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A member registered May 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words! Ambitious is right, I def learned a lot as to what would even be possible for me to finish within the Jam dates. I had a lot more planned, like upgrading each color to get more powers from them, like starting with just dash and needed to unlock double jump and wall jump. Another plan was to have combined color power after fully leveling each color. this def had to be put to the side to get the simpler concepts down first. The shield presented me with a particularly interesting problem control wise. With my testing i found that holding the down button to use your sheild felt best, but present issues when needing to move and shield at the same time, making it almost impossible for the players to strafe and hold their shield so I decided to go with pressing down kept it out until it was canceled with jumping attacking or standing. This gave the player the ability to scoot along without needing to be so precise with control inputs, the downside is how you mentioned pulling and using your shield became easy to use while out, but more cumbersome to movement.

On screen instruction are definitely to be a focus point for me, I feel bad you didn't find it, but if you held F during the opening cutscene it would scroll the text faster, held long enough it skips the intro (OH WHY DIDN"T I JUST PUT A TEXT BOX ON MY CANVAS SAYING "HOLD F TO SKIP" lol mb)

Tysm and really appreciate all the feedback. I'm curious that the softlock came from force from the down ward movement from the boss attack. I'll look at getting that sorted, think I know what's causing it.

Appreciate the kind words and thanks for playing was a ton of fun to make.

Really enjoyed myself riding around. The sleeping mechanic was quite fun and I think it helped add a really good depth to the story telling. Not sure if much was to happen after Victory! as I died the moment it happened. did it again and was just riding around having fun not sure what to do. movement and environment felt great. music and art did well together and i loved how cute it was. Great work!

I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed playing! Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback! 

It brings me so much joy to know you enjoyed the music! Thank you so much. All the feedback is helping tremendously and I agree health bar for bosses would have been a nice touch

I'd love to know more about your color glitch. As my color system is tied into every display element of the game I'm curious if you were turning the other colors appropriately as well. technically all the colors on the screen have been converted unless you are seeing sprites that are blue, red, green, magenta colored, things should be working.  Are you just staying the green color after attacking? cause if the attack power state is as least still going true it may be a timing thing where its just not on long enough. I have ways of permanently changing the base color of the player as well and the powers still seemed to work with my testing , if you are able to remake the bug try pausing right after using the power as well, the Mini-map should show the player as the color u turn as well. Have a feelin it might be resetting the color too quickly.

Really appreciate you playing and giving feedback thanks again for giving it a shot!

It was a lot of fun. I loved the inherited traits mechanic was fun "mating" and finding my way around. I got stuck a couple times however hitting a block on the corner after jumping relatively high and coming down pretty fast. Would have loved some more sound in music or fx, but the art style and existing stuff is so great had a lot of fun!

Found the gameplay and concept quite fun! I did make it outside of the map 1 time thinking it was a way to go after getting the recoil shot. Really enjoyed it and no jumping was a interesting take . 

It took me a bit to figure out how to recoil jump, but felt nice once I got it worked out. Nice Job will def try and beat it again. cause i missed some things my first go through it feels like.

Thank you so much I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Did the bird Smash you through the wall? I had put some checks to try and prevent this as it did happen A LOT more earlier on, but I suspect it still happens if you're against the wall? Admittedly I hadn't put in any saving features cause I hadn't figured that out just yet.  Excited to keep learning and appreciate the kind words! 

After updates open back up ill see about updating a loosened up movement update to make things feel a lil better for everyone, my target I think with the classic theme was to have a character that felt similar to the original Castlevania movement, realizing now with all the feedback that probably went a bit far and it just makes it hard and frustrating... like the original Castlevania lol. 

it was early on after the first puzzle maybe, after the switch u need to press after a door go back through to get up to the left hitting a switch and needing to wall jump. It was a small path lead back go the area before that. I had jumped back up through there and the music started overlapping 

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ah some DS1 strats okay. i'll give it another go here in a bit see how far I can get. Yea, and I hate to use the wrong term, but like pixelated 3D gives me a sense of like old games from CD's in the early 00's Really Enjoy that style, it does get a little dark and creepy with the lighting in areas and I find that really cool.

