Haha the gas station should absolutely explode! You do explode when you hit it but the camera can get a little funky sometimes so you can't always see the effect. Thanks for playing our game!
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Switch pro controller eh? Would love to have been able to test and optimize for every controller but we worked until the last minute just to get what we got working lol. We'll certainly look into it in the future, my main controller doesn't cooperate without steam overlay as well, so it'd be nice to make the game more comparable in the future. Thanks for trying it and leaving feedback!
Known Bugs:
- Checkpoints occasionally don't register.
- Dying occasionally breaks the players camera.
- Resetting from the pause menu occasionally breaks the checkpoints.
- Some respawn points are underground and the player cannot return.
- Win screen freezes instead of allowing free roam.
EZ fix to all: Relaunch the game B)
Known Bugs:
- Checkpoints occasionally don't register.
- Dying occasionally breaks the players camera.
- Resetting from the pause menu occasionally breaks the checkpoints.
- Some respawn points are underground and the player cannot return.
- Win screen freezes instead of allowing free roam.
EZ fix to all: Relaunch the game B)
I hit 2454! Love the art style and I felt quite powerful jumping into enemies and shooting them at the same time to collect the gem! Only suggestion is that I didn't really feel the effect of the run and attack bars. I never got close to worrying about attack and when I died it was slightly abrupt. Having specific limited lives would have more impact and be easier to follow as a player. Well done!
Damn this was cool! I like how hard it is, the levels are short enough that it's not all that frustrating to die a bunch learning spike jump timing. Last level took me a bit longer but it was by far the most fun! Would love more levels with increased complexity but still with short levels, it's really cool combining all the different elements together, well done