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A member registered Nov 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really fun to play. Well done. Also good music selection. Congratulation

Well done, really impressive for a game jam. Quite fun to play, it was easy to get into. Looking forward for more from the team!

Feels solid. Controls feel good. I wish the tree trunks would burn when Toby is on them. Like sand in other platformers. I made it to the end. Well done with making it done and submitted. 

like the feeling that the game gives. nice atmosphere. I've survived to -3 days :) Would be cool to be able to something in the base with collected items. Good amount of work went into it. Wonder would this could have become with more. 

I did managed to get to the arena, but nothing happened when I was there. Good music!

Congratulations on submitting your entry.

Feels very solid. The controls are good. I could hear in my head the energy full music and good SFX that would make it pop, even with that simple graphics style.

Looks like you nicely focused on the core and I can see the results of that. Well done.

Good luck next time with getting all the submission requirements in place. 

I liked it. Very nice health regeneration. Maybe would be even scarier if you have to stay in proximity of unlit candles ?

I like the visuals. Would be cool to have disturbing music / ambience.

I didn't managed to get up. Walking was bit too slow for my taste, or would prefer to have run. Connection points of the walls sometimes looked like there was light from outside the scene leaking. 

Solid entry, time well spent, congratulations.

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I didn't found the flashlight initially. Only after reading the comments and restarting the game I did.

The collider for bugs with red eyes seems to bit too big or something, I always hit it when jumping on top. I was also wondering why the eyes are not visible in the dark without the flashlight. But I guess its like with cats or other animals, that its just reflected light. 

Yes, with some creepy music it would have 100+ more impact. 

Wonder how it would work if the flashlight would be following the mouse rather then using keyboard for it.

I liked it, good results, looks like you put good amount of work into it! Well done. 

Solid entry. Would prefer to either have bigger light or have it upgradable, Maybe some other lights as well like UV ? But that not in the game jam version but maybe in the future.

One thing that was throwing me off was when right click to zoom, the light will jump to the mouse position rather then to stay in place where it was before the click.

Sometimes they were hiding too well :) It was bit harder with lower resolution images.

Enjoyed it regardless. You put a lot of work there, congratulations !

Cool vibes. That's more fun then many AAA titles :) Good effort for making it happen. Keep it up.

I like the style of the desktop. Looking forward for something more interactive next time.

Cool entry, reminds me of 90's platformers. I like it. Could be a full game with enough work.

Pause menu does not seems to open in levels, only in main menu. So had to, turn off and on again :)

Got issues in level 4. Character fall through the floor. Got blocked on Level 5. as was not being able to jump back to the switch.

Generally for game jam I would prefer less levels, but with more polish to them.

keep it up. solid entry.

Cool idea. Levels were quite hard for me. Just lighting up and jumping could be challenging at the beginning. Might be cool to start with even easier levels to just get used to the concept. I was not sure what is the health regeneration mechanism, if there is one. 

Would be nice if the light cannot be used all the time. If it was limited in some way.

Cool entry, keep up good work !

Congratulations on making the entry and getting it within time frame. Looking forward for your next entries.

Seems that space was progressing through the dialog with the child and jump at the same time. 

Then I jump through some hole in the floor :)

Good effort, keep it up

Did you contacted anyone on discord to get your entry reuploaded ?

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Thank you for your feedback. The goal of the side charging was to pull player out of that they are doing at the moment. But I will look at what would be more engaging activity to achieve that.

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Rally fun entry. 

What was not clear to me at the beginning is that I need to use items straightaway, and that there is no inventory. I picked up first item and was expecting to pickup others. But it became clear at 2nd light. Still was able to complete the game in first run.

Well done, keep it up.

BTW. Intro reminded me of "Prisoner of Ice" game for what ever reason. 

Visual aspect of Snowblind are really nice.

Good vibes. Got that feeling "oh yeah". 

For a game jam i would prefer shorter time to survive. Have it split in shorter sections. Like 30 seconds, then I could get an upgrade to lights or change something with a car, dunno. To get a sense of progression rather then just drive as long as I can. Maybe even directions where to drive, like try to get somewhere. Still good entry, good effort, well executed.

Good effort! things to work on. 

On audio front not sure If that noise loop was actually good, I personally would prefer to not have it.

Controls need work as mentioned by others. Platfoms should rather move player, at least that was my expectation. Still a lot got done. Keep up the good work!

Could not get it to start on mac, seems to be something wrong with the export or what I am doing. I'll run it on other platforms.

Interesting use of images and videos in the game. Dialog was bit overwhelmed by the sounds. 

Interesting experience. Well done. I was actually glad that cold capped at 5% so i could finish the story. Also like flat top down view, like from RPG maps. 

Thanks, keep it up

Cool one. Not balanced, but you know that probably. It would be fine if the upgrades persisted even after you died, kinda like in vampire survivors, things you buy for coins there. Still I would like to see this game got more work and get released. Well done.

Well done. I like it.

Jumping was bit float'y, but it did the job. 

Low hanging fruit would be changing viewport setting with nearest filtering, and others for pixel art game. 

Regarding theme, I see where you were getting at, it might fall short due to visual implementation as you could see the light orbs anyway. but with some work i could have been more fitting. I can understand that it is quite hard to work with lights in Godot 4 ATM.

Keep it up!

I was also unable to kill the mobs. Still impressive for the jam entry. Well done!

Cool game for a 9 days of work, impressive. Will you carry on working on that ? 
One thing i was unsure about, is will I get more structures. It was first few minutes and only had 2 structures, crackers and two planets. I was only waiting as I read on itch page the descriptions of more. But in game I was unsure is that it or is there more. And what are the conditions to get them.

In anyway it was fun to play. Hope I could be able to play full version sometime in the future 

Hey, fun entry.

Just to let you know. On MacOS in Safari on 8GB RAM Macbook Air m1, after ~20 seconds of gameplay, the page gets reloaded to main menu with the message "This webpage was reloaded because it was using significant memory."

I will test on desktop but you thought yo let you know.

thank you for beating the game and seeing the outro :) 

thank you for your comment and suggestions. 
there is “- - -“ and “+++” for big orbital speed adjustments, probably I am missing middle gear or some acceleration curve on press and hold then maybe even one gear would be sufficient. 

Thank you for the idea with the progress slider. I was unsure how to indicate progress without forcing order of actions, progress bar would do it.

thanks again