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A member registered May 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Took me a while to realise that this game require an entirely different strategy from Tetris. This is a lot of fun.

Am I going to repeat the same thing that has been said about this game by dozens of people? Yes.

Control is great. Boss fight is great. The vibe is great, music, city, rooftop, walking on pipes, breaking windows and all.

And the game even has a working setting menu.

Impressive work!

Great art, the control feels great. But man, this game is difficult.

The Metal Gear style look Solid. The animation and control feels pretty good too. It's shame that there isn't much use for crouch and crawl. But being able to breakdance at any time is pretty funny, and somehow fitting.

the art style and the character model are so good

The drone from the movie Oblivion is a huge inspiration for this project.

But tbf, this project is extremely undercooked. And I definetly didn't spend enough time to make this one grabs attention.

so, thank you so much for checking this one out!

Incredible mechanic, puzzle, and writing. Best utilisation of the theme in the mechanic of this jam so far!

Great work!

It may be scuffed but it has got humor

The art is incredible, and the tower design is pretty fun.

I'm so happy to hear that cork sound again.

Didn't expect actual GB game here, this is amazing!

(1 edit)

You combined my favorite type of story into one. I love the writing style and the story you offered, I imagined the picture after each line and it was wonderful. The art style is atmospheric and fits really well.

Absolute cinema, definitely my favorite story from this jam so far.

Waiting for the guard you can't see to leave the room somehow remind me of Alien:Isolation; which I really like

love the puzzles.

(1 edit)

Thanks for checking out my game.

I love the wacky enemy sfx, especially the neuro bread.

The ball hp and damage mechanic is a cool concept, but I find it a bit odd that you also get damaged when you do the thing you're suppose to do (hitting an enemy). But If the goal is to encourage player to do few high damage hits, then the game need to give player more control to help them achieve that.

And to return the favor as a fellow pinbal dev using Unity, I have some things I learned while making my project to share.

  • Add TrailRenderer component to the ball then set the "Time" parameter to an absurd amount. And when you test your game, you will get a sort of heatmap that can help immensely on level design.
  • Design the board to send the ball back to player often, will make the game feel faster.
  • I'd recommend not putting a cooldown on the bumper(bouncer) hit sound and allow them to play as often as the ball hit them. I found that shorter and lower pitch sounds works best for repeating.

I hope this help you on this or your future projects!

UI animation is great! feels snappy and responsive

The art and sound design is absolutely fantastic! But time travel sound can get jaring when the ability is triggered often.

I already have a balancing update planned. But the game is in the middle of a jam rating process right now, so expect an update around January 7th :)

You have such a distinct art style!

love that they actually keep the stuff you sold them, very cool detail

the color mixing sequence is awesome

Wonderful art style, I think sharp corners complement evil's personality well, the cover image doesn't do this game justice.

Clicker and management gameplay is fun, but I was a little disappoint that there was no risk involve when putting in rewards to attract travellers.

Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm happy to hear someone enjoyed to game as much as you did.

Yes, I intend the game to be open but with a natural path that I (tried to) suggest player to take like putting the hill to lead player down the cave etc. But I didn't expect player to figure out about drones and flashlight before they explored the cave though, so that's really cool hearing about your playthrough.

Fun game, don't quiet understand the alternate mode though.

Boss fight was fun

Great art and cutscenes, little too short to understand what's going on in the story though.

Polished art work and UI interaction, lots of fun detail.

one minor issue though, the "kidney" sprite is a liver

Great audio mixing, love the echoes and spatial audio.

I love screaming weapon

Lots of content and polished visual.

Ship modules mechanic really interesting, but the control sometimes work against it, I think adding ability to strafe would help relieve the frustration greatly.

Yeah the ending is scuffed because I have to rush it. You weren't suppose to be able to kill the ambushing drones, and there was supposed to be messege afterward. But the text UI are missing too, so no one will be able to see it for now sadly.

Gald you reached the end though! I'm so glad someone actually got to it

Difficult boss fight is satisfying to beat.

Seems like the game speed is tied to the refresh rate. Assuming the intended fps was 60, some people with high refresh rate monitor might be playing the game on super speed.

I only played on the web, so I can't say for the download version

You can change your monitor refresh rate to get the intended fps before playing

Great story and combat.

Great work on introducing such indepth combat mechanic within a few encounters

The game is quite confusing, but decent audio design

Fun and creative levels

Good execution on the theme and overall atmosphere. Controls are snappy and satisfying.

I enjoyed the spam

Neat concept, simple but fun to play. Art and sound are well polished!

Nice visual style, the maniacal laughter really induce frantic fear.

I like that the map doesn't tell your exact location, and I have to tell where I am from the surroundings.

Thanks for checking out my project! I whole heartedly agree on the reeling mechanic

This is the most beautiful thing I've seen all jam. Flawless work putting all the references together to creat such a beautiful story.