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A member registered May 04, 2024

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The gameplay itself is really fun, and I think that's all that matters! It's fast enough to keep you on your toes, but simple enough to not get overwhelmed. It's looks have a certain charm to them as well. If only there were some sound effects and music too...

Overall, great entry. Nice job!


I have about 100 WPM, and this was too hard :( The music was great, and I tried many times just to make it through one rush hour, unfortunately I wasn't able to.

Don't be discouraged though! The base game looks fine. I recently tried to create a typing game, and it's no easy feat! (at least for me...)


Fast paced! The controls seem a bit off though. My car tends to steer right without my input. Other than that, this has a potential to be an arcade game.


The crafting minigames are cool! It's my first time seeing someone making their own sounds, that's impressive!

Overall, very strong entry! Kudos!

Thank you!

This one reminds me of Desktop Dungeons! You usually need to think about your moves before committing to them. Though I've found that outrunning your enemies is often the most effective method. Also, some of the exits were too close to my spawn, are they randomized? I was able to finish the game rather quickly because of that. But I definitely had fun playing this!

Overall, great entry. Cheers!

Quite good! The game has the essential mechanics for an fps (headshot for example), I wish the Ult gun had better sound effects. The AK feels juicier in contrast because of that.

I think this game can really shine with a bit of polish. Well done! 

Cool game! The texts are a bit slow, but I liked the music and overall audio management. Of course, story is a good read. This is well put together.

Well done. Cheers!

Good story! Everything being made from scratch is really inspiring! You didn't just put some assets together like I did, which is admirable.


The artstyle is great! It reminds me of "60 seconds!".  It feels a bit janky, but overall the choices you make do seem to matter. 

Besides, creating all these from scratch is no easy feat. Kudos!

I almost managed to lose even though I was playing it by myself LOL! 

This is SO entertaining. The fact that the skills are random makes it even more chaotic

...and the "cutscenes"!😭 Oh my god. Most fun I've had in a while. Kudos to you for making this. Definitely one of my favourites!

Interesting concept, the game is quite polished and-I think- well made. Made me replay it bunch of times!

Well done!


Cute little game. At first I thought re-spec'ing my character freely is kinda broken, but it feels very fun and given the limited amount of skill points I think it's intentional. I had couple of problems with the game's tutorials, sometimes I wasn't able to get past them even though I do them word by word. I wasn't able to continue fighting the king beetle after unlocking enchant, for example. Overall though, really strong entry!

All the code and the art was made from scratch?! That's crazy, well done!

Ahah :D Sorry about the god mode bug and the switched seeds. I tried to rush things at the last hour, and those bugs are the products of that hurry :/

I'm currently working on the bugs though, and will hopefully patch the game after the jam. Thank you so much for your kind words!

Being able to see the trucks' trajectory is a cool touch! I love kicking the pedestrians not in danger when I'm done with the ones that are. Funny game, good entry!


(1 edit)


Every crop has a grow timer, and late growers have more value. The list goes like: potato, grain, watermelon and lastly pumpkin. 
The game unfortunately has a major bug, causing lightning bolts to not kill the player and game over screens to not work . I managed to cause this bug at the last second, while I was trying to implement a secret "god mode", that's what the missing collision is for, you can get to places that you normally shouldn't be able to (basically the left-most part of the farm). It was supposed to be the easy mode for some players, but it kinda ruined the whole experience with that bug, sorry about that...

Thank you so much for playing and your detailed feedback. You rock!

Making all these from scratch with this amount of polish is crazy to me. The audio and the general artstyle is quite calming, gameplay loop ends before it can feel repetitive, and ending artwork is really cute!

One of my favourites from this jam. Kudos! 

I updated the description. Thank you for your feedback!


I really liked the level design of this game. Also, I'm glad that I always play the tutorials, so I was able to see your foreshadowing and was prepared to dodge the crow's "attack" right in the end, oh how I was wrong...

The start of the second part really made me panic! :D I'm quite easy to scare, so "storm" was almost catching me!
The assets fit really well together, the way you've created your own game out of a Brackeys' tutorial is really smart.

Overall, this was a nice experience. Well done!

(1 edit)

Nice! I'm glad you've made it.

