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A member registered Jul 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing. Yes the game makes you feel there's someone in there helping you, yet it's your ownself and you're still alone in the room.

Yes thank you so much for playing.

Thank you so much for playing.

Very polished game, from the lighting, player movement, bullet VFX and SFX, enemy AI. The energy, bullet and health management is good but with the procedural generation of the map it's kinda hard to manage if you not lucky enough. Maybe you can rework for map around the spawn area to be easier and have plenty of resource and further from spawn the map is harder.

Wow very interesting concept of spread of disease management kind of game. I like the AI movement and their behaviour. Wish there's a randomness on the map and hospital placement too. After 3 tries I finally got the 100 % win.

I like it. Nice game mechanic, I already get many idea how that can be expanded. I thought at first when we got hit, the sword will change color like HP usually change color every time you get damage, after the color turn red then it will drop, so you have maybe 1 to 3 hit before the weapon drop.

A few bug that enemy will not spawn after you restart or enemy can get stuck and don't move. And I don't know if this intended, when the sword drop and enemy touch the sword, the enemy get damage. If that intended, that can be expanded too.

Thank you so much for playing. Hope you enjoyed your scared haha.

The concept is great, the constructing level and the playing is great. Sadly no sound and a tutorial in scene will be great because I kinda have to try it around to know how to play the game and make the level. Here's my level if you want to try https://www.carbidefunction.co.uk/while-vampires-sleep?map=NQIAvlMA/K0U+M4R8L9SA....

Very nice game, makes me remember tamagotchi from my childhood that I used to play. Graphic, music, story and gameplay every thing is great, very polished, but will be better if at least give a goal to time limit so the dinosaur can grow up and get bigger.

Sound effect when you pet the dinosaur is a little bit too loud and shock me for the first time. I especially love the big giant.. turd lol. So many potential to expand. I like both ending, the hungry one make me sad, but the cry one make me laugh.

Interesting game type of roguelike, but action with weapon or power up will make it more fun. The level generation sometime give you room that impossible to escape with monster on both ways, this is where power up or skill can come in handy. Or if you want to avoid fighting, the skill or power up can be invisible, teleport, time stop, or move the environment itself. Overall nice game.

Nice game and cool mechanic. Without time limit I don't know how long I need to hold the sheep. Dog movement is so fast and can go outside of the camera. Sound effect on sheep when they are so much in one place is too loud. Lastly when wolf comes in the sound is jumpscared me and give me chills, it's great.

Oh my god my hand so slippery, I feel like I'm playing in butter lol. Jokes aside, I can see the potential for this game, think about FPS game but after every time you shoot you got dizzy, turn around and your mouse movement will be this slippery then back to normal so you can't just spam clicking to shoot. Or make the heavier the weapon the slower you mouse movement is.

My input for you to do a game jam from my experience is try to scoop as small as you can then make the core game works, after that you can add feature and work from there. This is my third game jam that I'm participated too, and I have failed my second game jam because my scoop is too big, and I learn and fix it from there.

Very good game with great mechanic, sound, and theme implementation. My only problem maybe it's kinda hard to keep clicking die with mouse. You can add keyboard input instead to make it easier. And there's one bug that when after die, player move animation not working.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing.

So if you play really well on the previous life but die, the next time you play the recorded action will do really well too and help you hold the spirits easier on the next life, it's like a second pair of hands or a second player.

I have tried it, if you do it alone i can't pass the 90 seconds mark. It's snowball like effect, first life you play as hard as you can, second life you can get further with spirit help, then the next life you'll get further and further until time limits.

Nice game, the atmosphere and music is good, the candle is so cute makes me want to befriend them. me like.

I like the graphic and the sound. Gameplay is simple but interesting. But after I got all the souls, it's not spawning anymore.

It's kinda creepy and makes me second guess everything. Nice game.

Solid game, the mechanic is so good so polished. Graphic is good too like the blood, and sound is good, i like the splat sfx. I enjoy it so much.

Man this game could have been a great game, I like the tutorial already. Hope you can finish it.

