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rover noon

A member registered Apr 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nicely done. The art, sounds and music worked well together given the way the story went. Who's leaving all these batteries everywhere?

I think the art is in just the right spot.

I liked the cat sprites and the music. Nice entry

5 stars for the 8x8 truck

I liked how the cat has 9 lives!





(1 edit)

Great tagline and premise. I enjoyed the audio and visual experience of running into walls. I wanted a way to open my eyes without moving. That  L-shaped level was a good way to teach the mechanic.

Good entry overall!

Great art and use of the limitation, but the gameplay was a bit of a riddle. Eventually I got some towers down and made some guesses as to what was good and bad. It was fun after that.

Great art and visual effects.  I had to guess what the controls were, not sure if I missed something. Fun otherwise.

(1 edit)

I liked fitting way in which everything, from the power bar filling up to the boulders slowly rolling towards the button, takes an anxiously long time.

Fun. I think you can get away with a few more levels with the same mechanics if you mix up hazard placement. The sound played when you hit fire could use some mixing. Maybe a low-pass filter?

Yup, that's a bug. Good catch.

Nice time, and thanks for playing!

That's odd about the score. What happens to it?

Good, I like it.

(1 edit)

Frogling lives on leaf

But growing eyes search for more

To understand life

(7 edits)

Great start overall. The building mechanic is fun and creative. The frogs are a good obstacle, adding the need for quick thinking and planning.

- I wanted to turn faster, and it was slightly too easy to fall off the platforms.

- Fighting the frogs was a little clunky, some more audio/visual feedback for it would help

- The water had a bit too much color for the tiles to pop out. An outline around the tiles would also help.

Building up a safe place to run around has a distinct feeling to it.

Then you begin to wonder: where did all the debris come from? Is there something out there breaking apart floating towns? As the thought sets in, it doesn't feel so safe after all...

EDITS: formatting

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing, and that's a fun interpretation!

It is currently beatable if you're creative about your jumps and food sources, but probably tougher than it was supposed to be.

I appreciated the gameplay, the visuals and the sobering undertones of the theme...

but the real winner here is the wordplay in the game title.

(1 edit)

There's something about this 3D frog model that made me re-examine it several times.

Great visuals and audio. Swinging is a fun mechanic.

I liked the way everything abruptly stops when the hearts run out.

I left the game open while writing this comment and now it's making strange noises.

It gets tough when there's a  frog on a log on the bottom of the screen.

Good art and music, fitting use of the limitation.

Nice music, and liked the visuals. Especially the background art.

Crispy sound effects, background looks nice but is a little much, fun to play.

High polish. Great visuals and UI. Having 10 seconds to avoid the bullet hell is a creative application of the theme. Though for some maze-like levels I found myself opting to dodge projectiles instead of path-find.

(1 edit)

Fun and well thought-out game. All the right HUD elements and indicators. Nice visual effects. Some sounds could be quieter.

As for gameplay, needing that blue stuff makes you plan ahead - especially in boss fights. Enemies firing it at you is a creative mechanic. Although I did start to do math on blue sources to cheese fights.

(3 edits)

Creative use of theme and good colors. The difficulty seems to be a bit of a gamble - sometimes it looks like you're winning until it raises both red and green signals to send at you. Arasaka security is no bluff.

The flag gives you a juicy combination of effects. The snowman gets you airborne . No matter what you skate full-speed into, it's satisfying.

I liked the wordplay, the ambition, and especially the whooshing sound it makes as the bullet flies around. Nice.

Great audio and visuals, good use of theme, good controls. Sometimes I was too busy vibing to the music to notice the countdown getting low, so maybe a warning indicator would work well.

Fun game, great look-and-feel.

Took a couple guesses to  interact with the bullet. It was in the controls when I looked over them, but there's enough going on in the game that a visual indicator would help.

After that, it was entertaining watching it all unfold. The music and audio effects are great. Crispy, satisfying sounds. Especially the slow-down

A high-energy knife-throwing thriller with good art and the right title prefix.

(1 edit)

Billy leans over his ant farm. He's had it for just over a month - since his birthday, and something is already wrong. There are way fewer ants than he remembers, and where did all the larvae go? He drops some more food in. Maybe he hasn't been feeding them right?

It would only be another week before the farm dies out completely. The ant queen still lying in the corner of her chamber.  One precise, charred hole through her head.

Far off In a dark room, the Ant Assassin collects payment for the hit. Someone had to do it. After all, rogue colonies are against the code. Strapped into the laser harness, the Assassin skitters off towards its next target.

There's something wrong with this office, a creature lurking in the shadows. Ever since I joined as sysadmin it's been doing something to the computers. They break every now and then, giving me a ping on my tablet. Then I gotta go check it out. That's my job. To fix computers, not exorcise demons.

I'm just outside the server room when I see the dark, scaly tail. It's crawling away to the south. The computer has a strange red glow this time. The screen is all messed up. It's gonna take a while to fix this one, I can already tell.

I hear a scream. Sounded like one of the programmers. I run towards it - in the direction the thing slithered off to. It's Jim. He's hunched over with his hands over his face. There's a large scorch-mark by the door frame. It was trying to get away when Jim entered the room. It looked him in the eyes - just for a moment - before it vanished in a burst of flame. A moment he'll never forget. 

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I load the laser cannons with a fresh batch of crystals. General Rooster says we're making good progress. The local Human population is already down 40%, but we'll have to hurry if we want to meet the deadline. Cannons charged, I return control of the craft to Cricket. These attack ships will be sending off soon, but there are always more to build.

I scan the horizon. It's littered with the tools of heavy Human industry: smokestacks, tree-choppers and piles of tar. They ruined this planet in the blink of an eye. I understand now. We have little time to save it. To do what needs to be done.  Cricket's squadron takes off, floating towards the north-west settlement.

Minutes later, the sky fills with the lights and sounds of distant laser blasts. The work continues.

Good point!

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Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing!