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Jack Robotham

A member registered Aug 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Genuinely translated most of the language manually before finding the translation orb... :) 

I liked the game (it reminded me of Undertale) but it eventually froze during each attempt. It felt very balanced for the majority, which is impressive when you have 3 unique characters.

That was awesome! The attacks felt like they were designed specifically for different strategies to be used to fight the boss and avoid your previous self.

I beat the first stage, but couldn't get past the second. The boss looked amazing!

The game froze when I beat the boss... I liked the music, though. :)

It was surprisingly satisfying dodging the obstacles. I also loved the risk/reward of waiting at the tree for extra wood. The controls were a little difficult though (I also thought I was meant to use A, despite reading Q multiple times... oops).

Also, made just in HTML and Javascript! Good job!

"...and shoot him with your magic bazooka..."


I really enjoyed the movement and ring, it was super satisfying moving around. Having to restart the entire battle when you die felt a little harsh, but the healing worked well to counter that.

I'm really impressed you managed to do all of that within the jam's timeline. The story was excellent!

This is AWESOME! I love the boss, it looks fantastic!

The controls are pretty tough to use, but the game itself is quite nice.


This is really clever! I love the thinking that's gone into this. It was a little difficult running around to find the right letters, but the words system was great.

Lol! I love the fact that the horses just spin like wheels.

This is your first time making a game? Wow, good job!

I loved the art, enjoyed the combat system, and then... OMG CTHULU!!!

loved it :)

I'm honestly amazed at how entertaining this is. The dialogue is ridiculous and hilarious, and really engaging. I got all the way to the final stage :)

Really unique take on mechanics and theme. I didn't expect to enjoy a rhythm game, but it was really fun!

The artwork is incredible! It's very well balanced as well.

Loved the Undertale music :). Having to constantly move left or right was challenging, but I enjoyed it regardless.

I liked the art and the gameplay! I managed to kill the boss once out of the 3 times.

Do you know if it was your device or a bug? What were you doing?

Thanks! I briefly tried to find a bird sprite, but I couldn't find any suitable. If it helps, imaging that the player is a worm escaping a bird :).

Thanks for playing! There are actually a couple of ways to cheese Negation (though I won't reveal them here).

That was NOT what I was expecting! It was hilarious! I loved how it told you to "Avenge your flock!" and the bodies of fallen comrades at the beginning were amusing- but easily, the best part was getting an orange vial and getting "LAXATIVES" in big purple letters.

This is easily the most fun game I've played this jam.

I really enjoyed it, and it's really nice to see a 3d game here. I did find the mouse a bit too sensitive at first, and didn't realize until later that you could adjust it. (The adjustment only seems to affect vertical mouse motion, BTW). All in all, though, it was great!

The character is definitely too fast, but I can imagine this with a nice character controller, and it would be very nice. The lava and different birds looked really nice.

I like the idea of this game, but I think it was a bit too difficult. The speed and amount of birds felt too punishing, and made it very difficult to get past even the first few levels. With some work, though, this could really shine.

I enjoyed this game- although if you had a bullet item you could kill the boss in 0.5 seconds :)

Very fun game! The graphics suited it perfectly.

Really enjoyed it!

One question though...

What are the chains doing there?

Perhaps this is a darker game than we thought...

Thank you so much for the feedback! I knew there were some things to fix, but  I didn't realize either of those were issues.  I'll try to fix them both in the future, and really appreciate the help.

I'm so glad you think so- I really didn't have much time to perfect it.

I think I might- though I want a sort of impactfull rush sound effect to go with it. I'm glad you played to the end! :)

If you are at about 500/1000000 after 2 days, then you should be able to reach your goal after a measly 10 years. And 11 months.

I admire your dedication.

(Really nice sprites, BTW)

I've sent you an email.

(2 edits)

Thanks for getting in contact.

Is there an email I could use - I'm not currently on social media and would prefer not to open an account just for communication?

Also, now that the voting period is over, can I update my game, or should I wait until the entire competition (including streaming) is done? I've built an online leaderboard system, but I'm not sure if I can implement it.

Now that the voting period is over, can I update my game, or should I wait until the entire competition (including streaming) is done? Also, are the 3 games that will be played by streamers the ones that came 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall, or 1st overall, developers choice, and streamer's choice?

This was excellent! The visuals were really well crafted. It lagged the browser at first, but once it had fully loaded it worked great.