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A member registered Feb 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Loved the gameplay , its really fun and made me grind for a while, i jsut had a lot of problem with the timings whiel attacking, but overall a fun game, would love youi to polish it and make an updated version with more thignsssssss!!!!!!!!!

Feels like a updated Slither.Io, its really fun and makes the simple snake game a more fun experience, missing some audio but deffinetly good overall.

Positive Feedback
The game has a lot of depth and makes you feel a weird emotion of nostalgia, loneliness and hope at the same time, really enjoyed the life mechanic and would love to have more types of citizens, the world fits perfectly with the vibe and the text even gave me goosebumps once. Overall good game, keep it up!!!!!!!

This game has so much potentiall,  reminds me of the "Egg theory" of the universe creation and meaning, you could took more inspiration of that, being able to see your past lifes as normal citizens, and that would give even much more feeling and depth to the game.
Also fix some of the insta-deaths, sometimes when i revived i would inmediatly get hit by a car and die again.

Thanks for the feedback!! We are aware of the Hitbox problems we´re looking forward to fix them. Most of our levels depend on your timing to be completed, but we are going to try to decrease the difficuly, we are happy that you really enjoyed the game! Thank you!!!!!!!!

1 death and 45 Orbsssssss

Loved the music, cool art, the game was really fun to play, if you would like to updated, i would add power ups or different types of enemies to make it more interesting, really good overall, congrats and keep it up!!!!!!!!!

Its a fun Puzzle solving game, fun, cute art style and relaxing. I dont find how it fits the theme properly and the music has a couple of bugs, but besides that its a pretty cute and fun game, keep it up!!!!!!

Fun game, really short but it was really fun and i enjoyed it, art style and overall concept was really good, i want moreeeeeeeeee! Too short for my taste, but great game, congratssssssssss

This game deserves an online mulktiplayer in the future, ive seen few multiplayers in game jams, those i found are really cool and often become some of my favourites, congrats, really fun to paly!!!!!!!

Nice combat, could become areally cool Boss Fighting game, loved the animations and designssssssssssss

Fun game, quite original concept, i just have a conflict with the jiglgening camera and with some jumps that after a couple atempts i wasnt able tu succeed, cool game, congrats and keep it up!!!!!!!!

Thanks for playing! The uniqueness of each level is something we worked on to keep the player entertained, and we made sure to switch up the color scheme and game mechanics for each level. My teammate in charge of art assets seemed to highly improve on pixel art through this game jam, and we'll probablly stick to this art style for game jams. It is very rewarding to see our design choices seem effective. 

Those hitboxes are a problem I totally overlooked in our development stage since I got too used to the hitboxes being that huge and did not playtest with other people. It's actually already fixed and I am waiting for the jam to end so I can upload that fix.

I’m glad you liked the level list with medals, we are currently thinking about how to make the levels less punishing and have a smoother difficulty curve, but it is difficult because of the random order of levels. I’ve thought probably some checkpoints are the way to go but it’s still a complicated decision. Happy to hear you liked how we used the theme, thanks!

Thanks for your feedback! Yes the hitboxes went really bad there and is the first thing we fixed so that we can upload more forgiving hitboxes once the jam is over. It seems the flying arrow hand level is everyone's favorite, and I really enjoyed the making and designing of it, and of course the result.

Great concept, id love more obstacles and camara control, but the game concept its amazing, works great and its really fun. Keep it up!!!!!!

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Loved the game, just fix a bug where you can sit on the wheels of the train,  you can just wait there and none enemies will kill you. Keep it up man! Really fun!!!!!! Loved the animations and cutscenes!!!!!!!

Really nailed it, maybe make the map smaller because ohterwise its easy just to run arround picking up the keys and you dont  really need to shoot.

Loved the concepts, this kind of games are both a challenge and really Chill to play, really enjoyed it. 

Thanks for your feedback, fixing the hitboxes and lowering the difficulty are on top our to-do list. It's been a common problem making our game jam games, we'll try to aviod these problems in future games and try to fix it on the current ones. Thanks for the advice!

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LOVED THE MECHANICS, the game its incredibely fun to play, gives me the same vibes as Uniteled Goose Gme, really chill and sometimes made me laugh, the pixel 3D art style its great, gives me that cartoony vibe but at the same type a retro vibe, Congratulations, keep it up!!! 

I feel like it needs more variety, if its a chill game, maybe add more build variety and upgrades. If you wanta challenge, maybe add levels and more enemies so you feel that progression. Overall good game.

Really liked the gasme, its overall fun and the art style its really cute, loveeeed the mechanich of reaciving your killers weapon, congrats!! Keep it up!!!!

I really need a tutorial, but overal, more fun than a normal sudoku, the potion completion its fun. Keep it up!!!!

(1 edit)

LOVED THE ART, Gameplay its fun and i like the upgrade system, maybe ion the future are more upgrades or different submarines. Game looks really professional, congratulations, keep it up!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                     Also, keep the "Mobile like" format, it works betten in my opinion, in order for it to work in PC it would need to be like a open world.

Missing a bit of the theme buti like it, simple, quick, buit fun.

Even though its a simple google dinosaur like game, i loved the callenge when the map changed directions, its simple but fun, maybe it would work better on mobile. Congrats!! Keep it up!!

The picking and dropping mechanic its bugged, it takes multiple attempts to pick or drop an item. But the main screen, tutorial and art style are GORGEEEEOUUUSSS, loved the art style, try fixing the bug and the gamepay could be really great. Congrats, Keep it upp!!!1

Loved the cute art style and the concept of reviving in a completely different and random scenario, the game its pretty fun and has mobile potential rather than a PC game. Congrats! Keep it up!!!!

Loved the game, its good in almost every aspect, simple but cute art style, fun and exciting to play, good mechanics. It has a lot of potential, saddly its really short(Loved the ending scene tho). Honestly you should find a way to make it longer and make a full realese. Congrats, Keep it up!!!

Honestly, is a pretty solid foundation, loved the graphics(Especially the sword) and loved the music. The main problem with the game its that after playing a couple of minutes, i reached level 11 and started to get tired of just running and srpingting, not really fighting the enemies. I suggest to add obstacles so you actually use the moving mechanics such as jumping and sliding. 
The maze generation its awesome and i loved the black hole animation, and it follows the theme correctly. Keep it up man!!!

This game's awesome! It feels very polished and complete and I can't believe it was done in only a week. This already feels like a complete game, though I might mention there was a bug where using the spear(?) I got bugged and couldn't move

It's weird that the name is totally the same as one of the past game jam themes, but nevertheless it fits perfectly into the "end is a new beginning theme"

This is totally mind-bending! It was awesome to see how the game worked around and trying to understand it. The confusion seemed to be the charm of this game and is the reason why I enjoyed it so much. It was specially rewarding and satisfying to see the final part (which is actually the very beginning if it was not backwards) and see the title logo there. Amazing game!

I liked the flash game style art, specially the chaotic look of Anticthon and the tiny enemies that made me a little nostalgic. I seemed to get a lot of errors on the console that apparently stopped the game from loading the weapons or items, which seemed to be an essential part of the gameplay, so make sure to playtest as often as you can to look for possible bugs.

I suggest adding more info on your game's page to make sure people know what your game is about so they want to play it more.

You gotta include all other files on the build and compress them to a zip file. Next time make sure your game can be installed correctly, since t's really sad when you put a lot of effort into a game and people can't try it out. Cheers!

It was cool to see the UI on the background as scene elements. It's such a cool and refreshing touch. The cinematic feel at the beginning was awesome and the game looked fantastic!