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A member registered Dec 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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I think this nails it for being the most innovative concept! And it’s executed pretty well too, lots of little details in the art of the characters and the map that help the gameplay feel reactive and give an indication of what you’re doing, which is important for a game that tests your multitasking brain like this.

I kind of struggled to come up with a better idea than bundling all my Hecas together and making a super gun to tackle every problem with, though I’m sure there was a better way to beat it than that :D Still though, it’s really tricky to get used to controlling the Hecas - I think I found that harder than any of the puzzles or action sections (or rather, they were only hard because of the controls). That’s just my experience though, not a criticism or anything!

The visuals are cool and coherent, the little faces Junko and Hisami makes are so amusing to me. I think the concept with the changing audio was neat though the loops came out a bit repetitive. It wasn’t grating or anything though, so I think it worked.

I really like the art in this game! It’s got a good consistent ‘notebook’ style and it works really well for visibility/readability in a platformer.

It would definitely have been nice to have some more gameplay, but it’s not that far off from being a full game. A really good effort for doing it all on your own!

Rather goofy game but in a kinda fun way. The portraits were pretty good, shotgun Seiga is funny!

The “mine” bullet explosions that happened throughout the fights were mean because it was hard to see them, it did feel like a bit of cheap difficulty. But on the other hand there’s infinite continues, so it didn’t really matter. The gimmick of taking away all my shop purchases (moments after I’d figured out I could upgrade) was good. Actually the fights on the whole were rather fun but maybe just needed some tightening up mechanically to be properly replayable. Still, a cool game overall :)

There’s so much potential in this idea. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect after the tutorial but the addition of the shop and the branching paths made it all click. Would definitely have played a few more levels!

Really good job with the models, and the audio is pretty nice too.

The characterisation in the journal entries was fun, it was interesting that the story was mostly about difficult political things happening outside the cave but Yachie was having a relaxing time on her own collecting crystals with otters. I think I might still have preferred some more direct text to the journals though, maybe it even could come up whilst you’re playing to fill some of the time you’re waiting for otters.

In any case, great job, especially to have done it all yourself.

This was looooads of fun. Controls great, looks great, the bullet patterns were smooth and easy to read, and lunatic had just enough challenge to have me replaying a few times. I didn’t realise how much I was craving some dodging until this game showed me a good time. The story was nice, I particularly liked the subtheme of a relationship between people who won’t live the same amount of time. Marisa and Patchouli might have known in advance, but for many people they do lose their loved ones too soon and that kind of question has to be reckoned with.

All round great jam game!

I can definitely see the potential of the concept here, it just feels unfinished sadly. Gradually increasing difficulty, some usefulness out of the items in the shop, a bit more dialogue and maybe an ending and this would be great. But even considering what’s here, it was still kinda fun to blast through a bunch of rounds. The portrait arts are pretty nice too!

The writing really carries the game, I love this goofy centipede and the others. The character arts are very cute. The gameplay of finding a gem didn’t have much to it but it was still kinda charming. Minor personal bias but I got very happy at Momoyo enjoying the handsome comment (and maybe I was hoping for a little more expansion on that too hehe). Definitely a fun entry all in all, it really highlights how good of an MC Momoyo can be.

That’d be awesome thank you, my discord is @relick

I struggled a lot to get past even just round 3 after an hour of trying, then I see in the comments it goes on til round 10 :‘D I think this one just won’t be for me unfortunately. The presentation was stellar though, by far the most immediately impressive visuals and sound design. I think the main thing that bothered me was the delay between each run caused by the death screen, returning to the main menu, then showing the intro again. If I could just click straight back into round 1 after losing I think I might have had more patience for grinding it out.

As soon as Tewi got hit by a car I knew I was in for a good time. This was FUNNY as hell. The pacing and writing rocked. The sprites were really cute and nicely identifiable too. I liked picking up the stuff for the house, and the chase sequence was an awesome surprise.

Definitely one of my favourites of the jam. Well done for doing it all yourself too!

Ahhh such a cute and impressive game. I think my favourite route was Seiran’s - when it clicked that she was aro/ace was a nice moment, and then seeing her continue to wrestle with it internally was cool. In general the LGBTQ+ themes are in the forefront, but the way each character handles it is actually very natural and leaves plenty to read into.

The art, music and voice acting were all really well done.