Great game. Nice bgm and sfx. Cool gameplay with  magic, raising zombies and move zombies horde with flag. Nice movement and effect on gate. And the knight and castle is great addition to give more challenge, it's hard for me to finish the last level but in the end I finish it. Although it's kinda weird you can get soul from building lol.

Last I get a framerate issue when zombie is too much and you move them at the same time, and some times zombies can get stuck on bushes. Overall I like it.

Nice game. The graphic is unique, and the randomness of the enemy spawn and different kind of enemy is nice. Music is nice too. Somehow I can't collect or fire lollipops.

Nice game. Cool graphic, mechanic and achievements. Sadly no bgm.

A few maybe bug or intended that i found. If you die in some room, the interactable object in the room is still visible after finish screen. And at the end after die from car, if you play again the car is magically spawn in the house lol.

Thank you so much for playing.

Damn this game is so touching. The music, graphic story and simple game play all combine very well.

The puzzle is pretty good, i like the mechanic with possessing and moving through the level. But i think if you can use mouse to move the spirit, and hold click to possess the things and release to drop it can be a bit easier to move around. And with mouse you can add more environment puzzle like at the last place before the resurrection.

And if you use mouse to move spirit, you can add another complication with WASD to move maybe a companion so the puzzle will have more variety.

Also if you show the range between body and spirit like how far the spirit can go can be a good thing too. And last you can add ragdoll physic to the body so when you move it around it will bouncing left and right haha. Overall very nice game, I like it.

The game breaking bug has been fixed, you can try again if you liked.

Gamenya seru dan perubahan grafis dengan tambahan skill nya juga bagus. Mungkin kurang di BGM nya jadi terasa sepi. Untuk gerakan playernya lincah dan enak di gerakin. 

Untuk kesulitan mungkin bagian dengan musuh di darat cukup mudah, cuma jika dengan tambahan musuh di udara yang bisa spawning jadi sulit. Apalagi dengan player yang belum punya skill atau power up apa apa. Mungkin saat naik grafis pertama bisa tambahkan skill shield atau dash yang bisa bantu kita gerak atau melawan spawner yang bakal kita hadapi.

Melawan spawner jadi lebih gampang setelah dapet senjata karna bisa tembak musuh yang di spawn, tapi ngga bisa buat nembak si spawnernya itu sendiri. Mungkin kalo bisa nembaknya bisa di arahin ke atas atau serong dan bisa bunuh si spawner ini bisa mempermudah kesulitannya.

Selain itu ada beberapa bug atau mungkin intended :

1. Monster yang jadi dinding di bagian bawah kalo kita deketin sampe kena damage bisa stuck dan loop kena damage terus, ngga bisa keluar dan ngga ke auto respawn juga.

2. Duri yang di dunia atas (luar) yang di akhir game pas di injak ngga ngasih damage ke player.

Hey thank you for the comment. Yeah I'm trying to fix it right now but it's bug only on the web version, if you download the pc version it's work just fine if you want to try it, thank you.

Gamenya seru menarik sekali, gambarnya juga unik, sound bgm sfx juga oke.

Untuk beberapa sfx mungkin perlu tambahin kaya sfx pas nebas pedang, sfx buka gerbang atau pencet lever, sfx pas musuh kena damage juga.

Buat senjata pedang mungkin perlu di tunjukin range nya pas dia nebas jadi kita tau sedeket apa harus nya ke musuh biar kena. Screen shake nya udah bagus pas nebas atau nembak. dan tembakan yang OP yang bisa tembus seru banget pakenya.

Buat text mungkin ada sedikit yang aneh di kata "level sel ection" yang kaya ada jarak antara sel dan ectionnya. Lalu di level 5 tulisannya malah angka 3 bukan 5.

Terakhir ada beberapa bug ngga tau intended atau ngga :

1. Kita bisa ulang ulang level 3 (Glitchman) buat farm koin karna tiap abis ambil koin dan mati, koin kesimpen dan respawn lagi koinnya. Jadi bisa beli dan dapet senjata lain buat lawan Glitchman.

