The only friction I have is that on a 1920 x 1080, the health is sorta hard to see and quickly glance to so I can't quickly gauge how offensive or evasive I should be given how much health I have quickly.
Apart from that, the environments are really beautiful. Apart from the really obviousambient light bleed along the walls of the apartment complex, all is swell!
Ammo and secrets are placed nicely and I feel pretty good staying mobile to collect ammo and kill things
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Shanghai Gold's pageComments
Nice game! I like the theme, it's original.
Some feedback:
- Enemies feel way too bullet sponge-y.
- Also I don't like shooting at animals :(
The dogs are a great enemy, good job. Need more feedback on the shooting. A lot of times it felt like I should've hit, but didn't. The flamethrower drop was very fun, but it was kinda deflating that I ran out of flame ammo quite quickly, I didn't even have enough to get the next group after getting the flamethrower. The enemies seem to just fire into the obstacles in front of me, without noticing they are not hitting, maybe some kind of state that tells them to try moving if they're last 10 bullets haven't hit the player or something.
Good luck!
Hi, thanks for playing! With feedback on the shooting, I'm planning to overhaul the blood splatters on enemies. But do you have any other ideas for it? With the times you felt like you should've hit, were the enemies far away from you? I added a range cap to the weapons, but it might be too short. I'm not sure a range cap was that good of an idea. I wasn't sure I should give the flamethrower more ammo, since it's meant to be a power weapon. Maybe since it's close to the end of the first level, I can add just a bit more. I'll be working on the enemy ai to try and make them more dynamic and get them to reposition often. Cheers!
Played for roughly 30m.
You're Models are too high fidelity for their Texture Size I think.
You also have some weird Mipmapping Artifacts and very incosnsitent Detail Levels throughout your Assets.
I'v never been to a Nightclub in Shanghai, but I'm fairly certain they aren't that spaceous and empty. Your Level design needs work.
Enemies are pretty spongey, and I found the best Tactic was to just stand behind a Chair or similar, since once they're in Range of you they tend to stop and stare at you if there's a small Obstacle between them, instead of shooting at you. Bullets are also massive and shiny, I don't think you need that, just having Hitscans could be fine.
When your Car opens its Doors, it just gets a second Set, looks bad.
Jumping to climb up that Ladder is bad, I kept automatically jumping of, but luckily you apparently can just climb any Wall by continuously jumping into it.
Your second Level feels as empty, you don't need Streets that wide I think. You can jump out of Bounds from the Balcony onto the Wall. Got the Key, pulled the Lever, Tram still refused to move.
Luckily since you can jump up Walls, and I'm out of Bounds anyway, I can just jump over the Gate.
Sadly I can't finish the Level. I could get all the Way to the last Door, but the End Trigger is boxed in. Fix your Tram.
No problem, I'll keep that in mind that they might not be that obvious to see. With regards to the other stuff:
I'll be working on the various props in the game, such as chairs and tables, making them lowpoly. They're all from asset packs and just dumped into the levels for now.
I reduced the mipmap bias to try and give the image a more grainy, pixelated look. Otherwise mipmaps ruin the pixelated effect at distances further than a few metres. However, I can't disable mipmaps completely because otherwise it ruins distant textures. I'm not sure I can get it better. Would you have any ideas on how to fix this?
I'll work on making the enemy ai a bit more dynamic. I'll try and make them move around more and reposition.
Enemy bullets will be getting a new model. I don't think making them hitscan is the right move. I've always hated hitscan enemies in games like doom, because you have a lot less options to fight them. Being able to dodge an enemies shots is a good feeling and I'd rather build on that.
The enemy car will be getting a makeover. Currently its a placeholder.
Ladders are shit, I agree.
Didn't know about the wall climb exploit. Will definitely fix that. Thanks for finding it.
I think I might add some buildings to separate the uphill and downhill roads in the center of the map. That should hopefully make the map feel less empty and make it more convincing as being a busy shanghai street.
Will fix out of bounds exploits eventually, not a big priority for now.
Overall, thanks for all your feedback. It's very helpful, probably the most helpful I've got from this demo day. And thanks for giving the game a go!
of all the games i tried this might be the one that improved the most compared to the previous build.
i love the street lights, the new animations for the guns, everything is really coming together
if i REALLY had to nitpick things, i'd say that the new ui at the bottom might be a bit too large and occupies a lot of the screen
also, the item pickup sound is kind of underwhelming
great job.
I feel like this game really needs a regular walk speed, the base speed is too fast.
I can’t tell if it was like this in the last DD but there’s something odd about your mouselook in that it doesn’t work properly at super low speeds. Funnily enough, I get a similar problem playing Shadow Warrior Redux albeit only in the vertical axis. Whatever it is, lower framerates exacerbate it so it’s particularly noticeable on the Streets level for me.
