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Neighbourhood Snake

A member registered Apr 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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As a non-cannibal, this was a real eye-opener. I've personally never eaten someone, not even once, but it was thrilling to gain insight into anothers culture. Let a thousand blossoms bloom I say, even though I wouldn't do it (a murder/Cannibalism that is). I'm just an ally. 10/10 IGN

Wow, these facts are legit!

The foley work on this is specifically magnificent, but everything about this is excellent. 

Heya Terry, I remember seeing this game years ago and it's a delight to find it again. Keep up the good work!

let me download this it looks so cute!!!!

Very nice ork

ayyy thunks, I had a fun time making it

Alas, I will try to get it to work on other devices!

Hey thanks for playing, I appreciate it!

Oh no! It might be a Godot thing, are you running on a windows PC?

It did say control, I changed it after you commented to gaslight you

you were right near the end of the demo tho, so you only missed a couple of levels

hey thanks for playing Jamie. I literally forgot the buttons to my own game, it's down to crouch, I have no idea where I got control from.

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Hooley dooly this is one of the most polished games I've seen! makes some more levels for this and release it on steam or mobile.

This is really cool! I love the reverse-slay-the-spire shenanigans, everything was characterful and clean, it was a good puzzle, the art was beautiful. 10/10 IGN

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This game is really ambitious! I am super impressed by how much is working and how well it works. I could see this being expanded in the future. I think in places you might have stretched yourselves too far, I found the jumping puzzles too unfair, and I thought having the stop signs really halted the flow of the game, since it let me just safely take out everyone in the next room before proceeding (so I lost the frantic energy when everyones attacking the character. However, there is so much game in this game that it is hard not to get swept up in the spectacle of it! it is a really impressive job, I hope you expand it post-ratings!

This is such a great idea, and such a clean implementation! It's funny, it's smart, it has impressive AI, this is the full package! 10/10 IGN

Wow this is so clean and clever! really great work!

This is absolutely wonderful! 10/10 IGN

First off, this game is visually spectacular. I'll get back into praise in a second (because this game is really really good) but I have to say: you need an epilepsy warning on this! holy sh*t!

Now, back to praise, This game is incredibly produced, the rhythm really works, the style is off the charts, it's so good! I'd love to see it go further and make more use of input switching as a core mechanic, but for a 48 hour jam game I don't even know how you did half of this stuff!

I too have noticed this bug, and it makes me furious! Also thanks for your feedback, it is really helpful and appreciated 👍


OOOhh special cards is an interesting idea! 

Oh I like it!

Oh wow this started out looking like an idle game and then became a desperate fight to the death! 10/10 would play again

This is such a polished piece of work! really incredible job, I'd love to see where y'all take this post jam

Hey this is a clever game, good use of mechanical puzzles!

Hey thanks for leaving such a nice comment! I am definitely gonna add the difficulty ramping, difficulty has been the primary issue reported. What are jam's for, if not for rapid playtesting

This is the most innovative game I have seen this year! It is so clever, but on top of that it's gorgeous, the backgrounds are really well made, everything works so smoothly, I am shocked and amazed! 12/10 best game

Release This! This is the cleanest, cleverest puzzle game I have played this year. make some more levels for this and release it onto steam. 

I honestly think this might be one of the best "you-play-the-dungeonmaster" games in this jam. It's such a simple but clean puzzle, it makes me do maths (which is rude), it's got great art, 10/10

The art and UI system is really good for this, and the idea of reverse PvZ is proper good and largely plays well, but I was hampered by the bug where I often just couldn't place workers! Aside from that this is a really good game!

Guns don't kill people, people kill ambulances that kill people? For some reason I really like this, it's very Newgrounds

Hey thunks for playing! I agree, it'd be nice to have some additional managerial things, maybe I could add in some mini-games! I am always quite conservative with scope in a jam, but I am planning an update and love to hear what people are wanting!

This is a really interesting interpretation of the theme! It is a tricky puzzle game, but I found it very manageable, which is a positive cause I am not the best at platformers. Your graphics could do with a cleanup, and the level transitions can sometimes cause problems, but for a jam game this is excellent! 10/10 IGN

This is a really creative take on the theme, but seperate from that it is a really good tricky platformer. The fact that you can't stand still makes the game flow really well, and the addition of moving rolls added this whole extra thing to keep track of! Nice work

Get out of here! Y'all just made a full game in 48 hours! This is ridiculously polished, it's a funny idea and execution, I like that you decided to give the lil' chef no pants for some reason, I like that you built a working record player that you can spin on, everything about this is absolutely off the rails! 11/10 IGN

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This has immaculate vibes! As a fellow tetris-dev I appreciate the route y'all have taken (it's a lot more big-brain than me). This feels like the sort of game that a small collection of smart people would get extremely obsessed with, like sudoku (or tetris).

P.S. As a fellow weird name-r I love the name on this! 10/10 IGN

This is a delightful plant-em up, please add the high score board post-jam so I can know how bad I am!

(2 edits)

I love the idea of a tiny towers-esque dracul-em-up! I think all this game needs is a speed up button and you'll be golden!