Thank you so much! Really excited to improve and learn. I may release a speed patch here after the voting period to see how it feels loosened up a bit, the decision as u mentioned just came from lack of balancing between the world size boss movements etc.  Would have loved a lil more time to put it other more elements and ideas I had for progression and lore. Excited to get at this again!

no idea, an error window would pip up whenever I made contact with what I assume was sowmthing that damaged me. And I'd have to restart the game. If I have time to get a screen grab of it today for ya I will.

I liked the art style and vibe the game was giving off at the start. however after completing the quest here's some things I noted. I wasn't sure when I was being hurt and would teleport back after I died, took a bit to realized my health was going down even when enemies were flashing. There didn't seem to be any powers or anything to prevent my progress without unlocking , I just sorta walked to the end and jump over a few enemies. Might consider remapping the jump to the up arrow so that you can jump while attacking. After the title screen there wasn't any sounds or music, but I liked the vibe the title screen was setting up!

I got stuck early on. I wasn't able to figure out how to attack, the options mention a few attack styles but I wasn't able to figure out how to use it. I also wasn't sure what to do after getting the lil blue hexagon, there was a white square but there wasn't any instruction or any clues as to what to do.

Art Style and music was nice and the writing was silly, but wish I could have gotten a bit farther. The camera movement is a bit jarring vertically when falling thru the well. 

I like the art style and the character design is really interesting. I love the way its head points while your run and looks around! The art style and tile mapping and music all work well together too. will def come back and try and beat this at some point. too difficult for one sitting.

 the music was nice, there was one spot I somehow managed to get 2 songs overlapping, went back up into a puzzle area after maybe caused it?

One thing I noticed is control wise its difficult to move to the right and attack at the same time. Might consinder some remapping options or switching attack to left mouse. Controlling the direction of the dash was a bit difficult I may have gotten it down a bit better with practice. The wall sliding slowly when holding is a nice touch however I did find myself falling quite a bit when trying to wall jump quickly and not hitting the opposite direction fast enough. 

If anyone figures out the cheat code post a screenshot! 

Oh no! Skullie! So I left that on purpose to give ppl a laugh. Skullie is my first enemy ever and has some of the silliest tracking code. It's so goofy and interacts with the player so funny it makes me smile when he goes off to save his people I decided to keep em in for the lols.

Gameplay wise,  the idea here was to force the player into areas that made them use their power to discover where to go next. I think with more time this could have been a but more polished from area to area. After getting the red power there should be a small indication that u can charge your attack. If u hold the button a sound starts playing. Which is supposed to help indicate the length u need to wait to destroy objects,l. Those objects also glow the same color as the charatcer when the power is activated. Revealing them to the player if they arent already known. Being slow was def a choice, but one im seeing is more furstrating than immersive.

Thank you for the kind words, just having turned in a project on time was a W for me this round. All the feedback and support has been really wonderful, can hardly wait to get started on the next one.

Had a great time playing. I spent most of my time dashing around it felt great! Controls felt very responsive and feedback was wonderful. Had a great time exploring the map and tried to find everything. no real notes, but I did find something however, and I'm not sure how I did either lol. 

I have updated the game and hopefully have addressed some of the issues you've mentioned. let me know if you give it another shot. Thanks again for your feedback

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Updated the game to address some of the problems you addressed. Let me know if you give it another shot! Thank again for all your feedback!

I hear ya, I wanted the character to feel a bit slow until you unlock the dash to open it up a bit more, but i def went too far, but I have just updated the game and added a few QOL things. Hope you give it another shot! Thank you so much for your feedback!

Had a lot of fun playing through this. It was very fast paced which is fun, but made it a lil tough in spots to accurately place my character. Took a lil while to figure out how to use my abilities, but would have loved to see a few more puzzles involving these. Felt like I got through it rather quickly and was yearning for more to play great work!

