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Rosaceae Games

A member registered Jan 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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THanks for playing and for the feedback. Yep it's still a first draught, so still needs balancing. Seevral people mentioned that it feels grindy, so I'll see about speeding it up.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Yeah, the art is a tricky one. I want it to look vibrant and whimsical, but it honestly hurts my eyes sometimes if ive been starring at it for hours. Might tone it down a little, or add some cloud or fog shaders to break it up a bit. You're definitely a good artist though, so i'll take it on board hahah.

The text issue probably was from me clicking or skpping too fast. The text box dissapeared and there was a black bar along the bottom of the screen.

(4 edits)

I very much enjoyed it, completed the whole demo. A lot of good stuff, I felt that the difficulty curve was good, and it felt satisfying to put it together in the final battle. A couple of things to think about:

The most glaring thing has to be the mixels. It just looks so distracting. You could maybe get away with the characters being a different pxiel size if you must, but having the roads and buildings being different from the grass and rocks is a step too far. You could just scale up/down assets sizes and it would be a big improvement, even without any cleanup.

The white objective text blends in to the snow white backgrounds, maybe put a border around it.

The buying units menu was a bit unintuitive, I think there should probably be arrows to slide through the units, rather than having to click on the portraits of the left or rightmost unit to scroll through them. The 'buy' button probably shouldn't have grey text either, it makes it look like tis greyed out.

The amount of gold I got far outpaced the amount I needed, unless I missed some way to restock the shops, or increase my unit cap from 3.

The level where you have to learn the spells was a bit boring, maybe you could come up with another way to teach each one in a specific situation, rather than just casting them, then waiting a turn each time.

A few times the text didn't load. Once when talking to the loli when we were being chased, then when the evil hooded figure showed up at the end and the elven archer started talking.

As a final thing, I wonder if anything could be done to speed up the turns, such as allowing us to move multiple units at once, or shortening the time in between turns. i know a lot of the time things like this can hard to change, but I think it would go a long way to make it more snappy.

I hope I don't sound too critical, this is the only demo I've played for a significant amount of time this dd, so you must've done something right to keep my attention. Good gameplay loop!

Thanks for playing! A lot oif people have sad about the axe, i'll definitely look into it and see if I can make it more rewarding. Might need to balance some numbers. The upgrades aren't supposed to be cumulative, the menu was just quickly thrown together, hopefully should be fixed next time! Thanks again for the feedback.

Thanks for playing and the feedback. The chopping is strongest when the bar is full, could definitely do with some clearing up. The UI is pretty buggy too, Its still basically just some buttons thrown together on a background lol. 

As for the mine minigame, my intention was to have no way to go up, forcing you to dig down or sideways. The amount of boulders, lava, and gold all increase as you go lower, so it's a tradeoff between staying at the same level with less reward, or increasing danger for more reward, but with no going back! I intend to put in upgrades for the mine, such as explsoives to clear boulders, so hopefully it'll end up more rewarding the more times you do it.

Thanks again!

Thanks for playing and the for feedback. I imagine i'll balance all drops and health towards the end of the develoment, but i'll keep it in mind. I've noticed that axe bug, might have to change up the collisions. Will look into the movement, haven't noticed it before, might be because ive played it so much that ive become accustomed to it.

good stuff.

Thanks for playing and for your feedback, critcism is more useful than endless praise! Strange about the lag, the areas are actually on the same map and already loaded, so im not sure what could be causing it. I'll poke around. Mining game definitely needs polishing too, it was a bit of a rush job over the past week.

I like the new Ai, guys running away when I melee them was notable. Flashlight is great too, can see all the textures you made now! Sounds could do with a bit of changing up. Jumping and running sound really loud, especially jarring when I was walking on the sand and it sounded like clunking on metal, could eb turned down a little bit. Apart from that, keep doing what you're doing!

Everything seems to be in working order so thats good, must've been a pain to program, curious what your future plans are? A small gripe, the floor tiles peek out under the door due it it being recessed.

