Red Tether Redux is here!
Red Tether Redux Version 0.6 New Stuff - Destroyed enemies now leave debris and ordnance behind, which you can then sling into other targets - You can now use tethers to rip attachments from ships, disarming and damaging enemies in the process - Added custom rip behavior for tethers on attachments (yanks at attachments and ships periodically instead of continuous pull) - Firing tethers into a single ship now deals minor hull stress damage over time, but also makes tethers quickly expire - Added enemy PDC attachment (mounted auto-cannon with limited targeting arc that will deal serious damage to you if you get to close) - You can now stabilize your ship in place (s by default), great for braving those shock waves - Reeling while stabilized pulls objects towards you, with more power than regular tether connections - You can also rip attachments faster this way - Certain lighter objects now get pulled towards you when swinging - Added player health system as a second line of defense when your shields fail - Added upgrade systems with collectible containers that alter your ship and tether stats - Added 3 variants of Serf class cargo vessel: Heavy Freighter - Comes with cargo containers that you can rip off and use against other ships AM Hauler - Deals AoE damage when destroyed and carries antimatter containers with a similar effect Tech Transport - Has multiple upgrades attached, but will self-destruct if it looses control of one - Added Warrior class primary fleet asset as a new late game enemy - Reworked tutorial to be less text heavy - Reworked title screen and made tutorial optional - Runs now continue up till wave 18 and each wave has 3 variants now - Added lock-on system that shows object data, aids with targeting small objects and allows to tether missiles in mid-air - Added pull force direction indicator that gets displayed while swinging - Added a distortion system that makes UI elements glitch out and red-yellow shift under certain circumstance - Added hit-flash system - Added a whole bunch of new vfx/sfx - Implemented basic dynamic mixing for background music - Added a config.txt file that allows customizing controls and some game options (check readme for details)
Balancing and general changes - You now turn faster while reeling in - Tethers now expire after some time - Tethers now gain some force as they contract - Low threat objects now deal less collision damage to the player - Crash damage ticks no longer destroy tethers - Enemies dying and contraction to near zero now destroys tethers - Improved how tethers animate in relation to player/input states - Differentiated some sound queues - Improved anti-matter explosion anim - Adjusted object outlines so that they exclude parts of objects that have no harpoon collision - Rocket pods are now attachments - Rocket fire gets more accurate the closer you are to its origin - Rockets now slightly home in on while approaching - Slinger class rocket ships now has two rocket pods that it can fire independently - Spearliz class light cruiser now fields two PDCs
Fixes - Multiple tether between the same targets now correctly add up their pull force - Enemies now deal their intended crash damage to thing they are in contact with (instead of a fixed rate for all crashes) - Wave text should now type out correctly when starting a new wave - I ton of stuff I've forgotten to log
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