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A member registered Sep 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Good, simple gallery shooting fun!

I just played this... then played it again about 10 more times! It's cute, unique, and definitely a name game to remember.

Your best game so far - looking forward to what comes next!

Enjoying this and would love to see more!

You wouldn't know this was put together quickly for a game jam - this is the best Life's Too Short game yet! It's tight, clear, polished and well worth anyone's time. Technically it's easy to see how this entry benefits from building on the previous, and I also think it has the strongest and best presented premise so far.

I think blinking is a great idea. Thanks!

The choice of mode is just random :)

These are all great ideas, thanks for the detailed feedback!

As an aside you should maybe note the pre-made assets like the city background (it's from Super Corporate Tax Evader right?)

You beat the game haha! Thank you!

Thanks! Both fair points, I appreciate the feedback!

Thank you! I guess it is a pac-man-like!

I probably did everything twice to check if the dialogue changed! That'll be it then :)

Simple and well executed with a very well presented theme! My only suggestion is why not use both face buttons instead of only the one?

I seemed to get stuck after doing everything on the list, but I had fun getting to that point, and I admire the ambition making a "content" game like this in such a short jam!

This is a great interpretation of the theme and a natural use of the crank, although I found it quite difficult to understand how to play!

The content warning actually giving the game context was a really nice idea!

This is really impressive and feels like it has all of the elements of a full game already "set in stone"! Novel puzzle platforming and a great take on the theme. I found the crank to be of limited use and wonder if using it to "rewind" the game would be a fun mechanic for those situations where I was right at the end of a level and then messed up placing a final jump.

Congratulations on making your first game, you should be really proud! Love the grim reaper take on the theme (of course!) and the dual concern of the gameplay.

I'm a big fan of the vertical orientation and crank controls! Fun if a little easy - maybe hazards to avoid would help mix it up and help with the theme?

A very interesting take on the theme and good use of the accelerometer, although I did find it quite hard to understand what I needed to do!

If punning on the theme was the objective, this would win hands down! That aside this is still a novel and fun proof of concept, great stuff!

A nice and simple crank-and-shoot arcade game! Adding more of a theme, especially in the art, would increase the appeal and maybe help make clearer the connection to the jam theme.

Funny, great presentation, and a very creative concept! The core loop works really well, my only niggle was working out how to reach hazards that spawned right on top of the player.

This escape room setup is a great concept for the theme! Unfortunately I found the cursor constantly jumping back to the window pretty frustrating.

This is excellent - satisfying to play, excellent use of the crank, and exactly on brief. The art brings it all together into something that feels much more polished than a weekend jam game! I'm definitely interested in seeing this built out into a fuller experience. Well done!

Nice concept to play on the clock face, definitely on theme!

Funny idea and funnier execution - especially the ending! Not being sure how long it will take really helped sell that feeling of actually being stuck in a queue. It would have been nice to use the crank to (awkwardly) shuffle forwards.

Nicely atmospheric! I think introducing more gameplay elements earlier on would help provide a hook.

An excellent concept suiting both the theme of the jam and crank controls perfectly. I especially like the "reverse" modifier - time literally flows up!

I always like more vertical games and the accelerometer controls are nice and snappy! The centre screen timer is a good choice and the outline-only font a neat solution for the one bit screen.

A fun little arcade game! With some spruced up visuals and better feedback to the player when moving/colliding this could be a great score chaser.

Thanks! I think "race" can get pretty challenging for sure!

I have now dated Bubbles and my life is better for it!

I love how you really ran with the idea, this could have just been a throwaway addition as a joke (and it is very funny) but more than that it is genuinely good as a post-game finale! The art and music especially are great.

Quick fun and the art ties it together! I've like the option to disable "shout it" so I can play quietly and "pass it" when playing alone.

Great concept and a fitting use of the crank! It reminds me somewhat of the game Ennuigi. I think it'd be a more "fun" game if the runners came more quickly, but as it is I think the pace reinforces the boredom the flag raiser feels with their job, so it works as an experience (just one I'm probably not motivated to chase a high score in).

I beat the full release just earlier and really enjoyed it! It's great how there are new mechanics introduced right up until the very end and nothing outstays its welcome. I look forward to seeing what you do next!

(I also found the letters for gates much easier to follow, so thank you!)

I just spent as long thinking about the game and speculating on its story as I did playing it through, so this definitely got into my head! A very well put together first game that brings some worthy representation in the genre to the Playdate. Recommended!

Really fun! Love the little cat fella.

Beat the first five levels and really enjoyed it! I had to restart each room a few times and I was pleased with that difficulty curve. No issues to report either!

My only suggestion is that the warp symbols could be clearer at a glance as to what warps where. I think I'd be better at spotting different shapes as opposed to the same shape rotated :)