You'll get there.

A simple game, which is fair enough. Felt a bit unfair to die after falling off the level from the paltforms, maybe some kind of bounce to give you a chance to recover?

Very good! The character and enemies are much clearer to see, and the new level is very fun with the building variety. Can't remember if the flamethrower was there last time or not, but its awesome. A few suggestions. I found the grey UI blended in with the background a bit too much, I wonder if you could make it green or red like the healthbar maybe. The pilot is a qt, I wonder, did you try having her permanently on screen and reacting to damage etc? It could be too cluttered I suppose, maybe something to consider. Also, have you considered a linear level to break up the sandboxy aspect of it? Maybe something like travelling down a highway (ala GITS SAC) or a tight mountain pass. While its fun, I could see it getting repetitive if every level is just 'defeat enemies in a square'. Anyways, Keep up the good work!

Can't remember what was added since last time, but ive been seeing your progress posts on twitter so keep up the good work! Don't need to labour points others have made, but a few suggestions might be, addd the N E S W display at the top of the screen to the minimap to reduce clutter, atleast then most of the UI is in the bottom third of the screen. Would love to see a completed level from you, with all the buildings and stuff in place fully textured and everything.

(1 edit)

Definitely a big difficulty spike, although I assume this is a demo level so whatever. obviously love the graphics, some of the sounds did sound a little weird, like the picking up gems, doesn't sound very runescapey. Would love more detail and set dressing, some whitewolf mountain-esque vista to look at would be nice. Also, maybe you could ask Ian Taylor to compose some background music for you, I hear he's looking for work these days XD.

HI, I think I might've encountered a bug, When I went to create a new mission, it kept saying "instance base is null" after launching the first mission, had a bit of trouble with the ship builder aswell, didn't seem to do anything. I like the idea of the game though, I think there's a market among space nerds for games like this. Hope you keep working on it!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! It helps a lot. Glad to report lots of progress has been made since DD on the cutscene layout and adding more variety to the rooms.  Glad you found the puzzle satisfying too! Will have a thinnk about adding in some clarity in regards to how they work 

aha, thanks a lot for livestreaming man, really appreciate it. I did wonder about that one, its hard to judge difficulty without playtesters though. I might mark the keys in some way, then its just about guessing the order. The carpet in that room is actually supposed to be a hint, but its far too subtle lol.

Thanks for the feedback! Yep, definitely need to decorate the game some more. Glad the puzzles turned out ok, they are the most complicated thing to change lol.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Lots to work on there.

Yeah, the aerial attack. It just felt like the hitbox was tiny.

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback. Art definitely needs working on!

It definitely feels fun, and more stable since when I last played it. I think the hitboxes might still be a bit off, the bodyslam in particular seems to have a hard time connectiong. I can't really remember what I said last time, but It feels more fluid. Would be interested to see what you do with this, adding a story or levels etc.

I really enjoyed it and think it looks wonderful. It was quite hard, but I assume you haven't really balanced much yet, and more abilities will make fights fairer. The melee and ranged enemy together caught me up, I think the room was too small so I couldn't really kite them, but I understand its just a demo room. I like the graphics, although I think you may have gone overboard with the pixel filter, it looks like my game lol! The ps1 was pixelated, but it wasn't THAT pxielated. Character textures were usually 256 x 256 giving a lot of detail, especially for faces, while objects were 128x128 . but at the end of the day, style is subjective and it works well! By the way, was that the ghost in the shell font at the start? I like it!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably add notes and maybe more cutscenes to guide the player a bit more, it's definitely something that needs work. Glad you liked the art!

Hey, thanks for playing it AGAIN and for the detailed feedback, I really do appreciate it. Lots to work on there!

