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Team Ricewine

A member registered 63 days ago · View creator page →

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Great feedback.  I'll add your QoL suggestions to our backlog.  We've had several players tell us that they would have understood the mechanics more if they were taught a bit better, so we'll be sure to include better tutorials for the game in a subsequent release.

Thanks for playing!

Really cool aesthetic and gameplay loop.  You guys did a great job!

Neat little game.  I was only able to make a couple monsters but it was fun to figure them out.

Very neat idea.  Was interesting trying to figure out what does what.

Lots of neat ideas here.  I like the look of this game.  Nice submission!

Neat game concept.  Nicely done!

Neat little game.  Love the aesthetic.

Great little experience.  I thought the story was cool and the core gameplay loop was strategic and satisfying.  Nice job!

Cool game!  I thought the voice acting was really neat.  This is an ambitious project for a two week game jam and I think you pulled off pretty well!

Tricky little puzzle but I got it in the end.  Neat little experience!

Cool little sokoban style game.  Lots of neat visual flair, like the mine-cart transition.  Nicely done!

What's there is pretty neat.  Scope creep can be a real killer on these projects.  That being said, I love the look of the NPCs and their animations.  Best of luck on future endeavors!

Great game!  Simple at first but really challenging to master.  I gotta work on my color theory...

Great game.  I loved making the potions.  Would love to see more!

Quick bug report - when I played this I was able to lose one of the items by closing the cauldron menu with the item inside.  It doesn't seem immediately reproducible since the system seems to usually be able to put your items back into inventory.  Might only happen when you rearrange but I didn't spend a ton of time on it.


Very neat concept for a game.  Would love to see a full release!

Your game was very neat with a nice little narrative.  Always enjoy a point-and-click adventure.

Very cool game.  I like the different spells being tied to mouse movement.  Could see this getting a much bigger release!

Your game was really satisfying to play.  Nice submission!

What a neat game.  Genuinely wasn't expecting to get a DMC-esque rank.  Nicely done!

Neat game.  Finding different tactics depending on the cards was fun!

Nice game.  Was fun to find the winning strategy!

I can see the vision you guys had.  Very neat concept.

I love the monster designs!  Nice job for a first game.

Great concept.  The last few puzzles were especially well done.

Very cool game with a nice aesthetic and a neat control system.  Well done!

Felt great to play.  Could definitely see a full game with these mechanics.

Cool little game.  Pretty simple and addicting!

This game was really neat.  Reminded me of some of the DOS games I played as a kid.

Very neat game.  Loved the different level gimmicks.  The first shrinking level was the toughest for me!

Your artstyle and music are phenomenal.  Nicely done.

Your game has a real nice artstyle and a simple but fun combat system.  You guys should be proud!

Neat little game.  Was fun to try and figure out which ingredients did what.

Very neat game idea.  I like the limited resources and the reveal of the big monster. 

This one was awesome.  Figuring out how to beat the boss was really satisfying! Great work.

I liked this one!  The sound effects were satisfying.  I like that you can lose instantly if you say no :)

Really neat idea for a game.  Had fun figuring it out!

That visual effect for the pillar in the lava level is awesome.  Neat game :)

I had fun playing your game! :) The music is super catchy!