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Toaken Roller community · Created a new topic Chat Commands
(1 edit)

The following commands can be used in your Twitch chat to interact with Toaken Roller. More coming soon!!

Broadcaster Commands

!roll <viewer>Adds a roll for the specified username to the bottom of the roll queue.

Viewer Commands

!invThe Toaken Roller application will respond with a chat message listing the viewer's current inventory

In order for the application to roll for your viewers, it needs to be authorized to your Twitch account. 

  1. In the Toaken Roller app:
    1. Go to the Twitch tab
    2. Enter your account into the Twitch Channel box
    3. Click the Connect button, a pop-up will appear with a link and code for authorizing access. Your device code will be different than pictured below!
    4. Do not close this popup during the authorization process, it will auto-close on successful authorization. Closing the popup will cancel the authorization process.
  2. Click the link to open the authorization page or paste the link into a browser of your choice. 
    1. The link will take you to a Twitch authorization page. 
      1. If you are not already logged in, you'll have to do so. 
      2. NOTE: You are logging into Twitch, not the Toaken Roller application.  Toaken Roller will never need your Twitch password. 
    2. Enter your specific device code from the Toaken Roller popup and ensure it matches the Device Code on the Twitch authorization page, then click Activate
    3. Twitch will then list all requested app permissions and request authorization. Click Authorize.
  3. If authorization was successful, you're all set! 
    1.  You can test the connection by running a test roll or by refreshing your redeem list in the Toaken Roller app. If you have chat notifications turned on, a message will be sent in your chat when the roll completes. 

Revoking Access

At any time you can revoke Toaken Roller's access rights via Twitch's Connection Settings.  

Toaken Roller allows you to import your own content as loot in the drops. 

Current supported file types

  • 2D
    • PNG
    • SVG
    • JPG
  • 3D
    • GLB/glTF

How to import

To import models, drag the files from your system file explorer onto the Toaken Roller application. Model names will default to the file name. 

Toaken Roller community · Created a new topic Known Issues
  • Rarely, some PNG files have trouble importing; If this occurs, please contact me so that I can patch issues found.

The software streams video data to a buffer called Spout. The buffer can be captured by OBS via a Spout plugin. 

NOTE: The application only sends visible frames when it's running an animation, otherwise the spout capture will be a completely transparent video feed. To check the capture, you can run a test roll from the Toaken Roller app. 

  1. Install the spout plugin for OBS.
    1. The latest release can be found here.
    2. Addition install instructions can be viewed here.
  2. Add the Spout2 Capture source in OBS.
  3. Set the properties for the Spout capture.
    1. SpoutSenders 
      1. SpoutSenders be the default "Use first available sender" if you are using no other Spout application on your device. 
      2. The dropdown list will only show applications that are currently open. If you opened the Toaken Roller after this step, close the properties dialog box in OBS and reopen it to refresh the list.
      3. You can also set the sender explicitly to toaken_roller to only ever capture this application. 
    2. Composite mode
      1. Set to either Opaque or Default
    3. Poll time for new senders
      1. Fast or Normal is recommended
  4. Run a test roll from Toaken Roller to check that the capture is working.
    1. The Spout2 capture is just like any other OBS source, you can add filters, change the position/size, etc., all in OBS. 

Cool game! Riven is very cute and the story between Alba and Riven is well done. The music was a good ambiance and I liked the wind on the beach. 

I ran into a couple bugs where Riven would get "stuck" in different states, usually around when dialogs ended. Like if I was rolling and a dialog started I would be stuck in the roll. 

I also really liked the portraits in the background of the house area, that was a nice touch. 

Thanks for making this! 

Fun game! I broke it a little and the core level never went up, but I still had fun with the broken stuff 

Glad you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun creating the art style and it was the first time I tried to make a cohesive style.

I tried to make a more traditional balance weight scale but the physics kept getting crazy so I had to scrap it; I was losing too much time to debugging it

I wasn't sure how to make the scale more like a "scale" but I agree that it would be nice to be more obvious. Thanks  for the feedback! 

Thanks again for playing it on stream! 

A next level button (or an animation that auto pulls you into the next level) would be nice, I ran out of time to add it though 

Thanks for playing! 

What is the aspect ratio on this thing? I can't get it to show all on one screen on web, couldn't play it 

Cool little game, nicely done.

How did you get the scale to work with the physics? I tried early on in the jam to make a scale using rigid bodies and pin joints but it was buggy as hell; I ended up scrapping the idea because I couldn't get it to consistently behave.

