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A member registered Jan 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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Man this was such a lovely vibe! I've never explored a map in a golf game before, very cool experience. Had a very special moment when I stopped hitting the ball for a moment and the whole world went dark and I could only see the stars... just magical! Fantastic job guys!

Came back to say I played over 100 games during the review period and this was the only one I gave 5 stars across the board. I absolutely love what you made and you should be proud of this one. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future!

The numerous shpoobos in the discord caught my eye and I had to see what all the fuss was about. After playing I can confidently say I can see what all the fuss is about!

This is the kind of visual jank I love. Great feeling of power and speed with the sprint and grab and the way objects explode when you destroy them is incredibly satisfying!

Really appreciate your kind words! Honestly I'm surprised too, I love games with unique control schemes but I can only think of a handful of twin stick racers. Glad you enjoyed our game, thanks for taking the time to play!

Super cute game, love the time speedup mechanic! It'd be cute to include a little sundial UI to show you where the sun is at night too. Fun platforming and solid gameplay, well done!

Love the progression of the music as you level up, and the variety of scaling enemies is satisfying as well. Those 4 headed geese are no joke!

What? Oh... What? oh. What?!

Great art style and the dash and big mode were super fun! Well done

Love the animations of the character and the way he turns into a meteor when dashing. Felt very powerful in my little box, really well done, this is a super cool game

Cute art style and great idea. I like how the objects spiral around you before being consumed

I love the juxtaposition between the slow methodical lugging of the spool and then bungie jumping off a cliff to fling myself to the next ledge! Really lovely art style and atmosphere, really well done!

Love the idea of punching to move around, would have been funny to lean into it harder and make your base movement slower but have the jab move you around more. Great concept though it only takes level 30 power to start flying and you can just move around the walls lol. I had a great time though, really well done!

I like the concept and watching the mech throw kicks was satisffying!

Love the art! The play on the theme is funny as well, really well done!

Cool movement tech. Could stand to be optimized a bit though. I like the art style, good job!

Wow the music was such a treat and the cutscenes had me dying! Really satisfying sound effects when you collide with various materials. WARNING VEGANS A FLY WAS KILLED IN THE MAKING OF THIS GAME. RIP

I don't play any rts games but the tutorial did a great job of walking me through the gameplay. Good job guys!

I'm a big fan of the art style, very unique gameplay. Good stuff!

Love the air control and combos! Game was a lot more fun after reading through the hints, some of the mechanics weren't clear at first. For example I had exploded via bird collision earlier, but when I launched off of one I assumed it was unintentional. I love the idea of turning obstacles into targets, and quite liked the speed and air you can accumulate. Really well done

Super silly, I'm a sucked for ragdolls. Great art style as well, though the sound design can get a bit annoying with the nonstop alarms. Really well done!

My goodness this is pretty. Some of the text in the intro sequence is a tad hard to read, but man this is a neat concept. Well done

This was quite funny, the premise of having to frantically switch controllers as the games leave you behind is hilarious. I was scrambling between everything and appreciated having all the controls pop up on screen each time. Well done!

Super cool mechanic with the teleport, made for a fun puzzle platformer! Would appreciate a recall scythe button and maybe a longer reach on the melee attack. Phenomenal job for a first game jam, really well done!

Cute game, though I think the eating mechanic was bugged (no pun intended). Sometimes my tongue would get stuck and I'd be softlocked. Otherwise the puzzles were solid and the art is great, love the little animations when he gets launched. Great work!

Really funny concept. I expected to go back to the kitchen between each fight, but I think it worked. Love the ragdoll when you ring enemies out, great job

This is what I imagine it feels like to do a death star run! The speed and maneuverability make this so badass, and the story and checkpoints make this feel like a proper game, really well done guy!

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I struggled with this. While the shooting feels great, the art is badass, and the platforming and speed are slick, combining the difficultly of the platforming and the shooting made this a challenge. I think checkpoints would alleviate some of the struggle without diminishing the gameplay. Would be fun to grind out and master, definitely feels powerful!

My hands got tired, really makes you feel like your an arm wrestling champ! Well done

Upgrading felt really good, you get substantial power from every chest and it's quite fun wiping out hoards of enemies, well done!

Simplistic but effective art style that synchs to the music nicely! I think the recharging may be a bit slow if you run out of energy, but I enjoyed flying around and dodging the enemy attacks. I did get pretty poor framerate with the boss which I was surprised by, but I managed to beat him without issue. Well done, definitely include a couple screenshots next time!

Love the art and the dialogue had my laughing, even the tutorial is a hoot! I think the flying saucer enemy's attack being just a sound effect makes them quite hard to fight, especially given your short range attacks. The boss was quite fun though and I enjoyed the little platforming sections too, really well done guys!

I won big until I lost it all. A fantastic cautionary tale on gambling. Really well done! I would love this as a fighting game, the animations are great

Feels so nice on a controller, really well done! The art is lovely and the levels are sufficiently challenging. Great sound effects as well, made the jumping that much more satisfying

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I like the irony of having such a powerful instakill attack but in order to use it effectively first you have to slowly line up all the targets being extremely careful not to brush by any of them and collect enough mana to use the attack once. This is tough and slow and satisfying to get right, though I couldn't even collect enough scrap to get the first door open lol. The beam is super satisfying though, would love an easy mode with rapid fire. The music and sound effects were phenomenal and I liked the art style. Great job guys

Super cute game! I went blasting off at full speed expecting it to be simple but you don't have very powerful thrusters, so I learned what it really feels like to be a cat hurtling through space. Seeing my global standing as a percentage made me want to try harder to improve, really well done guys!

I was laughing the whole time, my god this is such a great game. It even has a 'see other ending' button. Fantastic art, extreme power, no bugs, strong audio, you absolutely killed this and I'm supremely impressed!

Great concept! Love the cinematics, it's clear you had a ton of making this! Well done

Great art style. Definitely a funny interpretation of power, but it gives me similar gameplay vibes to spelunky, where you learn all the various ways the world insta kills you and learn through death. Interesting to require death in order to progress, I'm sure there are truly dedicated players who want to win without dying. Really well done!

Really cool idea! I think requiring a button press to grab friends and end the level both seem unnecessary since you need all the friends anyway, and it just feels bad to get to the end but die because you didn't know you had to press space. I also ended up playing with my left hand on WADS and right hand on QE as playing one handed made my hand cramp lol. Very well done though, I played to the end and enjoyed all the puzzles!