So I've played it till the -I'm assuming- end three times. The atmosphere is great, I wish there were more sounds though (maybe muffled raindrops, the engine of the car etc.). I have recently tried to makea driving game and I must say, the way you guys handled the driving was pretty smart, but it kinda feels off at the start. 

The phone mechanic was interesting and gives you a subtle message about driving while looking at your phone. I explored all the messages and apps in it and it was nice, good work on the fred's voice too!

Spoilers for people who haven't played!

I can't seem to be able to call Fred back though. I always end up in the dead end side of the road. I tried to steer left to the main road, but it seems impossible. And the two choices in that road only lead to the game over screens. If I choose keep driving I die in an accident, if I choose to call Fred, the game immediately returns to the main menu (which isn't there when you first start the game) and there's a tip that says you shouldn't use your phone while drivinig. Maybe I missed something? 

Overall, this game looks promising! With the right amount of polish, it can deliver a simple but powerful story.

Good work, cheers!

Thanks for the feedback! I will hopefully add the instructions and UI once the jam is over. :)

I played this with my fiancée and I should say, this is really well made! Making everything from scratch is inspiring! One complaint from us would be the "smoke" effect that happens when the character doesn't remember the page. Sometimes it blocks the essential parts of the puzzle (looking at the sudoku-type puzzle, column 1 row 2 for example). 

I wish I will be able to create art like you people one day! Cheers! 

Hey! You're right, the game really does lack tooltips or indicators. I couldn't complete the UI so I had to scrap them. Hopefully I will take a look at them after the jam. Thank you for the feedback!


I advise you to change your description. It's pretty hard to trust to download your game with the current description. The idea behind your game is good, don't be discouraged! I'm sorry that your team left you behind in the last minute.


Thank you!

This is quite polished and you made it from scratch, Inspiring!

It is cute and goofy, I was matching the wishes of many dinosaurs without being careful and by the time I noticed something was off it was already too late! :D

Also, I'm so sorry for the dino's that I couldn't find a partner to :((

Really great entry. Kudos!

I win! 

"Storm" being the mom is funny :D I like the chore minigames. Though as far as I can see there's no way to prevent mashing arrow keys. 

Good work. Cheers!

A decent platformer. It is in a prototype stage though. There doesn't seem to be a health system, enemies weren't able to kill me. 

Good work. Cheers!

(1 edit)

This is a challenging, quite polished puzzle game! I don't really know why it doesn't have any ratings. This one is a hidden gem! 

I wish I was as good as you as a developer. Kudos!

I'm a sucker for relaxing driving games. The files doesn't seem to work, if you are able to fix it I'm more than willing to give this game a go.


Hey! If you're reading this, a sole .exe file is not really trusted and I'm not sure if it will work at all. Uploading a zip with your files contained in it would be the safer option.

Happy gaming!

Hello, this is quite good! I can see myself playing this game on mobile with a bit of polish. There's even a leaderboard, which I couldn't see myself in unfortunately (I made about 100K score in day 1). 

Cool work! Cheers!

The graphics are pretty good, so is the combat upgrades. I've had issues with performance though. 
Great entry overall. Cheers!

Oh my god! I never even noticed that! Thank you for playing and for the bug report!

Very well done! I get easily scared, so when the power went off my stomach dropped! :D The way the monsters are made also makes it easier for players like me, so kudos to you!

Congrats and good luck, this is a strong entry!

Thank you! I have unfortunately caused a really core issue while trying to implement an easter egg at the last second, which sometimes causes two game over scenarios (beating the game or getting a game over) to not work. 

Thank you for finishing the game even though you had issues. You rock!

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!

Quite good! I like the general audio management in this game. I wish the pickaxe and the shovel had some hit sounds too. Building is nice, but there seems to be some bug about the shovel...

I think I somehow digged the whole world. :D 

Overall, great entry! Cheers!

I'm sorry you had many troubles trying to play the game. I'm not sure what caused it, so I can't be of help unfortunately. The progress bar is how much harvest did you gift to the statue by interacting with it, on top-right of your farm. I wasn't able to implement proper UI on time as well...

The rain is constant in the game, storm is represented by the lightning strikes that occur every 25-45 seconds. You have to hide from them in your tent and continue working while they aren't present.

Thank you for giving it a shot even though you had many problems! 

P.S: I also seem to switch the pumpkin and watermelon seeds by accident haha, sorry about that.