I didn't get into the robot's head even once, maybe I am missing something? I couldn't get the shrink mode to activate. 

There is also no cooldown on the dash so you can spam it and it sorta breaks the game, a cooldown timer a little longer than the dash could fix that. 

The art style is great but honestly I couldn't really get the game to work as intended

There is a 1/6 chance that you'll get an audio file that does the mario theme for a short moment, so you aren't wrong! You got lucky I guess ;)

I think I got stuck here? I had only 55kg weight instead of 100 when I'd start the level hitting "R" didn't help. I couldn't grow or shrink enough to get to the platform on the top right. 

The art is cute and the animations are well done, the dino walking animation looks great. 

I found myself only really taking damage when I'd use the spacebar to grow horizontally, it's very fast and easy to hold too long, so I just didn't use it much. Also, I think the game would benefit from being a time trial or having some other incentive to grab food quickly. Right now it seems that you can play very safely and go endlessly only getting the food that has no risk.

Overall though great job! 

The art is nice and I love the cute cat knight. 

It would be nice if you got some more visual feedback on whether you made a "good" or "bad" sword. The only indication right now is how much the fame goes up, but it's hard to really tell. 

I like the idea of choosing more or less to scale a property that stays around but without knowing any detail about what I'm choosing it's the same as the game choosing for me. If the property was rolled randomly and assigned to the player, it would have the same effect. Personally I think having a clear option for the player that have "trade-offs" would be more rewarding. For example: The left side of the scale could be "more health but faster enemies" and the right side be "less health but higher jump height"; Now they player gets to decide which upgrade is more advantageous for them, and which downside is easier to deal with.

Haha the "music" is just me making "wom wom" sounds, it's supposed to be the boring teacher talking. Glad you liked it though!

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I actually found the diagonal push bug while writing the code but we decided to leave it in as a little hack/"feature" haha. Glad someone found it! 

Good luck with 5 and 6 then as well! ;)

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing! We appreciate the feedback as well!

Fun "Run and wack" game, I enjoyed dodging in and out of the shadow world. The game is buggy and a little jank at times but it didn't stop me from enjoying it! Cool idea overall 

Fun strategy game, I really like the old school art style. CRT ON. 

Note: The ingredients have different types and their type is used for the recipe, but it can be hard to tell which type the ingredient is. If the ingredients were more clearly typed it would make crafting easier to understand.

One other thing, the corrupted ingredients can be a little hard to see in the corruption. 

Great game overall! 

Very cool idea, I liked the visuals of the game and the staticy shader thing over the game. 

The game is a bit too unforgiving though, if I used the flashlight while no guards were on screen they would still notice. It was impossible to use the flashlight without alerting them so I had to just run in the dark. Maybe their detection could be relaxed a little?  

Very cool concept! My feedback:


I like the unified and simple art style, nicely done making it cohesive. 


When I died at the end, a menu appeared asking to retry or give up. I clicked restart and it crashed or something; the game became unresponsive and I couldn't continue. 


It would be nice if shooting would continue on a timer when you hold the mouse button rather than clicking for each shot. 

Game Design

I really like the design of the cargo units but I felt the "spread" shot wasn't worth it at all... until suddenly I was overrun and could have definitely used it lol. 

The game is still an very early prototype but the art is beautifully hand drawn. So far one of the most interesting art styles I've seen in a jam

Fun platformer demo with heart, love the art and theme.

Visual feedback: The "regular world" blocks that will disappear in the shadow realm should be a different color to indicate they will disappear

Very fun arcade game with a great sense of filthy humor. If you don't add enough beans to get to "MAX" you're a coward. 

Voice acting is fun

Very fun game and it's amazing how much content is in it! Game design in interesting and there is enough complexity to allow for real strategy in player choices. 

UI Feedback: When multiple enemies are attacking a similar area it is difficult to tell which is casting where. This makes it tough to make a smart decision about which enemy to kill/move to be safe

Very cool prototype! I really liked the writing and voice acting. also DONG.


When the game starts I see a key and can move around but there seems to be no way to progress....

The game looks awesome and has a lot of potential! I can see expanding the game into many levels with different characters. 

One thing I found a little cumbersome though was that the potions are on 1 and 2. It's hard to use them in combat and move. 

Overall a cool idea, it's interesting using the changing shape of the shadow. 

Unfortunately though I got to this room and didn't see where to go, then the game crashed.