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A member registered Dec 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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I didn't want to stop playing this!  I was jamming out the whole time.  This was really well done.  My one critique would be that there wasn't a lot of point to focusing on the orders and what the orders preferred.  That's okay though, because I was still jammin'!  Nice job!

This was fun!  I wasn't quite sure what I could plant or not at the beginning, but I eventually figured it out.  Great job on the sound, music, and art!

This was fun!  Really great work on the art.  I got myself stuck in a situation at one point where what looked like an inventory menu was open, but I couldn't figure out how to close or interact with it and ended up dying :(  Nice work overall, though!

(1 edit)

It's been a while since I've played a game like this.  It was fun!  The flame could be a bit brutal at times.  As others have said, I think balancing the audio could use some work, but overall great job!

Nice job on this!  The basic gameplay mechanics are there and work really well.  As others of said, I think adding some variety or a greater objective would add a lot to this game, but it's really well done for what it is.  Nice work!

Very nice concept and well executed!  I had a lot of fun playing this.

This was a pretty chill game with the music.  It feels like a really good base that could expand into more fun.  It took me a while to understand that I had to open my inventory to actually eat the food.  Overall, great work!

This was fun!  I think it fit the theme very well.  I liked that Sun was the currency.

Well done on the art, music, and sound effects.  The game works really well.  It was pretty difficult at the beginning, but after getting a couple rose upgrades the game got super easy.  The enemies barely appeared on screen before they were dead.  Overall, really nice work!  I had a lot of fun playing this.

This was a neat chill game!  I didn't quite understand how to play at first (a tutorial or description would be nice), but I figured it out quick enough and enjoyed growing the plants.  A more rewarding objective would be nice as well.  As far as I could tell you just grew plants for money, but I didn't really feel like I was working my way towards anything.  Being able to buy some upgrades or larger plots would be cool.  Overall, nice job!

Nice jobs on this!  I like that the light is how you heal (makes sense for plants).  The wall jump mechanic was a bit wonky for me to get used to, but nice job overall!

Nice take on clicker games!  I wish I could click even more things at once XD.  Good work!

Haha, nice story!  I like the idea of it.  Also, plant in plant.  Nice job!

Simple yet enjoyable!  I liked the artwork.  Like others have said, the resolution was off for me, but other than that it seemed to work fine.  Nice job!

This was cool!  I really like the idea of a plant that needs to fight.  It creates some interesting mechanics like how attacks might work or how you can heal (being under a lamp in this case).  The platforming could use some work, but for a weekend jam game I think it was well done.  Nice job!

This was really fun!  It got difficult pretty quick.  Being able to slap a bit faster might help, but as a flower I can understand how slapping may not be the most advanced skill one may have.  Hilarious concept, and nice work!

This was fun!  It really throws you straight into the action, but it was designed in a way that I immediately knew what to do.  I kept trying to hide in the pot to hide from the rodents, but they were more clever than me.  Nice job!

I really liked your artwork and subtle background music!  I found sometimes when an enemy was above me that they were very difficult to hit, but otherwise I thought this was a great game.  Nice job!

This was a short and sweet puzzle game!  I sometimes thought an item wasn't supposed to be used in the way I was trying because of the interaction weirdness, but eventually got used to it.  I could see this easily expanding into a fuller game with those fixes.  Nice work!

I really liked how different plant/tower types had different effects relevant to what they actually were.  That was a super nice touch!  I could see a lot of interesting things with that concept if you were to expand on this game.  Nice job!

How to play the game wasn't immediately clear.  It took me a bit to figure out how to buy the seeds (click on a seed then on a pot).  I kept trying to double click on the seeds or drag and drop XD.  Other than that, it was a chill game to sit back and relax with.  Nice work!

Really cute story and artwork.  Nice job!

