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A member registered Feb 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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I like the ash animation at the start but it does go on for too long at the start of each level. I completed all the levels but didn't go for a quick time.

I have no idea what Charge is or what it's used for. It took me some investigating to realise that there was a sfx for refilling your energy bar (It just felt random when I was playing).

Dying and respawning is cool, enemies are too few and easy to avoid to see though. I had to die purposely to see it. There's also no reason to fight them as I can avoid them by flying most of the time. 

Attacking is also generally pretty slow and doesn't have much weight to it.

Gliding is pretty good, but I'm using it pretty much all the time so it doesn't feel that special.

Good work overall, look forward to see you complete this :)

Thanks :)

Very pretty game.

It's a cool mechanic playing the beats to the song, probably needs a bit more explaining. I initially thought that each beat would fill up as I entered keys but it left gaps inbetween. Probably needs a bit more tutorialising on how to play a song.

(1 edit)

It's a complete game, the post-processing effects look nice.

Your levels are probably a bit too big or there's not enough checkpoints along with not much in terms of direction leads to a lot of wandering around. The first 2 levels didn't seem very horror based at all. 

You had a bit of atmosphere with the last one with the different track and the darkness. Refine that and add to the fear factor and you're on your way.

You'll probably want to zip up your files, itch is warning people that your game could be a scam because you have just the .exe for download. This will stop and drastically reduce the number of people playing your game.

Great game, gives off such a unique experience compared to a lot of other games.

Crashed the car a few times, control is a bit difficult.

I liked the different endings.

Thanks that means a lot, it's usually my weakest point

It was a bit hard for me, there wasn't much time to react to incoming beats.

Everything works and looks nice tho well done!!

Thanks for playing! Yeah I'll have a look at yours too

Thanks for playing!

Immune to damage sounds like you reduced your Size to 0. I kept it in as an exploit. 

I'm glad you managed to get to the boss. If you manage to beat the boss, you have a chance of playing as them in later games.

I'm glad you had fun with it!
I'm aware of reducing the player's hitbox to 0, kinda left that in as an exploit to make you overpowered if you manage to get that lucky and get the right drops. Didn't intend to be able to go out of bounds though, that might need to be tweaked a bit.

I'm glad you had so much fun with it!

Nice! yeah they are supposed to be onions. :D

Thanks for playing!!

Yeah I'll have to work on the pacing a bit!

Thanks for playing!


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Thanks for playing, sorry I couldn't join the stream and watch you play live.

Really appreciate the feedback, viewport stuff is really helpful and I'll have a look into changing how the bonuses are handed out. You've given me some great ideas like maybe a chest that opens after a certain amount of time in the area. I'll have a look at the sound too, I didn't get chance to implement the sound bars saving the new position.

Simple but you've got a finished game here.

The post-processing bloom was a bit too high for me.

I really liked the rewind effect

Send me your games and I'll play, rate and give you some feedback.
All I ask is that you do the same for mine

Art is really good. That water effect is amazing, it even has reflections. How did you do that?

Look forward to playing it when you fix the swinging. Could do with speeding up the text scrolling at the beginning.

The music and sound effects are a good fit

The art all flows together really well.

Not really sure what I was supposed to do, killing enemies filled my red bar, had no idea how to use my abilities.

The music is good too.

Here is my game:

Great start, it does fit the theme.

I ran into a few bugs which weren't spiders. I got stuck on a corner and sometimes when I tried to exit the cave the way up would disappear.

Interesting concept!!

Here is my game:

Amazing game. I had a lot of fun. Music was great without being too repetitive, the little footstep noises are so good. Lots of polish everywhere. You even had secrets!

Outstanding work!!

here's my game

here's my game

Page has been quarantined. What have you done?!

Shame about your upload. It's happened to me before, it sucks.

I played your game.

Not bad, It'd be nice if you could differentiate the wall edges a bit more, it can get a bit confusing.

Nice little shooter game.

It's a bit hard and it'd be nice to be able to hold down space to fire constantly. If it helps, you can zip up the pck file with the build and upload the zip to itch, so people can get everything they need.

All the different enemy designs were really cool, gave me a real challenge. Great work!!

Fun game.

It's a bit hard to remember what each symbol does from level to level, maybe a small label would help.

Great artstyle too

Surprisingly good.

The return was a bit hard because of how difficult it is to see where you're going.

The movement felt really good and you captured the essence of Pizza Tower in a week. Great work!

Great game, The music really makes you feel like Dr. Frankenstein.

The controls are a bit finnicky, it can be hard to grab the object you want sometimes and the levels take awhile to complete because everything is so slow.

I really loved it, the way the bodies ragdoll, the screams, the humor, Amazing work guys!!!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it, there is more I want to do with it

Thanks for playing! Yeah I'd like to add more, what would you like to see?

What did it make you feel? Really appreciate the comment :) thanks

(1 edit)

Thanks :) glad you enjoyed it

Thanks for playing. Haha, the first level against the dragon you're meant to lose. and it gets easier every time you win, cos you unlock a new class and get bonuses for that run

Yeah it's a fun game!

I really liked how you had to something different to complete each level.
Movement could do with a bit of work, but you've got a complete game congrats! A bit more player control in their jumps and coyote time will have it feeling a lot better. Then all it needs is some polish, animations etc.
Nice touch on having to input the Konami code

Really fun game, I was surprised how long I was playing for. The visual style is really good and the attack effects are great if a bit over the top/

Animals hiding behind scenery was annoying, I thought I was done but there would be one hiding. It also took me awhile to figure out the extent of my attack range.

I love the animal designs, they were very cute. Love to see if you use them in another game some day. It was a lot of fun going to each different biome and finding new animals.

It was great to see the phoenix reunited with his family at the end