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A member registered Nov 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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Finished it today. I loved it and a mechanic that stood out was the screen transitions. Great work!

Great game, thanks for making it

(1 edit)

Thanks for tackling this project! I played the Gameboy Color version so much awhile back. It'll be surreal and so cool to play this on the Playdate!

Thanks, I made all the sounds with Audacity so I'm happy they were noticed!

I felt that pain for my game as well! I had significant slowdown compared to the native apps. I'd like to pinpoint where the slowdowns are most affected and see if there's a better way to write it or give potentially useful feedback to the DragonRuby devs :D

This reminds me of the game where you're that person in jar with a big hammer and you need to climb through obstacles in the level :D

Had a lot of fun with this. The bounce physics is super ingrained with how to progress through the level that it makes it fun to just go HAM and bounce off as many walls as you can to gain momentum.

Adding audio to this would make the bounces even more fulfilling!


The production value of this really stood out to me, especially the graphics!

It would be nice to be able to skip dialogue or make it go faster but it's not a big deal. Also, Highlighting platforms more so they look "climbable" can help the player see where they can go.

Amazing submission!

Wow, so much detail in this game. My favorite was the story-line + dialogue mode as I'd love to incorporate that in my games!

You can kind of cheese the game by not jumping at all and just slashing while on the ground. Power ups didn't seem to do much, maybe they're a incomplete feature?

Thanks for your super bouncy game!

Thanks for playing it! I originally wanted to flesh it out more and give it a edu-tainment value for players to learn more about Mexican cuisine. I thought of the idea for this while visiting relatives in Mexico.

If I find the time and effort for it I'll try to refine it more :D Thanks again!

Very unique entry to the jam! Making a tool rather than a game took me by surprise and needed a different approach to playing it.

Way to take a uncommon path with this one!

I really love the progression via the unlockables. The ball motion + blur effect was done amazingly and I'm jealous of your physics implementation for the bouncing. Everything was super smooth.

The painting feature was fun to use but it was a bit bothersome to need to slowly draw in order to have lines and avoid it just applying "dots".

I'm a big fan of the minimalist design to this!

Very impressive job.

Fun, random, and very bouncy!

The screen scrolls a bit too fast to know what's going on but I did manage a 2,217 score so it's pretty forgiving :P

Minor feedback: I suggest controls for the "restart menu" options include keyboard so I don't have to switch to my mouse to choose selection.

Great work!

I love this! Golf games is one of my favorite genres. Mixing card-based actions with golf is very fresh to me and I had a blast.

I did run into a dead-end with the sharp objects in the middle of a level and a vortex around it while only being dealt a "Up" card with no shuffles. Maybe to avoid deadlocks like these you can deal random cards when the user restarts a level?

I particularly enjoyed the music in this. It felt like every level had it's own soundtrack which is super impressive if true!

Awesome job. In my opinion it's worth extending on this game for a more full and rounded experience.

Classic Breakout but "with gun".

I felt that progression could be faster by either speeding up the ball a bit after each bounce or having less rows to break in the initial levels. This way the player can gain momentum toward completing the game.

Also I'm not sure if it's just me but my mouse was drifting to the right. I didn't mind too much because I just compensated for it.

Thanks for your submission!

I really enjoyed the music on this one! The objective was confusing as I just jumped and played without reading the manual but I jumped into the second play through with the instructions in mind.

I dig the simple mouse controls on the desktop. Reading about how the player character moves to the last touched place on mobile sounds intriguing for a control scheme. I'll try to play it on a mobile device later to give it a shot.

One area of feedback is the flexibility of the time limit. It seems you can do a lot to increase the distance between you and the dragon so it never seems to be a threat. But the "chillness" seems to be a factor in the games you make so I can see why you implemented it this way.

The game shows a lot of the effort you put in. Thank you

 Thanks for the feedback! I'll be adding sound to it after the jam is over. I just didn't have enough time to add it before submission.

Definitely! Others have zoomed in on the pixels, though, to make it easier to see. It's totally fine to not have it zoomed in.

What is this, a game for ants? :D

If it started out a bit slower so you get used to the mechanics, then speed up as you progress, I think it would be more fun. But some might like the Souls-like difficulty.

Fun game! I love the tricks you pulled in the last few levels in the design. The camera angle threw me off but it feels like part of the aesthetic. Nicely done.

I gotta admit, first time I've seen resizing a window as a game mechanic. Nice job!

Love the narrative you added!

It's got potential. I wish the beat would speed up faster. Would be best to time the beat with the number touching the line, too, so the player has an indicator. Great job sticking to restrictions, though.

I got to 131!

Amazing, well done! Animations were smooth, graphics a treat, and the game was a very fun puzzler.

One piece of advice: If you run out of juice maybe show a "Press R to restart" or some prompt just so the player learns in case it's not a behavior they picked up yet.

The physics works nice and adds a fun element. You can probably reuse it for other game ideas.

 I would add an objective in at least your game page like "find the way out!" It would also help to show a game over/win screen, too. Congrats on submitting your first game!

I love it! Very fun and the restrictions really brought out your creativity in the sprites. A fun tweak would be to give you points for staying alive as it seems to take skill in itself. Great job!

Graphics look great with sweet animations. It's a bit dialog heavy and the enemies come at the player slowly. A good tweak would be for the enemies to come faster while lowering their armor, as well as possibly spawning more enemies.

I'm a big fan of the graphics!

Great job, the anxiety is real!

Thanks for the feedback! I've made it so it's easy to edit the levels by hand so if I ever revisit the game I'll try it out.

My bad, glad you figured it out!

Haha we'll see! Thanks so much for playing and the feedback :D

Takes me back to the old days. Awesome work.

As hard as it is addicting. One day I'll conquer and be one with the drift.

Fun reuse of the built-in assets that DragonRuby comes with. I really like the mechanic of changing the difficulty as well.

Fun and simple. The character animations are amazing, nice job!

You really got a lot out of the 20 second restriction. Great job, and love the twist with the boss :D

Very fun to play, nice job!

Loved your story, and what a great medium to tell it from!