I'm so sad to hear that. Many people have been reporting similar issues, but then some, including me, haven't had anything like that happen. Thank you for giving the game multiple chances, sorry the game bugged.
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Thanks for the detailed comment. You may have a point with the movement being too nauseating. Other people have complained about the inputs as well, I don't know what's going on with that.
With the symbolism, we had many ideas for the story, having to do with theme "power", but don't think too deeply about it haha. You're the first one to comment anything about the lore elements so it's nice that they didn't go completely unnoticed. Thanks for playing!
I've played inscryption, but I didn't even realize the movement was the same until now. I just didn't want the player to have to use a mouse, because I had visualized a setup where the player's left hand could be on the keyboard and the right on the pen and paper. If the game had a mouse and 360 degree camera control, the player would essentially have to completely pause the game every time he went to draw/write something for solving a puzzle. At the start I had the idea that the whole game would exist in a labyrinth and the player would have to track his movement at all times, where it would be very tedious to have to use a mouse for moving as well, but then we didn't even end up going that direction so it didn't really matter that much. Thanks a lot for playing and commenting!
I tried a few times but I think I missed something cause I would constantly run out of energy and then I would just have to passively wait for some seconds to recharge it back. The boxes worked well, but I didn't seem to gain much energy from hitting the enemies but maybe I just didn't combo them enough or something. I really liked the artstyle though.