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A member registered May 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Neat game! Great use of day and night for the different levels.  Would have liked a bit more tower variety.

Super cute!  Love the art and the tower-defense mechanics.

Couple of bugs when buying a recipe - seems to leave me with negative cash sometimes.  When this happens, it also enables all the recipes on the recipe screen until exiting the shop - spoilers!

Totally missed opportunity to call this "the last sand" :)

well done!

Great job!  Enjoying the art style :)

With mouse and keyboard, it was frustrating how the character would shift position in the screen, so turning around wouldn't always flip the direction of attack without moving the mouse dramatically.

Well now I'm sad.  well done, though!

Fun little game - loved the intro cinematic!

Difficulty could use some tuning, but a good idea anyway.  I did make it once by mashing my LMB and praying :)

Well done!  Brought me back to Starfox 64 in a good way :)

I really enjoyed the music - reminded me of a game I made previously.  Jump and collect mechanics were neat - very old school mario 3 battle mode!

Cute tower defense game!  The theming was unique and I liked how different each of the viruses were.  Well done!

Neat!  Definitely needs some difficulty tuning - was pretty slow until suddenly overwhelming in round 13.  I thought the fog looked really neat/creepy!

Couldn't try it, but it looks neat!  Could you make a video of the gameplay?

all good.  Excited to see where you go from here :)

if you looking for camera shake, dotween (free on the asset store) has a good and easy-to-use shake that i've used a bunch

Really loved the Mona Lisa!  Would have liked some keyboard shortcuts for the 3 paintings.  Felt like I couldn't place them fast enough at the end.  Well done :)

Cute platformer!  On the "you win!" screen, the fingers under the tray are going to give me nightmares!

Well done :)  I'm terrible at it, but I like the mechanics.  Would be nice if it saved between enemy waves.  Also would be nice if there was more obvious feedback when getting hurt by your own gas - having that disabled in the tutorial was a little confusing.

My memory is too poor for this kind of game, but its' very well made- clean and polished.  Great job!

would have been adorable to record their "boom" sounds and put them in the game :)

oh wow, they looked better than some of the assets I've seen on the unity store. Great work!

This was a lot of fun and I kept thinking "surely this is the last level and new mechanic" and it just kept coming.  Love it.  Great job!

wow, I didn't do the mobile class, but after looking at the intro videos I can see the similarity!  Thanks for the kind words :)

One other suggestion - consider putting the characters remaining somewhere closer to the player's sight line.  I found myself rarely checking my chars and then being totally surprised when I ran out.  Implementation-wise, I imagine this as a colored box that appears under the current cell.  It wouldn't obscure the current cell or the  neighboring cells, just give an indication how much health is remaining and maybe a better indication when health is being lost.

Great game, wish my school had this when they were teaching us to type!

Only suggestion would be a "quick replay" button that would skip the opening dialog, but that's super minor.

The hardest cells for me had the word "armour", which my fingers just refuse to type!

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fun little game.  I agree with other commenters that it would be great on mobile.

The timer is jank - a bug not a feature in my opinion.  It seems to start or delay completely at random.  I'd be ok if it didn't start until you pick the first square.

There's another issue where the current color changes as soon as the timer expires, which means if i'm clicking on color 1 when it switches to color 2, it registers as a failure.  It would be nice if there were some grace period where it would just not register as points instead of being a failure.

Well done for the time limit!

but how did you do the tendrils?? I can't figure it out :)

Awesome spin on a katamari-like mechanic.  I loved how weird some of the gifts were - was there a crab with a shiv in there????

Only critical feedback was that at high zoom the small items are kinda hard to see.   Otherwise, loved it :D

I had a similar thought for this jam - glad you ran with it as it looks better than what I would have pulled together :)  I like the puzzles and the size adjustment mechanic is really clever.  

I feel like I was able to brute force the solutions every time instead of really thinking through the solutions - get one bot to the triggers then to the exit and then get the other bot to the exit.  Might consider adding buttons that have to be pressed by both bots simultaneously.

I was also confused by what looked like yellow portals on some of the walls.  Is this just lighting reflection?  I thought it was a portal or something that I needed to activate.

Lastly, thanks for including the github link!  I poked around a bit and found Fast Script Reload in there.  Does this work as advertised?

I'm too terrible at flappy bird to get to the boss, but sounds like a neat idea!  Consider having the difficulty ramp up more gradually.  Well done, though :)

Neat idea!  Wish I could teleport to a different plane to avoid dogs too :p

Fun little demo!  How did you make the tendrils and the boss move so fluidly??  Super cool.

As others have mentioned the lag before jumping or shooting is quite noticeable.  Good start, love to see where it goes and what the audio sounds like.

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Neat idea and backwards take on the infinite jumper format!

When do you want to jump?  I haven't quite figured out when that's useful.

It also seems like there are platforms far below the bottom edge of the screen that you can land on if you're lucky.  Made it feel like sometimes I got a second chance, but it seemed more like a bug than a feature.  On the flip side of that luck, sometimes I just fall through a platform on the screen.

Great start! looking forward to see where this goes in the future :)

Very cool.  The ant enemies are vicious!  Knocked me clear across the map!

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The watercolors and the woodland ambiance combined with the soothing voiceover work make for a fantastic bedtime story!  well done

+1 to other comments about not knowing WASD moved in the forrest.  My only complaint

Well done and a nice subtle message :)  Great work

Unable to get velocity into the green zone.  Flew right through the planet?

Quite addicting!  Only complaint is some combinations appear to be impossible.  Still coming back to it though!

Thanks for the compliments and triple thanks for the critical feedback :)

Difficulty is definitely something that needs work.  I'm trying to balance for both experienced gamers and my kids (2 of my helpers on this project).  There needs to be a difficulty curve that starts low but goes up more dramatically over time.  The rate is currently a bit slow.

Right now, as the game goes on there are more astroids in play at any one time, so that's supposed to make it more difficult.  The reality is, I think, the opposite, where the additional astroids are causing collisions with other astroids so there are fewer crossing the play area.  I think your suggestion of making them faster (and maybe smaller) might add some difficulty to it.  Asteroids that split into multiple smaller astroids on collision is worth considering as well.

Rewards are something I was hoping for, but didn't quite get in scope in time.  Increased capacity (slots and per slot), faster ship, proactive shields, and automovers were all cut for time.  Adding them would give more incentive to collect resources and lead to a more proactive game experience.  Should be more to spend credits on than just reactive repairs.

Oh, I hadn't thought about locking those planes/axis - clever!

A really interesting mechanic here!  Totally understand the overscoping problem but hope you come back to this for more levels because there's definitely room for more puzzles.  I was also amused that I could die in the game over screen :)

Is this the controller you were using?  Movement was very smooth, so I'm genuinely interested for future projects.