Finished it today. I loved it and a mechanic that stood out was the screen transitions. Great work!
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This reminds me of the game where you're that person in jar with a big hammer and you need to climb through obstacles in the level :D
Had a lot of fun with this. The bounce physics is super ingrained with how to progress through the level that it makes it fun to just go HAM and bounce off as many walls as you can to gain momentum.
Adding audio to this would make the bounces even more fulfilling!
Wow, so much detail in this game. My favorite was the story-line + dialogue mode as I'd love to incorporate that in my games!
You can kind of cheese the game by not jumping at all and just slashing while on the ground. Power ups didn't seem to do much, maybe they're a incomplete feature?
Thanks for your super bouncy game!
I really love the progression via the unlockables. The ball motion + blur effect was done amazingly and I'm jealous of your physics implementation for the bouncing. Everything was super smooth.
The painting feature was fun to use but it was a bit bothersome to need to slowly draw in order to have lines and avoid it just applying "dots".
I'm a big fan of the minimalist design to this!
Very impressive job.
I love this! Golf games is one of my favorite genres. Mixing card-based actions with golf is very fresh to me and I had a blast.
I did run into a dead-end with the sharp objects in the middle of a level and a vortex around it while only being dealt a "Up" card with no shuffles. Maybe to avoid deadlocks like these you can deal random cards when the user restarts a level?
I particularly enjoyed the music in this. It felt like every level had it's own soundtrack which is super impressive if true!
Awesome job. In my opinion it's worth extending on this game for a more full and rounded experience.
Classic Breakout but "with gun".
I felt that progression could be faster by either speeding up the ball a bit after each bounce or having less rows to break in the initial levels. This way the player can gain momentum toward completing the game.
Also I'm not sure if it's just me but my mouse was drifting to the right. I didn't mind too much because I just compensated for it.
Thanks for your submission!
I really enjoyed the music on this one! The objective was confusing as I just jumped and played without reading the manual but I jumped into the second play through with the instructions in mind.
I dig the simple mouse controls on the desktop. Reading about how the player character moves to the last touched place on mobile sounds intriguing for a control scheme. I'll try to play it on a mobile device later to give it a shot.
One area of feedback is the flexibility of the time limit. It seems you can do a lot to increase the distance between you and the dragon so it never seems to be a threat. But the "chillness" seems to be a factor in the games you make so I can see why you implemented it this way.
The game shows a lot of the effort you put in. Thank you