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A member registered Jan 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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"that is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever said about one of my projects"

Sorry to hear that. Your game is great and deserves to have nice things said about it. All the negative I mentioned was just nitpicking, intended to help finding you find areas of improvement. I'm sure someone will coma along shorty and give you a even better review :) 

Your level up system is amazing. I spent almost two hours trying to unlock everything and the slow progression kept me engaged. It felt a bit grindy at times, but never so much that i quit playing. I whish there was a bit more to the combat in the game. I was pretty much just pointing at the enemy and holding down the fire button until they died and I got my xp.  It would have been cool to se some progression based on how well I was doing in each run, maybe increase xp drops after killing X number of enemies or add a final boss. Also, something about the background and the camera make me a bitt dizzy whenever I turn around and move backwards, not sure exactly what happens.  Your thumbnail on the itch page is amazing, really made me looking forward to playing it. 

Cool concept, I like that you solve the puzzles by dying, fits the theme very well. Why is it a dynamite though? None of the puzzles are solved by exploding and wouldn't it make more sense for something like a human or a pet to get a tombstone when dying.  He looks cute though, love how you've made a stick of dynamite feel so alive. Here is a video of when I played it : 

This was enjoyable. A good story. The branching also felt natural, I only felt that I was repeating the same content once. Keep on writing :)  Here is an recording of me playing : 

Really cool concept, don't think I've played anything like this before. The music also got into my brain. The gameplay is a bit slow though, try speeding everything up 10-50 times. The hit boxes on your units feels to big, i don't think i ever managed to doge a enemy bullet. Hitbox on enemy is fine though, no one wants a fair single player game. In total, not the best game ever made, but it was very playable. Keep on creating :) Here is a video of when i played the game: 


Love the amount of content. You have so many different enemies and enveiremental assests, you must be a very efficient artist. The music is also cool and fits the envirements. I'm missing a health bar or something that's telling me when I take damage and how close I'm to dying. I also didn't understand that you have to kill all the enemies to open the doors in the beginning, and some of the levels have points where you can't return. So after missing a enemy i had to restart the game because there was no way to get back and kill the last dude. As a hole, I love it! Keep up the good work. Here is a recording of my playing the game: 

This was cool. I like how you switches between worlds. the last run where you run in both worlds was really great. The difficoulty level was also great, it felt challenging but not too hard. The controlls could been improved though. the charcter feels floaty in the the platforming world and not a bit slow in the topdown world. The art doesn't look like it's created for the same game.  the realistic military character doesn't seem to be the best fit with the cartoony platforms he is jumping on. I also found a bug where the controlls stop working after switching between worlds the first time. I recorded my playthrough: 


This was cool. I like how you switches between worlds. the last run where you run in both worlds was really great. The difficoulty level was also great, it felt challenging but not too hard. The controlls could been improved though. the charcter feels floaty in the the platforming world and not a bit slow in the topdown world. The art doesn't look like it's created for the same game.  the realistic military character doesn't seem to be the best fit with the cartoony platforms he is jumping on. I also found a bug where the controlls stop working after switching between worlds the first time. I recorded my playthrough: 


Music is great :) The city is cute, and I love that the cat is watching the fish. I wasn't always sure about where to go next, but the minimap helped a lot. The theef got me stuck in a corner and drained by money down into the negative. I recorded my playthrough: 

The music is great. I'm not sure I really understood it tough. I am clicking the buttons and that keeps up the progression, but i kind of only do one color path at the time. I figured out that i could lock the windows with the keys, but that only freezes the paths, stopping the progression when i am lucky and the buttons are in the same place. 

I really like the grahics and feel of this game, well done :) I have never been any good at platformers, and this was a bit hard for me, could not get past the jumbboost thing. I recorded my playthrough: 

A fun puzzle game. I love the art and the music. The idea of having to pick up different abilities is also good. One thing that could have been done better is to show the effects of the switches, not always easy to see what happened when the switch was pulled. I recorded my play through: 

Very good work; I like a game that is not too ambitious.  The tutorial levels are great. I love the pace of this game, it's not getting to difficult to fast. I recorded my play through: 

This was awsome! A very good game. I recorded my play through : 

The spiders are scary. It's a cool experiment with generated rooms; they all look a bit alike, though.  I recorded my play through: 

Love the music. It was a nice surprise with the concert :) I also liked that there was a into story, though it was a bit long, and didn't fit the rest of the game very well. I recorded my play through : 

I had a few problems with this one. When I look around the image is bad, like it shows two images at once. When moving around the slow acceleration make it feel like i am controlling a spaceship. I was not able to pick up one of the music notes, the one in the corner behind the library. I liked the art. Nice buildings, and i loved the bird houses and the bird noices they made. 