I liked the minigames. It really adds to the summer festival vibe, though what really cemented the vibe was the day/night cycle progression and the hex grid. It was a great way to give a time/space grounding to the events. Actually, thinking of the minigames, it was a really sensible way to add some difficulty to the game, rather than making the VN paths harder to follow. I had to give the whack-a-mole a couple tries haha.

If there’s anything I wished was better, I think more characterisation for Yui would’ve been good. Sumireko’s story was mostly about self-confidence so in a way it didn’t really matter to us what Yui is like, but I think I’d’ve rooted for Sumi more if I knew what Yui was like.

Still, overall a really solid jam game!

Aha! I went back and realised I had missed the Mt Fuji postcard. Very cute ending pic :D

I just got finished playing 1000xRESIST so maybe I’m in bit of a sci-fi mood but this hit the spot so good. Loved the vibes, the story, the progression of their relationship. I was going to say it would’ve been cool to see more of the building of the time machine but you’ve already said you’re going to try to do that post-jam!

I especially like the sections of Merry in the field. Again, maybe just bias, but that sort of melancholic greenery coloured by uncertainty really ticks all my boxes.

Also, the music was perfect. I wasn’t quite sure from the credits whether the team made it or not but I’d love to download it if possible!!

There were some oddities like the absolutely mega size of Marisa’s hitbox and Alice’s lasers OBLITERATING every fairy before I even got to see them. But otherwise it was a cute and fun game and Meira’s attitude gave me a laugh (as did the end screen). I liked the music a bunch too!

In honesty this kind of silliness and self-deprecation doesn’t jive with me, it makes it feel like you didn’t have confidence in the game to stand on its own merits - when it definitely does! The concept is smart, and with some polish it could be a really snappy and exciting platformer. It actually functions pretty decently already. Also, the music was nice :)

The mark of any great dress-up game: after a couple tries I stopped worrying about the score and just wanted to put Reimu into nice clothes.

These renditions of the matriarchs are so good, Yachie especially. The variety in clothing is great and the achievement screens really made me smile. I managed to get all of them, but I was a bit confused on how I did for a couple :’D

Having Saki say the super cutesy outfit I tried was the most beautiful thing she’d seen was also such a funny revealing character moment. The power of dress-up!

The music was cool, I think the variety of it helped add a lot to the experience.

Fun lil’ game!

Once I realised the fairies would fly over my head and I didn’t have to keep jumping over them, the game got a lot easier xD

Overall a simple concept but it works nicely, I used to play a ton of ice climbers when I was young. I think the pixel art is rather good too. The lack of music isn’t an issue but I think sound effects might have made a big difference to the game feel - always worth trying to squeeze them in last minute to a jam game!

This is so fun. I really like the expansion of some of the rarer Touhou lore (I had actually forgotten Joon became a buddhist) and the humour is great. The art is really good and conveys the character expressions well, which I think could be useful if you do intend to make a sequel i.e. a character’s face betrays what they say. Or maybe that’d be too hard - I didn’t actually mind the puzzles being quite straightforward.

Anyway, it’s fantastically written and tightly executed. One of my favourites!

I really like the concept here. I couldn’t tell if there was another ending than the “too many ghosts” game over, but I did try a few times. It’s not really a horror game, but the spooky vibes are definitely present.

The art is lovely and the writing’s fun. I like Merry’s trash can bit. Nice game!

I really loved this. Obviously Mario 64 is a tried and true concept but pulling off a clone isn’t easy regardless. It ran smooth and I really enjoyed all the extra challenges and the little secrets. The music was good but I particularly liked the writing, it was very funny and really transformed this from “Mario 64 clone demo” to “Super Sanae 64”. I never heard this ship before but I did like the end screen art.

Really awesome.

Awesome stuff, there’s so much oomph to the presentation it just feels great to make your way through. The art is really good.

Maybe just because this is the first few levels in a jam, but it was very easy. Not really an issue here but I think for a longer game I’d want it to challenge a lot more.

The chiptune music was a lot of fun, quite funky iterations of the chosen tracks.

The boss was honestly the standout to me. Super dynamic, fun to learn, lots of eye candy. More of that please!

Nice work! I don’t know what BYOB is other than being like Scratch, so it feels rather unique and cool to build it in that. The pixel art for Marisa and the enemies is really rather nice, and the controls and sfx work nicely.

I wasn’t able to beat Mizuchi in the jam version though I gave it 10 or so attempts. I did beat her on the post-jam version, and kudos for releasing a version that fixes the main problem. The ending picture was funny :)

Thanks so much for your words about the music! <3

You can download it from my bandcamp here:

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