plants giving power ups to progress further into that game. That being said, i tried about 6 times to make the double jump to progress further but could never quite make it :( If you have any tips on how to get past it'd be appreciated. The camera as others mentioned was a bit odd at times, especially in some places in the forest. Other than that, this really felt like a first level in a fully fledged game!

Thanks for playing! I was debating keeping some of the meme text, as it was first put in as placeholders but I'm glad I kept it in. Originally we had bigger ambitions (more variety in traits, bringing people with you, an academy so humans could teach others their traits) but as always with these things, we had to scrap a lot of ideas. How did you find the balancing mechanics / difficulty as things progressed?

This is a really cool idea! Onion army FTW. I noticed that sometimes when clicking a crop while turns were processing it would go to a zoomed out view, not sure if intentional or not.

Same comment as the others I think, some balancing would go a long way

This game is really fun! Currently #1 on the leaderboard ;) although it would be cool to see some more stats about people. Unfortunately I died after a few days because i drank the unfiltered water and got really hungry, and struggled to find food (which is my fault lol, im guessing it was progression locked, although some hints that food is later on might be good) Saving would also be very nice so I could try and beat this fully.

I'll definitely come back to this one and update this once I do

Thanks for playing! Glad to hear you enjoyed the music, all music/sound courtesy of @porkrind. We fixed a handful of bugs, not sure if that one was fixed though. Unrelated but if you found that you were getting a lot of blood, turns out all traits were only applying to blood collection, AND every second the collection rate became faster.

Been meaning to try out your game as well, it looks super polished and looks like its getting great reviews!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing our game, super glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Good catch with that bug, it's fixed in our latest version, along with some pretty major balancing issues (all traits applied only to blood collection, and collection got faster every second lol) We also changed the exit build to Q (backspace still works though) because you're not the only one who took a while to figure it out ;) Sorry to hear about the control scheme though, we're not sure what would be best for the 4 options but we'll keep that in mind for the future.

Interesting visuals, and good atmosphere too! Looks really cool for a first game. It unfortunately also doesn't run well on my machine, maybe something to do with deltatime? I wasn't able to figure out the farming but also the framerate wasn't helping either :( Not sure but let me know if there's any updates!