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A member registered Jan 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Cool battle system, nice and balanced deck-builder and it was fun to play (:

Good concept but i had a really hard time navigating so puzzles were extra difficult, kinda stuck after getting access 5 :( Also i managed to lock myself out by using all cores on first station :') Overall nice idea and cool puzzles!

Really hard game, first enemy literally can kill you in two punches, but combat system was unique and i had fun with making combinations. Good entry! :)

This is quite nice, combat feels a little bit slow but overall it is a good game :)

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i can say a lot about this game (mostly positive) but especially i want to note battle system. It is unique, simple at first but progressively becomes more complicated, fun end versatile. Really good work with game and this system especially! (: (also - loved that you can just skip enemies that you already beat, this should be in more games)

Really nice game, combat system was original and could support this full game, maybe a little bit too random but still it kept me playing for some time (: Great work!

Cool idea with audial puzzles, but very hard because hearing melody or finding sounds was really difficult. But otherwise it is a nice entry!

Nice game, cool incorporation of the theme. Combat system was weird at first but it was okay when i got it (: Well done!

Really nice little game, all mechanics are simple in a good way. Had a bad luck and died to the slimes at start twice but than some god spared me and i had a nice time playing it. Still died to slimes later but it is probably a skill issue on my side :') Overall really cool entry!

Well it is my first finished game (like full on not-only-dev build and playtesting and polishing and all that stuff), i had some experience with unity but did not really finish anything, so, technically, yes..? Wasn't trying to  press on pity btw, sorry if that came like that-

Well, in any case, thanks for playing! Glad you liked it (;

Thanks for playing!

Well, technically - it is my first finished game (to the state where others can play it), but not really first time touching unity.

About text, agreed, font could be better, gonna try some other out when jam ends. Thank you for suggestion! :)

Really cool presentation but i had to ctr + to make screen bigger so i can see something. Good movement and combat was okay (except for bow which ran out of arrows pretty fast, but i suppose it is very small game). Loved small touches like dice sound every time you attack :) Very nice!

This was really nice and scary experience (: Some minor bugs and controls could be clearer but overall it is a really cool short horror game!

Combat system was very hard and i died like 20 times but i like the idea! :)

Really cool system with voice control! Kinda hard but also possible, tho some words can have different pronunciation and some audio que would be nice, but not necessary. Sadly i died near the end bc i could not say vox fast enough. Overall really unique idea and really great entry!

Good game, a little bit hard on the eyes, but all mechanics are there and working properly. Also loved that i can just destroy things like trees and fences (:

Really strong entry, great job with inventory and puzzles! I ran into some bugs but as i can see they are already fixed, would love to play updated version after jam (:

Cool little puzzle game! Unfortunately inventory wasn't working for me and puzzle started including item management :) Overall nice game with some cool ideas like torches and scrolls placement.. things. Cool!

Really well polished game! Art and lighting were great. First puzzle was quite difficult, had to look up answer in comments. Overall really cool entry!

This is a loooot of features in jam game and also, most importantly, most of them are used and are a part of a game in some quests if not needed to complete the game itself (decides maybe shop bc every item that you can buy is worse than what you already have) (also did not get how to change abilities and you can beat game without changing them). Really a lot of work done for a week! :)

Cool graphics and idea about healing by drinking water - stay hydrated! :) - but it wasn't obvious at first, some instructions would be nice. Nice entry!

Concept of collecting was great but how everybody already said movement is really slow unfortunately :( But with a movement fix it can be a cool game!

Loved the atmosphere! Movement feels good, even if a little bit dizzying because of reflections in matrix world and movement blur in overworld. Got a little bit confused at start with fighting and where i needed to go at some parts. Really good combat system that kept me strategizing my next moves. Overall cool game with great fighting and really nice art! :)

Nice concept, but i died a lot and respawning breaks movement :(  Really unique idea with cards AND chess, also graphics are cool!

Thank you for kind words! Well that sounds like that day that i preserved for audio and visuals only was not a waste (: Thanks for playing!