Had fun wandering around. the Aesthetic is great. music is either really low or non existent in the starting area, not sure if this was intentional, but got really excited once i heard something after making it through a few diggable walls.

Item use took me a bit to figure out. Spear enemeies are quite hard as i cant seem to find a way to not get hit while attack the, could entirely be user error tho.
played this tired out of my mind last night so gunna give it another go today and let you know about other things i find!

Apologizes for lack of detail! I wasn't sure if this would post on the games main page and didn't wanna clutter the page with a bunch of specifics or spoilers n things. (1st game jam tings lol) ANWAYS I found the movement and progression to be very rewarding and engaging. I didn't spend much time exploring but after I finished I had only missed 1 room and 3 chests. I really enjoyed your wall sliding with the sword. it feels and looks great gives a great dimension to the platforming aspects to the game as well. I did find it a lil hard to consistently attack where i was intending cause he's such a lil guy, but I am torn cause I love that he's a lil guy and should have a lil attack. I spent all my coins upgrading my attack power and ignored defense and was able to really start taking enemies out. were I compelled by a few more bosses I'd probably be grinding out to see if there's a max to any of your stats.
Coins pop out of the chests so satisfyingly that I felt so bad if any disappeared before I could make it to them.
The ending was a nice touch and quite funny, had me chuckling.
The Adventures of Link style homes immediately had me trying to walk thru the doors.

Yes the game has 3 powers to unlock. to get through the red gate you  must find the red key. Slow movement was intentional, but lack of testers is proving I may have made to a bit too hard on that aspect. The game is completable in its state,  it may just be a bit difficult. i'll try go balance this a bit and add some QOL features to make things a lil more obvious to players thank you for your feedback!

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Thank you for the feedback sorry if there was a lack of clarity with direction of the game and a few things that isn't illustrated to the player to get certain concept across. I was trying to emulate the older style games that sort of make you discover what to do thru trial and error. More testers and feedback def make this easier so I do appreciate the detailed feedback.  I reserved giving too much info as I didn't want to give away spoil it in that sense, but yes there is a dash. 

There are a total of 3 powers each gives you a  unique power. blue gives you a shield when you hold down. (I think to solve the lack of instruction here I  may force the player to use a 1 way platform after receiving the power to force it be used essentially making it more obvious its a thing. This power allows you to gain access to the red Key that gives you access to the red boss. which after defeating gives you a charge attack. I needed to make a more obvious way to indicate the play can now charge after getting this ability, currently using a base attack after receiving it will color you and any objects that are destroyable by the power showing you where to go a bit. 

The last Power will give you a dash, a double jump and wall jumping opening up the movement of the game. It was intentionally made slow to give it more. I was going more for a explore and figure out and think I stumbled on slow and frustrating, with lack of testers I just went with my gut on the feel for it. As far as view port stuff, I went a few rounds trying to get things to place correctly at full or not full screen (still nooby coder stuff I'm figuring out)
Means so much that you enjoyed the music and art. I've been doin music for a long time now and switching my focus to programming, so that means a lot! 

seems to be anytime I take damage.

All good! thought it may have been a user error, but loved the music and  Megaman style gameplay, great work!

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Came back and tried again. definitely took me a bit to figure out how to activate the full screen, but I love the interaction with the shop keep. great work!


Was too tired last night to put my thoughts together in a Cohesive way, but I really enjoyed the games art style noises and progression. the pop ups with the power explanations was quite good! I didn't understand the one with like poison gas and glasses? not sure what that one did exactly, but had a ton of fun exploring and finding secret bread. spent way too much time in the shops cause that shop keep has so much personality.

got soft locked early on then somehow start flying thru walls. after resetting the game didn't progress form the start scene. the game was very small on my screen and no way to make it larger that i could figure out.

i couldn't figure out how to play no controls worked for me.

I really enjoyed this. the knight is quaint and has character. Great work!

game kept crashing pretty early on might come back to it. loved the aesthetic

after touchin an enemy i sometimes fall forever and am softlocked.