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A member registered Mar 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice game, love the twin dimensions and the way it feeds into the puzzle aspect of the game. Worked okay on Linux using Wine, couldn't play it for long as the (very nice) graphics rendering was melting my low-end CPU/GPU (obviously running  via Wine doesn't help with that). Good job.

This looks great, love the graphic style. Sadly I can't play it on my machine (running Linux). It almost worked using Wine: got the title screen and music, but the new/load game buttons didn't respond :-( Obviously not your fault, it's a miracle that anything does work in Wine! Best of luck in the Jam.

Thanks for playing!

Really impressed with this: technically sound, atmospheric graphics and audio, starts off like a simple hack-and-slash but quickly opens out into a much deeper game with an engaging story. Particularly like the way the combat system is explained in the menus but can be ignored by those who want a more casual game.

Ran fine in Wine on Linux. Only minor technical problem (possibly Wine's fault) is that the in-game return to main menu button gives a "not implemented" message, so no way to quit gracefully. Happy to say the game starts up again okay and my saved game loads fine, so it's really no problem.

Also I think you are being kind, as once my health got down to 53% the monsters always seemed to miss. I'm definitely not complaining about that! ;-)

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Thanks for your kind comments, and for the tip on BFXR, I'll check that out.

Re your experience with the Wyvern, I suspect a problem with the random generator as it seems to produce long sequences of high or low numbers. Certainly the chances of failing to kill a Wyvern after 26 attempts should be vanishingly small. Choosing a better generator will be on the list of post-jam revisions I'll be making to the game. I've put a warning in the game description for now.

Re the engine, yes I hope to make use of it for other games. Problem is knowing where to publish very retro stuff like this that has niche appeal. DCJam is great but its only once a year and the prospect of releasing stuff ad-hoc here, or even on Steam, feels like that scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark!

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Thanks for playing and for the kind comments.

Sorry for the dramatic increase in difficulty at the end. If my school boy stats knowledge is correct, defeating the adult black dragon costs an average of 36 lives, minus two for each kill spell you have. Plus there's 'Gorlab the Fire Demon' downstairs with the same stats! I realise now I should have given out a LOT more powerups :-(

Will certain give serious consideration to audio for future projects. Sound design isn't in my skillset, but I guess even basic sounds could be effective.

Oh sorry, I missed those question mark buttons, my fault!

This played very nice, almost got to the end but got killed by the boss. I particularly like the landscape graphics: highly stylized whilst also making it feel like a real place.

Ran fine in Wine on Linux, except that the audio sounded very 'clipped' ( No one else has mentioned this, so it is probably Wine's fault, and I won't down-rate for it.

My only criticism is that I felt disparity between the character creation style (very detailed and TTRPG like) and the combat style (real time with no visible game mechanics except health score and ammunition). It would be good to have some way of understanding how one's character stat choices affect events as they happen in real time.

Great game nonetheless!

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Thanks for taking the time to play and for your honest feedback. I do appreciate it, and sorry for your frustration. This is my first first-person-perspective game: were I writing it again today I would keep the engine but take a different approach to the gameplay.

Glad you like the visuals. I'm hoping to use the engine again in future for another game with a similar look.

Love the screenshots. Sadly this game is too awesome to run on my home set-up (I'm using Wine on Linux for Windows stuff). Best of luck in the jam!

Fair point.

I'm glad you made it downloadable as my recent experience with browser games hasn't been good. I'm sure they're great games they just don't run well, if at all (probably my system, to be fair).

Thanks! Sorry about your finger :-)

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Very impressed by this abstract approach. I wouldn't have thought rendering all the walls in the same flat colour would work... but it does. I guess the brain magically fills in the details.

Having rooms rather than just corridors made navigation more memorable, so I didn't need a map. This is something I'll bear in mind for own game(s).

Didn't get too far in the game (got my ass kicked after the purple door!) but that's down my lack of playing experience.

PS Ran fine in Wine on Linux.

Thanks for the tips! On reflection, I realise that console programs are not the best way to distribute games on Windows. Also yes I did specify 0,0 for the window location thinking that safest, but as a courtesy to the user I could have centralised it (and perhaps automated the window scaling too).

Thanks for the nice compliments on the visuals, I hope to use this engine for a more substantial game, perhaps an RPG, in future.

Wow! Really impressed with the creative and technical quality of this. Love the claustrophobic atmosphere created by the restricted viewport and audio/visual interference, yet feel fully in control because of the excellent maps/info panels and story exposition. Ran fine on Linux using Wine, incidentally.


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Really enjoyed playing this, no nonsense hack-and-slash with nice artwork. Love the weird perspective tricks. Nice use of twin command options in keeping with Duality theme. Only minor complaint is that I was getting a bit lost towards the end trying to find the few remaining minions.

Very slick implementation (I played the Linux version). I'd not heard of the DragonRuby engine before, but it looks impressive!

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Echoing other posters, love the minimalism; keeping the walls fixed while redrawing the doors to show movement is simple but really effective.

Having the map was essential (found this with my own game which is also minimalistic), and it was nicely implemented. Controls were fine, although hotkeys for 'ground', 'inventory' etc. would be handy.

Re the theme, do you have a license for that pun!? ;-)

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Love the atmosphere created by the hand drawn graphics and ambient sounds. Combat worked well (almost got killed by clowns). Bit unsure about how the maps relate to my current position, or how to progress in the game, but I guess figuring that out is part of the game itself? Like the other poster I had a little trouble reading the font (some pixels in the characters were lost, perhaps a scaling issue?) but I was running it in Wine so I'm just happy it ran as well is it did! Also nice use of the two worlds to reflect the duality theme.

Thanks! Glad you  liked it.