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Quacked Up

A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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better than most new quadruple A games

you can also just kinda fly with the auto shotgun, you can basically skip all of the platforming in the last level.

Love the visuals and the music, it felt smooth to explore the world and the puzzles were really well made!

Aside fom the controls it was really great! I really like puzzle games and this was really good.

Really love the visuals, and the very hard gameplay too! On hard its absolutly brutal lol.

Interesting but got boring quick because, as others said, it's just holding down 1 button and praying to find some plants. Visuals and music was nice tho.

Great game, really liked the art!

This is one of the best games made in this jam imo, really liked the visuals, puzzles. The music and sound effects got a little annoying towards the end but still very good!

Simple game but still pretty cool, I could imagine playing this to pass the time for a few minutes on my phone.

i really like games where you have to learn the moveset of a boss to have a chance at defeating them, and this was a really good one at that. Art and music was simple, matched with the gameplay, really good game.

This was the first time I used more than a few assets for my game so that's why I didn't think to compress any assets, there's also a bunch of leftover assets too that I forgot to take out, thanks for the kind words tho!

Looks really clean and plays aswell, one thing I would've added was a full reset instead of just an undo last move button, because a lot of the time at the end I realized I did the puzzle wrong from the start and had to start over, so I just had to smash my space bar.

The game looks and plays really good, when I first got to the brain thing I pointed my flashlight at it for a few seconds, saw nothing happened so I went aways looking for something else. After finding nothing I came back and realized that I needed to point my flashlight at it for a longer time lol. Really good game non the less.

Its a bit too hard to control and to aim. The game looks great tho.

That corgi is hella cute. The controls felt a bit slow for me. The music was really great tho.

The game plays really great, I could easily tell the depth which is usually hard to do in similar 3D games. Music was also really good. You guys did a great job!

Well I'm never using soap anytime soon. 

This is imo one of the best looking games in the whole jam. The music was also really great. The maze couldve been bigger its too easy to just find the keys and finish the game. 

It felt smooth to control, looks great, music is also really good.I just clicking outside of the game a bit too much, and died because of that lol. just overall great game

Looks nice, tho it becomes almost impossible because the platforms fall so fast a bit later in the game.

Aiming and shooting felt really smooth, the game looks really nice. It is a bit hard tho, sometimes theres just too many enemies on screen and you cant shoot them all without getting hit a couple of times.

amogus moment

A pretty standard space shooter, the hitboxes were a bit too jank for a 1 hit kill tho.

Pretty strange game, after you get the hang of it, it becomes a lot easier and enjoyable. The music was only on one side of my headphones at a time, so if music was bottom left of me I would just hear it play on the left, so I couldn't tell if it was up or down, because of this a lot of the time I would just run around without actually knowing where to go.

There's not much gameplay, I got up to 160 without moving, towards to later in the game it becomes almost impossible to dodge the steams. The background could've used some randomization so not all of the background tiles move in sync. Everything else looks nice, music is also a banger.

Textures look really nice and music is really good, but the second boss was really unfair with it's homing ice attack. The ropes are also kinda glitchy, sometimes they work, sometimes don't.

exactly the right amount of xtreme

The next game I'll make will defineatly be a full, and I won't make in a Jam so I'll have more time to work on it. Might make this game's full version.

Might actually try to make it a full game, the original idea was that everything would be rigged against you so you have to come up with ways to cheat at the games. But 2 days is a really short time so I couldn't make it.

peak morb

Oh yeah forgot to add how to play, should be fixed now. 

Yeah i know but i was quite disappointed because i made a oretty good game for anotger jam and i wanted to make atleast something on that level. But thanks for the kind words tho! 

and 33 seconds to fly to the surface from the bottom

I used to play so much Motherload, this brings us great memories. Very good game maxd out every upgrade!

Liked the game, was a bit confusing at the first time. But was fuun after realising how to play.

Was basically just a waiting game. Should've made the mosquito more attracted to the swatter.

Level design was interesting. Got a bit confused when pressing the right mouse button, but all in all a good game.

Short and sweet game, enjoyed it a lot. at first i didnt know how to get up but figured it out.

The game was good, and the control scheme didn't bother me that much. The levels were a bit short after realising how to move.

(1 edit)

I liked the game, nice grapihcs, sound effects. The only thing i missed is that it could've sped up over time. If it did and i just didnt play it enough then sorry.