I liked this, the graphics is cute and it's kind of addictive. I love the healing potion idea where you have to choose who to heal, you get a bit too many of the potions though and the can just be used everywhere. I recorded my playthrough:  

Rely nice graphics. Rely liked the main menu :) The character is a bit hard to control and feel a bit slow. After collecting the 3rd orb the teleporter has a bug that breaks the game. Recorded my playthrough: 

I like the title and the concept; it's fun. The game could need a bit of polish, though. I was never really sure whether I was doing what I was supposed to or if I just had found a bug. I recorded the playthrough: 

This was fun to play. Great pixle art, you have made loots of diffrent enemis and all with animimations, impressed. The only things i didn't like was that the rocks was a bit hard to see in the last level and the collisions with the enemies. I think it would have been better with no enemy collision, and deal more damage instead. It did not feel to great to be killed by being boxed in an not able to move. I recorded my playthrought: 

This was fun! I liked the that everything is extreamly explosive :) A bitt hard though, maby make the AI a bit less responsive, I don't think i could have beaten this if i hadn't found a bug where you can shoot through doors before they are opened. The hitbox on the walls and doors are a bitt to unforgiving i spent a lot of time trying to shoot around a corner only for the bullets to explode when hitting the corner. The bullettime was a nice tuch, but should maby turn of when the room was cleared. Running throught the coridor in the secound room in bulettime felt a bit teadious after a loot of attemts. 

I love the simple but elegant graphics, nice use of colors. Also love the clear sound feedback. I did not like the slow movement acceleration at first, but it didn't take long to get used to it. Is there a diffrence between choosing a expensive door over the others? Also, i dont know if there is a way to beat this game, after seeing the same levels a few times i thought they must repeating and quit playing. 

no, I did not think of tha

Great job setting up a 3d world. The keys are hard to see, they could have been much bigger, in an other color or have had some kind of indicator on them. The doors are even harder to find; I could not find the door for the second key. 

This was mind breaking, in a good way :) I love how the music and the crazy colors make it seem like I was in an other dimention. I used a stupidly long time to figure out how to open the first door, may add hint that LMB is used to interact in the controls menu. I would have loved to see a bit more to interact with, the two rooms and the space inbetween looks great, but there isn't much to do. 

I like how the soundtrack fits the graphics style in the menu. I also love the throwing stuff around part, it would be even more fun in VR. The game is way to hard though, you have to play it many times to know exactly where every object is, and even then its hard to click them all within the time limit. It's also a bit boring to play the first levels again and again to get to the last levels, maby not do a compleat setback to level 1 when loosing. When the background music changed to a flight alarm with a ww2 area German voice , what was that about? 

Cool game! I really like the idea that you have to defend the doors from keys. It took me a while to undrestand what the different doors do, some kind of info box when hovering over the item would be nice.  It looks really awsome,  I like the 2d game with 3d graphics style. I am also missing a health bar or something on the door and key. 

No it didn't. I completed it. Hadn't I known that this was a gamejam game and you couldn't possible have had time to make many more levels I think I would have quit. I was thinking this on one of the last levels. I am really glad I stuck with it though, the ending was good :)

I could not find a way throught the door. None of the keys works. the crowbar worked on the fence. couldn't pick up the bricks to smash the window. Control of objects is bad, they feel way to slow, and the object you control is often outside the camera. Like the door graphics and the music was cool, but a bit repetative. The idea is good, feels kind a like a escape room. 

I liked this. Love the dialog and the puzzles. I would have liked to see some indication of progression; I would have liked to see an indication that it's not an endless string of similar rooms. Maybe the signs could have hinted that the exit is getting closer.

Reached lvl 10. Fun concept, musici and rythem of the game works great. don't like the colors, hard to see. After game over, when restarting input stops working. 

I have uploaded a new version now, with all graphics settings turned down. Let me know it that helps. 

What kind of hardware are you using?