I think the stabby cactus was my favorite.  I mean, they're already stabby, but then you give them a knife and are extra stabby.  If real life cacti ever figure this out, we're doomed as a species.  This was a fun game, and I think y'all's experience doing game jams really shows.  It feels well thought out and complete for the scope of the jam.  Nice work!

From what I understand you're fairly new to Godot, so really nice work getting this game working!  I love adventure platformers, and I think you did a great job on this in just 48 hours.  I found the jump and crouch mechanics could feel clunky at times, but I got used to it as I played more of the game.  Nice work!

This was really well done!  I think the difficulty of the levels had a really nice progression in difficulty and it was satisfying to finally beat a level.  It reminded me a lot of Super Meat Boy.  Sometimes I found I would either latch onto or drop off a vine when I didn't mean to, but that's probably just a skill issue.  Overall, great job!

Grid style games like this can have some deceptive difficulty in their programming, so nice job getting it all working!  I agree with what others have said that it's pretty basic in its current form, but it's well made and works which is impressive for anything submitted to a short game jam.  Nice work!

I really liked how the lawn clippings were the weapon; super unique concept!  I think what would make things feel a bit smoother is being able to start/restart the games with the keyboard so I don't have to move my hand over to the mouse to click a button.  Otherwise, nice job!

This was a cute, short, and sweet game!  It would be nice to have a more fleshed out story, but this seems like a good base to get those sorts of things going.  Good job on the art!

Wow, this was great!  I loved the art style and the fighting was really satisfying.  Extremely well done!  

This was super chill!  I really liked the concept.  In earlier levels I found that the blocks were a bit sticky making me give up on certain moves too early, only to find that the block actually could fit where I wanted it to go.  After that I was off to the races.  Nice work!

This was a really interesting game!  It took me a while to figure out how to ascend (skill issue), but once I did the game was really fun.  I think after a couple speed upgrades that I found speed to be pretty detrimental.  The sub would go way too fast for me to effectively cut the wall plants and capture them.  Other than that, I love the jank controls and found this to be really enjoyable.  Nice work!

Cool game!  Some of the mechanics were difficult to get used to, and the player seemed a bit "sticky" when platforming.  I think there were a few times I would stick to the side of platforms rather than falling off.  For a weekend game jam, though, this was really well done.  I liked that the seed could be thrown.  Nice work!

Thanks for the feedback!  I like the idea of a garden growing in the background.  A really cool idea my dev partner had was transitioning between levels by having a bird pick up the ball (it’s supposed to represent a fruit or a seed) and dropping it on a new table.  Alas, time got very short.

Cool game!  I'm not sure I understand how the scoring works.  After a point it stopped going up for me and only went down.  I had my table absolutely filled with food, but whenever a bird would take some away the score would just go down.  Overall, this was a cool take on the theme and I enjoyed playing it.  It was really fun once I got the hang of it.  Nice work!

This was really fun and an awesome take on a racing game that fits the theme well.  My one critique is I wish the water shot just a little bit farther, but overall this is really well done!

Short, sweet, and functional which is all anyone could ask for a short jam game.  I liked the take on the theme.  I think some sort of scoring system would be one simple way to enhance it a bit.  Nice job!

This was a great game and an interesting take on the theme!  I really appreciate that you're pretty much guaranteed at least one plant at the start.  Like others of have said, the later upgrades can feel a bit grindy, but overall I had fun and thought the concept was hilarious.  Nice work!

This is a super chill game!  I enjoyed how calm it was.  I think the puzzles advanced in difficulty at an appropriate rate as well.  Nice work!

Absolutely!  Like I said, given the context of a 48 hour jam I think this is a great entry.  A few things I noted: some things that could help would be progress bars for the seed detectors.  Some of the icons near the plants that needed water weren't entirely aligned in a way that made it obvious which plant needed the water.  I think your tutorial was great.  Without it I probably would have been lost for some time, so thank you for putting some effort into that.

Thanks for playing!  We ran out of time tweaking some of the physics.  That's definitely something we would improve for sure.