2. Glitchman bisa stuck di dinding pas nerjang, Waktu stuck ini kita bisa nyerang bebas. Dan kalo kita kena damage Glitchman pas dia datengin kita dan kita diam di tempat, si glitchman bakal muter muter di atas kita tapi kita ngga kena damage lagi.

3. Di level 5 kalo kita ngga hancurin patung hijaunya yang buat spawn musuh, dan kita ke tempat akhir dulu dan bunuh musuh di sana baru balik lagi ke patung ijo. Pas kita hancurin patung hijaunya musuhnya ngga spawn lagi jadi misi buat bunuh 10 musuh gagal dan stuck ngga bisa keluar.

Selain itu bagus dan seru gamenya. Semangat terus.

Keren gamenya, pilihan asset bagus dan musiknya ear catching banget. Mungkin pemanfaatan assetnya bisa diperbanyak seperti Question Box yang ku kira bisa pukul seperti di game Mario, dan beberapa area bisa diakses bagian atasnya yang di luar layar. Mungkin area atas itu bisa dimanfaatkan buat area tersembunyi.

Gerakan playernya udah oke, mungkin tambah variasi loncat kalau pencet tombol loncatnya sebentar dan lama sesuai dengan tinggi loncatannya. Double Jump juga oke tapi abis loncatin Monster atau Jump Pad mungkin bisa di reset Double Jump nya jadi gerakan bisa lebih leluasa.

Terakhir skor ku kok 49 ya, ku kira ada yang kelewatan mungkin atau memang skor maksimumnya 49. Dan setelah finish player masih bisa di gerakin.

Grafik dan cerita menarik, beberapa sfx dan jumpscare bagus seperti saat bayangan hitam muncul. Tetapi gamenya lebih visual novel dengan sedikit interaksi.

Sfx menu agak terlalu besar, dan beberapa momen seperti saat yue mengagetkan hao dan hao melihat bayangan di kamar bisa di tambahkan sfx jumpscare lagi. Lalu ada bug yang stuck setelah melihat pelayan pingsan dan pergi ke atas bukan ke lobby tengah, saat turun kembali tidak bisa mentrigger event selanjutnya karena character event selanjutnya tidak ada.

Nice game, the 2 game core loop gameplay with platforming and drawing is cool.

The connection of the two core loop maybe not strong enough. You have tried it with the canvas is the collectibles, but maybe you can make the player also collecting color, brush, or other feature in the platforming gameplay to be used on the drawing gameplay. And also money that you make from drawing can be used to purchase jump power or movement speed for the platforming gameplay.

I also like you can customize your player and your home so make you attach to the home.

For the platforming it's a bit too hard to jump and move, the air control is hard. The jump also kinda floaty and hard to maneuver. But I see you have add coyote time and jump buffer that i also like.

The game is also fit the theme very well, overall good game.

Thank you so much for playing. Damn you also try my carving game. Yeah i try to improve myself but i think the scoop for this game is too big, and many things is not finished yet. So i try to improvised to finished it in time.

For the music and model, yeah you're right, it's my first time making music and model too, maybe i will look into it and learn more in the future.

Once again thank you so much for the feedback!

Hey man thank you so much for playing, i have watch your video, sorry if the game is so rough ahaha it's for game jam so... once again thank you!

Hey thanks for playing and making a video.

Damn this pumpkin is so slippery you can't even land properly lol. Hard game but cool and kinda relaxing. I can see this being like jump king type of game.

Damn bruh

Thanks for playing.
Yes there is a way to survive, well the pumpkin was mad because you carved them so...
Ahh yeah i'm missing some sfx here and there and the UI lol, thank you.

Thank you so much for playing.

Yeah that's what i wanted to be on the beginning but don't have much time, like creature on the door, or something sneaking from the back.

Ahh okay that makes sense with the time limit, probably will add that and the UI and spooky music.

Okay thanks for the feedback.

lol nice

I've tried yours, here's mine