Really cool mechanics! Tho found a way to get unlimited energy when ying-yang system was introduced, so to get literally everything i had to just wait for a bit. Also tutorial and whole first room had more than too many text, scared me at first- Really, this game has a lot of work hut into it and i loved idea of combinations with runes! Also nice touch that you can see map with both sun and moon :)

A really cool puzzle game idea! Everything is really responsive (well not so much in movement, hold to move could be a great addition), shooting and reality swapping was nice and felt right. Tutorial implementation was extra good! In my opinion changing the realities in what you can shoot in it would be nice (rn it is white in white and black in black) because it could bring more contrast so you can see what you are aiming at. Overall really cool small game that can have a lot of potential!

Well isn't it the most perfect compliment for big The Stanly Parable fan as myself haha :)  Thank you for playing!

Thank you for kind words! :D

Glad you enjoyed it!

Movement and atmosphere are really cool, very unique idea. Loved it!

A really chill game. Ruins were nice to explore and movement was responsive (maybe a lil bit weird in rotation but scince this game had walking to right and left it was not bothering too much). It already made me in the mood to think about what were theese ruins and some puzzles and more structures could make the whole feeling even better, so if you would like to continue developing this game in that direction i will explore it gladly (: Battles were nice (for the record, i tried not to cheat w diagonal attack), for the length of game they were okay and did not start to feel repetitive, so good decision to make it small and nor artificially prolong it! Overall it is strong entry! (especially for 3 days! this is like less than a half)

This game has astounding number of features, especially for a week of work! Sadly most of them are rarely used like inventory in my case (used it only to equip my dagger back). Movement feels kinda slow and there are some bugs like the fact that i could use medical items even when i had 0 of them but had them chosen (both medkit and moss). Overall really cool entry which has a lot of potential in its systems! Also duality here is nice (:

Nice game, found the whole idea really cool. Combat was hard and kinda repetitive, but still kept me playing to the point where i needed to sacrifice my upgrades to take the key - seems strange to me for the game where enemies get progressively harder to manage your upgrades with inventory but you do you. Overall really nice entry!

Very large game, sadly only way to navigate was by explorer's corpses that were left where i already was :( Also fatigue mechanic is weird and just locking player in one place just does not seem fun, maybe limit it to attacks? That way player would not need to stand in one place for 5 minutes waiting for fatigue to restore. Besides that - nice big game that can be a good one with some polish and balancing (:

Actually now that i think about this it is a really great place for a secret of sorts, hah

But no, it just gonna hit 8 damage (but when gamejam ends that will most definitely change :))

Thanks for playing! Glad that someone noticed different door interactions (:

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OMG thanks for the dose of dopamine from your comment, I think I can work entirely on my happiness from it for at least next 72 hours (: Especially glad that you liked combat, i was really stressed about all that so it was great to hear that it is okay!

Loved the aesthetics! Combat is really a game of luck rn, but i hope that if you will continue it that will change (: Overall fun game which i could complete in full

Nice art and movement, but random generation spawned me with no way out of level sadly. Combat rn is just a game of luck if you can find exit before you get killed, but it can be a good game with some additions :)

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Oooooh, i get it now, while playing i actually thought about that same exact mechanic and how would be a cool one to implement, but probably it will stand in the way of leveling up, knowing that there is limited amount of enemies, so glad to know that there is one (: In that case would be nice if there was like a spawner of sorts in the woods or village so you could grind a little bit to level up

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It was a fun game, i completed it fully, but i needed to restart it when my main character died and all my upgrades with him :( Font was barely readable, but story was not really needed to experience it. Also there is literally no use for a bug character because he can't heal himself and in game where there is no other way of healing it is weird to even have that option (unless i did not understand something important and i am sorry if that is the case). Fun little experience which completely destroyed my left middle finger because i needed to push 'W' button so much (if you will continue working on it please make it so you can push button and you will continuously walk).

Level 2 guards were unnecessary strong and i could not defeat them, but i managed to find a bug in their pathfinding and defeated king by running through him at full speed and punching (: Btw i could not exit the throne room and needed to restart so glad that it saved king in my inventory (: Also why show all those cool stats on sacrificing the king if game will end anyway?? T-T really wanted to take my anger out on that one guard that somehow ended up in woods and killed me first time. Overall fun experience and with a little bit more polish could be a really fun game