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A member registered May 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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What an interesting puzzler! I enjoyed each of the challenging, well-crafted levels. 

Beautiful game! I look forward to seeing more XD

Sadly, yes  already found someone

(1 edit)

Hello! I am a 2-d pixel artist hoping to do a nicely paced game jam with fellow game devs. Here is my discord: LoneSamurai#0334

Fantastic Game! I like how you use roguelike elements. I would say make the cursor move around the screen. Besides that, I'm excited to see more of the game XD

Another great game! I struggled a lot because the environment was dizzying to me. I am excited to see more games from you XD

I love the adorable atmosphere. The mechanics are well-done and fun to mess around with!

I solved it, turns out I needed to place the script-extension into the extension folder

*even though not although

Good evening,

I am struggling with installing the Nxpa ver2.1.0 script. Nxpa ver2.1.0  is not showing up as an optional choice in the script menu although I manually placed the script within Aesprite's script folder.  Currently, I am using Aesprite v1.2.29. 

Thank you for such an amazing extension :>

Thank you for the awesome feedback XD.  The color palette is one of newest and favorite palette to work with :>.

The art for the game is beatiful and the the sound is incredible. I love the humor between the guardian angels :>.

I love the art and the addicting mechanics X]. The game idea was unique and I look forward to seeing an update of the game :]

The character sprites in the game are adorable X>! The banger music was awesome to listen too throughout the game. The mechanics were fun and I would love to see an updated version soon. :]

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback. I'm so happy you enjoyed the game :]

The is extremely addicting XD. I love the wonderful level design and the awesome mechanics for the game. I hope to see an update of the game :] 

The starting cutscences were amaing.  I loved exploring the beatiful world that reminds me of my favorite game, minecraft. :)

I love the smoothing music XD! The puzzles are an enjoyment and the humor is spot on. The models are adorable :].

Yaaaay XD

I love the character design XD. Although I noticed a bug where you can fly by spamming spacebar, the story was extremely well-made. Also, music was incredible and an joy to listen to.  

I love the amazing art for the game XD. I'm a huge fan of top down shooters. I have an blast shooting and slashing down aliens :] 

This game is a blast to play and well polished. I love the awesome mechanics and graphics(a big fan of shoot em ups). I will love to see more updates of the game XD.

The is an blast to play! I love the awesome mechanic of being reborn as the last person you killed XD. I The sound is superb and the art was beautiful. :)

The game was amazing! I love the superb artwork and extremely enjoyable mechanics. Also, I liked the incredible sound design too :>.

The mechanics were super fun to play XD(I like how after every death, you get an item). The level design was amazing. I look forward to seeing more updates of your game :). 

(2 edits)

If you need help with the controls, the instructions are on the game page. 

This game is an blast to play <:, from the amazing art to the superb mechanics.  Maybe I love the character design too much x].

This was an super awesome sand box :D! I love all the effects and the well made graphics. I hope you add more to the game X].

I love the adorable character designs XD. The dash mechanic was very smooth and fun to use. Also, I liked how you added an tutorial sequence :].

Holy fast spikes indeed XD.  Thank you for providing helpful feedback and participating in this wonderful jam :)

thank you so much for the wonderful feedback :D. The music is my jam whenever I work out now XD

Thank you so much for the helpful feedback, we did have an huge blast while making this game XD.

Thank you for submitting such an awesome game XD. The music was extremely creepily catchy. The mechanics were amazing to play around with. I look forward to seeing you in the next stream I happened to come across :]

I love the gorgeous art of all the adorable characters XD(although their idle animations freak me out a little bit). I enjoyed the unique, well-fleshed out mechanics and level design. The extremely amazing intro at the beginning of your game  was put together magnificently. :] 

The hilarious narrative was amazing XD. The game reminds me of the Stanley Parable(one of my most favorite games).  Although the gameplay was shallow, I enjoyed the extremely catchy music. 

I loved the adorable sprites. I had an blast playing with the challenging, well-fleshed out mechanics and level design. I hope to see more of this game XD

Thank you for submitting such an amazing game. I enjoyed the funny narrative and the challenging puzzles. Although I didn't understand the controls very well, the music is very catchy XD. 

Thank you so much for submitting an amazing game. The challenging gameplay mixed with the gorgeous art makes the game an blast to play from the start to end. Although I had issues with the jump button sometimes. The eerie music is creepy but smoothing at the same time.

Thank you so much for submitting such an amazing game XD. I love the gorgeous graphics and the extremely well-fleshed out mechanics and level design. I hope you extend upon this game, it is super addicting :]

The art is extremely adorable. I loved how well-fleshed out the level design and the funny narrative were made. Thank you for submitting such an awesome game XD