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Thank you!

The hand drawn art is charming as heckkkkk. Very lovely. The variety of mechanics is really impressive and fun! Great game!

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. I'm glad you liked it <3

This game reminds me of mine a bit (collecting space stuff and gliding around mini planets, relaxed mood). I love it, the art for the thumbnail immediately caught my eye and I knew I wanted to play it. The movement is satisfying and fun (although sometimes I accidentally reversed my controls, but I always managed to fix it somehow lol). The space atmosphere is really nice. Good job, guys!

The movement is fast and snappy, the level design complements the theme and mechanics, the colors are subtle but nicely chosen, and the concept is a creative and fun take on a platformer. Great entry!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for playing!

This is quite a complex game, it has a really cool opening, a really nice plot, cool art and atmosphere, and lots to do.  Will definitely make a great full release game. It's a liiiittle grindy, but lots of people like working hard for their progress so that's not necessarily a flaw. Overall, I think it's terrific, good job!

Really creative, I love the possession mechanics- they felt very polished and fun. The level design was clever and well thought out as well. This would be cool as a full release. Great game!

I love all the custom art in this, your team did a wonderful job setting an atmosphere and filling it with weird but fascinating characters. You weren't kidding when you warn the game is hard, though!

Fighting from the shadows is a really nice twist on the Survivors play style. The difficulty seemed well balanced and the graphics were great for this genre of game. The environment felt a little constraining at times but overall a great little game. Good job!

This game is pretty complex for a game jam! A variety of mechanics but they all seem pretty well made, nothing jarring or buggy either. The sprites for the wizards dudes are really cute, and I loved the parachuting animation. Good game!

There's some pretty cool stuff here! It was fun and very arcade-y. I could see this in a real arcade with a high score screen and everything. The UI was a little in my way, but that could have just been the weird aspect ratio on my browser. Fun entry, good job!

This game is really cute with a nice simple mechanic (though actually more challenging than you'd expect). I did accidentally make all my potions black and bubbly, oops! I loved that it was set against the backdrop of a beautiful sky! That really made the game feel polished. The lightning background seems to have flashed pretty nicely for me, btw. At least it looked pretty cool, maybe it wasn't what you intended. Good job!

I haven't seen anyone else in the jam use a horse as a main character! Very creative and cute! I love the environment design, it feels very natural but magical at the same time, and you did a good job of defining areas with their own landmarks. The starting animation is really cute and well-done as well! Good job!

Wow I love the art, it's so cute but also beautiful. The game is tough for me because of all the darkness, but I know that's the point, lol. Really cool game, great job!

Wowww this is so precious. I love the way the puppy runs with his arms out like such a happy little pup. Adorable art and atmosphere, with a nice clean game loop. Great entry!

Very cute vampire-survivors style game. The shadow creatures look great, and so does the main character. The environment confused me at first because I thought part of the floor was actually walls, but I should have tested it I guess. The music is really good, and sets a playful but intense mood. I would love to see the fleshed out weapons and goals you have planned for this! Good job!

Thank you for playing it!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it <3

Oh wow, what a nice way to implement the themes into your mechanics. Very clever and fun!

Wow, really impressive game. It looks great and the concept is really cool, I especially love the attack effects. I had a little trouble controlling the mouse (view kept drifting down to my feet) unfortunately, but I'm not sure why. A first person 3d game was so ambitious and it came out great!

Really nice game. Main character and monsters were cute and the flowers were pretty. Thank you for including sprinting, it really ups the quality of life! Good job!

Thank you!

Really creative and well made mechanics. The shadows made things a little hard to see but I suppose that was the point. Clever and fun game, great job!

Fun platformer. I liked that the jumps let you hover a bit, since the shooting was always horizontal. And the animations (especially for jumping) were very well done and cute, with a lot of attention to detail (*ahem* especially in the... chest movement lol). The enemies were pretty cool looking and the black corruption floating around everywhere gave the game a great atmosphere. Good job!

I love a smooth and fast paced platformer, the movement here is really satisfying and well done. The simple style complements the mechanics well. It was too challenging for me to beat but I'm sure more talented speed runners would love this. Great job!

Neat concept. The environment is beautiful and the little dude is very cute. I can see where you were going with the game and I hope you get to finish it, it's a cool game!

A tower defense, yay! Really cool submission, I love the idea for upgrading towers with reagents, seems like it could get pretty complex. Very fun, good job!

I've never heard of Wall World, I'll have to look into it!

Thank you!

This is the only golf game I've seen in the jam, so congratulations on a truly unique interpretation of the themes. I love the color scheme and the general mechanics of the game, good job!

Thank you very much! I'm so glad you found it meditative, that was my biggest aim!

Wow thank you so much, what a sweet comment <3 <3

Thank you!

This game is really lovely. The mood is so wonderful, and the environments and foliage are so well drawn. I love that you did the art and animations yourself, it all looks terrific in that silhouette style. The platforming feels solid as well. Great game!

Gorgeous art and effects, I'm really glad it caught my eye and I got to play this. It reminds me of Dome Keeper, I love it!  Great job!

(1 edit)

Short but sweet game, with fun battle mechanics and a really adorable ending. My only issue was how long it took me to figure out the room with the pathway, lol. Did you animate the character yourself? It's very fluid. Great entry!

Edit: Emphasis on the adorable ending. Anyone who hasn't seen it should make sure they play to completion. Definitely worth it!

Great game! Probably the most satisfying movement in all the games I've played in this jam. It's super smooth and fun, I wished there was more. The opening cinematic was so cool that I instantly knew I was in for a polished experience. I hope you finish it!