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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's very odd about you not being able to have inputs on Windows.. I haven't seen anybody have that issue. And yeah, unfortunately the crashing is a glitch with the Godot engine that is slated to be fixed for version 4. There are workarounds, I just didn't have time to make work before the deadline. Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much! Yep! Kenney. I used this sprite to save time, and ended up keeping him haha I'll probably switch him out for my own character later on. But besides that, all the art is just procedurally generated basically aha so random every time! Thanks :) I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.

I think that's just the browser version!

Thanks for playing! That's kind of what I was going for :) Haha I'd say that he's.... Chaotic Neutral..... hahaha

haha yeah that's fair! 

No don't worry about it! You did amazing considering the time given.

I thought about it, but I figured it would make it a little more interesting having the player need to commit to a jump before they make it.

Cool! Yeah, I got a bit lost waiting for what was supposed to happen after the first wave. I guess I was supposed to return and hit the button again eh? I almost think character speed shouldn't be the upgrade, because moving at a decent speed just makes it more fun overall, but that's just my opinion! Good job!

I like the theme and the concept! With this aspect ratio, you would almost expect it to be a mobile game. It's a shame you didn't port it to android! 

Very cool concept. I can't say I've seen anything like it before! I love how you can just go cross legged haha. The aspect ratio made me want some sort of textured background on the sides in fullscreen though. 

Definitely... Interesting... haha I love it. Cute art style, interesting gameplay. Very short though. I feel like getting 16 is basically impossible.. At a certain point they just blah blah blah no matter where you put them haha

I'm not going to comment on the bugginess because you mentioned that in your description, but I do have a few notes! First off, the art is absolutely fantastic. I love it. Second, I really wish the character moved faster. I really like feeling like I have some speed in a game, and moving this slow just kind of drags along. The other thing too, is for a platformer with semi solid platforms, you really expect to be able to press down and go back down through the platform. Other than that, this is a really cute charming game! Good job on your first jam!

I love the idea of the game! The time crunch mixed with some management. It is a lot to take in though when you first start, and it's hard to tell if you're doing the right thing. So amazing for your first game jam.

Very cool game! I like how simple it is

I loved the colonization idea! It felt odd dying to asteroids when you land on them for some reason to me. Maybe because you're almost the same mass, and you're going faster, so it's weird that you just die. And I think you're having an issue with how your background colour lines up. But good job!

This was awesome! I don't think I've ever seen a snake puzzler before hahaha Very cool, simple puzzles. The only thing I had was that once I got the first or second puzzle, they were all pretty easy and straightforward. Great job though!

The art in this is SOOOO awesome. I loved it. I must admit that it was a tad bit frustrating having the controls change every second though haha I felt like I ended up just smashing random buttons most of the time. I would also think that not getting hit by the beam would save you from getting your controls changed. But very cool!

I loved the graphics and the effects! I also loved that it had a little story that went along with it. I had a bit of a hard time understanding what hurt me and what to avoid. But awesome submission.

Very awesome little puzzle game. I LOVE the dialog boxes and the story that you have set up for the game. The music was amazing, but the high notes were a tad too high for my ears sometimes haha And I wish the movement was a bit quicker, and that you could hold a direction to move instead of having to tap every time. But great game!

I'm glad that you took a chance and did this even though you knew it wouldn't be a complete game. Cool little concept, and I wish you the best of luck with your game dev journey!

Thanks a lot for checking it out

Cool concept. I thought it was going to be some sort of 'world rotating' platformer by the style of it haha a restart button is definitely needed.

Very neat idea! I love the cute art style, and the way it looks like a DS! So awesome. I was a little confused playing it though. It seemed like a bit of information overload right at the beginning, and I was trying to learn while stuff was happening on the screen. Also, is there a way to fullscreen the game? I couldn't find one and it was pretty small making it a bit hard to read. Great job for your first jam! Very creative

A cool idea! I loved the charming art direction. Some things to work on though I feel like are the controls, they feel kind of odd and clunky, and the collision of the trash piles! Good job though!

Thanks so much! I saw that as one of the wildcards, and thought it would be a cool idea for this type of game! 

What browser? Mobile? Or desktop

haha I've had my friends playing it and they're all addicted