The baked weapon sprites look good, the shotgun especially. You should try getting rid of specular lighting on the environment because that really clashes with the sprites, seems like going diffuse only might tie them together a bit better.
Hi, thanks for playing! So far, I've had other positive feedback about the movement speed being just right, so I'll likely keep it that way. Interesting that you had problems with the mouselook, I'll definitely do some digging into that. I'm glad you like the new sprites, they're one of the only things in the game that I consider "done". I'm also not fully satisfied with the specular. I think it looks great in parts and fills in big patches of flat surfaces with some detail nicely. I wasn't too happy with diffuse only. In other areas it is quite overwhelming, so I'll turn it down in those parts.
I like the new UI
It didn't feel like the weapon models needed to be replaced, but the new sprites look good.
That being said the pistol having a tenth of the fire rate and the guns being unable to shoot until the ready animation is complete make the game feel a lot more sluggish imo.
First time I've played it, and enjoyed what I saw. I love the setting and style, but I feel this is being let down by the lighting a bit. It bleeds through some of the walls, and imo is a bit too diffuse and reflective. for a pixelated game. It just looks kinda weird when a pixelated wall has a bright shiny reflection on it. Others might disagree though, graphics are a matter of taste. Overall though, very good.
Thanks for playing. Currently the lightmaps are being baked at some terribly low resolution, because I keep finding things that need tweaking and am often pressed for time. Eventually they'll get final versions. I'll also need to tweak the reflectivity of surfaces, but I think having some of it adds a bit more visual flare to the game.
-You make me kill puppy you sick monster
-Need another sound effect on loot collect and info and it (like: looted 50 amno)
-Chang est mort, quelle terrible nouvelle. (where is tintin)
I didn't want to have dog enemies either, but they fit the setting too well. If it's any consolation, the sprite has rabies foam coming out of their mouths, so they're going to expire soon anyway. Not sure whether to keep the tintin room as an easter egg or not, incase people accuse me of stealing art. The blue lotus and other tintin adventurea definitely inspired the game though. Maybe you are actually playing as tintin. I'd like the keep the identity of the main character a sectet.
I like the new HUD, and the overall lighting/post-processing looks better, more cohesive. Performance seems the same, 90 FPS on 1 and 144-40 on 2, still wish it was better, but the lower enemy damage kept me alive through the low FPS on level 2.
Not sure if I noticed this before but there doesn’t seem to be any kind of positional audio?
The pistol has a limited range, so past a certain distance there aren’t even bullet holes. I find it frustrating because when hits don’t seem to land I can’t know for sure if it’s my aim, the spread or the range. I’d try capping the damage to a minimum value past the “max” range instead.
Level 2, the first restaurant (?) with green brick walls, the enemy pathfinding avoids the lower level outside stairs.
Some stairs don’t have the ramp sort of collision or are missing it on the last step. Bit of z-fighting on a wall in the one large yard.
Not a fan of how the viewmodel’s lighting/brightness doesn’t change much between a pitch black alleyway and right under a streetlamp.
I’d try making distant enemies return (some) fire if shot at.
The window to window jump, I missed it first then only found it because an enemy shot at me from the other building. I’d ensure that enemy stays there and/or add some alternate way(s) to get there.
Red key door was underwhelming but I guess boarded up door means you’re working on it. Didn’t find the tram key or a way into the blue light vent and gave up there.
Hi, thanks for playing! I've gone in and fixed some of the bugs you reported and made some adjustments to brightness and weapons. I'll work on performance, weapon damage falloff and audio for the next update. You can actually get into the underground section by shooting the wood planks and finish the level from there. I'm hoping as I add more destructibles to the game, stuff like this will be more intuitive. Since there are very few currently, I can definitely see how weird it is. Cheers for the feedback!
Like the new weapon animations. The pistol I feel like could go a little faster, but definitely better than the carpal-tunnel version from before.
On the first level, I came across a scene where an enemy tried to shoot me but the bullets kept hitting the bar counter:
On the top of the stairs to the balcony there's also some collision issues:
Pushing up against the rails on the blacony also made my character slide and prevented me from jumping. I've also noticed that enemies tend to keep shooting at me indefinitely without pause if I keep circlestrafing them.
On the second level, the steepest staircase near the pool/fountain can't be climbed without jumping, and has a bit of z-fighting next to it. Also some of the pavements can't be moved up from the road, only by jumping (I believe it's at the incline near the pool/fountain). During the part where you have to swim through the tunnel underwater in the sewers, I managed to clip outside of bounds somehow, but to be honest I have no idea how I did it.
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