Just to answer your question, when you turn a valve in the greenhouse, it either plays a flowing water sound or a gurgling, draining sound. They are all supposed to be set in the 'draining' position. Haven't put notes and journals etc Into the game yet, but i'll probably leave one with a heavy hint at what you're supposed to do there. Also, Glad the clock puzzle is getting some love by people, haha.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback, hope it didn't make you jump too much ;). Ui definitely needs working on, I love the idea of having the characters pic next to the text, definitely adding that! 

Thanks for playing, and the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the puzzles, aswell, that was the msot worrying bit for me! 

First time playing, and i've got to say, I enjoyed it! My favourite parts were where the siblings are split up and you have to operate them seperately to advance. I think the art is fine, it has a charm all of its own, it certainly stands out if nothing else. I'd love to be able to advance text myself when listening to the characters talk, as it paused for a little too long on each sentence.

Thanks for the feedback, and well done for finishing. Glad you solved the puzzles, it's hard to judge difficulty when you're the one who made them lol. 

(2 edits)

If audio is fucked, try closing and restarting, otherwise, just mute it. Theres not that much audio in yet anyway. Sorry!

This was the game I was most looking forward to playing, and it didn't disappoint. Looks amazing, and feels great! Can't wait to see what you add next.

My only problems were that the enemy mechs were a little hard to see and blended into the background, the same for the player mech, although that matters less. Maybe make them a brighter colour or add black and yellow caution stripes to them or something. The other thing was the end screen. It's cool that it counts up kills, damage etc, but having a button to just show the results would be a nice feature.

Was a bit confused by the control setup, but managed to get steering working with my mouse. It felt smoother than last dd, although not sure if thats just my imagination. Glad to see the foxgirl again!

First time I've played it, and enjoyed what I saw. I love the setting and style, but I feel this is being let down by the lighting a bit. It bleeds through some of the walls, and imo is a bit too diffuse and reflective. for a pixelated game. It just looks kinda weird when a pixelated wall has a bright shiny reflection on it. Others might disagree though, graphics are a matter of taste. Overall though, very good.

This game is very dfficult, but equally very rewarding. Maybe the learning curve is a little steep, could put in an easier first level to get the basic movement under control. Some of the collisions seem to be slightly annoying, I kept sliding off of those chains at the start which just felt unfair. Apart from that it's really beautiful and feels great and responisve. Keep it up!

Didn't play this last dd, so my first impression is its really fun. could see myself spending a lot of time with this. I think more feedback would be good, I don't know what counts as a hit on an enemy, maybe some sound effects and splintering wood particles? Would also be good to have enemy ships fight eachother, I had a hard time starting out as without any upgrades it's very difficult to fight more than one ship without taking damage. Also, tiny nitpick, but assuming this is the golden age of piracy, then you want to use the pre-union with ireland british flag, the one without the red X, the one ingame wasn't used until 1801.

I really like it, despite being not much of an fps player. It felt very quick and responsive. I thought the robot enemies were quite scary, although once i'd got a gap between them, they were a bit harmless. I wonder if you should maybe increase their health and speed, and cut their numbers in half to make them more threatening... My favourite thing is the style and graphics, i'm a sucker for the low poly stuff! It was a tad dark in places, when you should be showing off how the game looks! I know its supposed to be night, but the canyon and cliff faces in particular were quite hard to see and navigate. All in all a very fun game. oh yeah, and cool music too :)

Props to you using godot for 3d! Behind the lag, I think theres a well put together game here. I like the alternative ammo types, and the casino feel with the spininng wheel and cards to collect. Also, curious about the sound, I was getting that weird jittering and crackling noise in my game even though theres no lag, but when I exported it it seems to run fine. Maybe godot 5 will fix it...

(1 edit)

A fun little game that has that addicting potential to keep me playing and besting my score. I agree with the other devs, other 'trick shots' with the eggs for more points could add something to the game, maybe more points the higher it's thrown. I noticed one small bug, the egg got stuck hanging off the side of the pan and kept counting as being flipped while at the same time being cooked, so it gave me a ton of points. probably just a collision issue. All in all, gud game!