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Overall great game! My main complaint is that it seems too restrictive on when you can access the new gems, as they cost so much to unlock. I didn't get the 2nd one until Wave 11, and by that point it was too late. Maybe I missed a cheaper one elsewhere? Also would be nice if you could queue up summons in batches as the travel time between "summon 1, move to monitor, move, repeat" is very tedious.
Overall I enjoyed this, although I couldn't beat it myself. It felt like there were a bit too many enemies, as they could easily just swarm you and burst damage you to death. Would also have been nice if, when trying to attack a target out of range, but could get there if moved, would prompt a move for you. The art was quite nice, but the ui felt a bit bland in comparison, which is fine for a jam game! Would have liked to have some of the buttons change color or something if I couldn't use them, such as when a character dies, or when out of AP. Nice game!
Ok, this game is awesome, and I can tell a lot of work went into it. I really like the twist of normal blackjack, as this feels more about strategy than pure randomness. My only complaint would be that I forget which demon is how many points, so if there could be an indicator above them or something? Other than that, the intro feels way too long, but if that stays at least have space skip to the end of the current text, instead of starting the next one instantly (so one can read it all at once).
Also is it a bug when you launch, keep pressing space, and it keeps makes new trails? haha
I think this could be a cool idea, but for me I don't think it works yet. Farther in enemies can spawn in front of the car and instantly hurt you, and the spawn rate feels a bit too slow to start. There also doesn't seem to be much incentive to not go full throttle for the entire run either. Are you supposed to go slow for some things? I did like the music though! I think with a bit of polish and better game-feel this could be fun.
The main thing I don't like, is that it is insanely hard to know what your velocity is, and where you are in the map overall. The map might need some zooming buttons to actually see where things are. Or maybe even some edge-of-the-screen indicators to where enemies are. I flew in a direction for like five minutes but saw nothing on the map, no enemies, and had no idea if I was even moving!
Overall I like the style you are going for, although, even after a few attempts at it, I still have no idea what the objective is. In the description it says I need to deliver things, but I don't see any in-game indicators of what these things are. I also won't lie, that explosion sound jumpscared me when it happened the first time, so loud haha.
The shaders and effects are great! Reminds me of those Kingdom games. The various missions were nice to have as well. My only gripe is the lack of audio, and a lack of overall difficulty. The farther I got into the waves, the more I realized I could just spam attack and kill everything haha. Also sometimes I don't know if I hit something, like the fireball, so half the time it hits me.
The concept of this is great, but without sounds it makes it quite anti-climactic when chased. Also the monster feels like it runs slightly too fast. Feels way too easy to get caught, especially when he traps you in a narrow area and refuses to leave.
I also wish I knew what the buttons did, or what they connected to. As I had no idea what the red button behind the boxes in the bathroom did. Or really what I was supposed to be doing haha.
This could turn into something really neat though!
I think this would feel a lot better without the tank controls, and more of a top-down wsad shooter with an aim at mouse structure. Trying to navigate with slow turns to try and shoot a fast enemy (even with the slow-down) makes it very difficult. Especially once the following enemy gets right up on you. However, the concept is cool so I like that.