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A jam submission

Disaster & DiceView game page

Use elemental and Power dice to vanquish the monsters loose in the castle.
Submitted by Buttercream Dream — 39 minutes, 44 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 37 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Player collects and rolls Dice, to determine damage dealt and the element rolled

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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This is an insane game for 48 hours!
The idea is great, the look is great, the feel is great!
I really like that different elemts have different effects and it seems like some enemies have protection against some elements.
I think the few problems with this are the camera, gameplay and sfx. The gameplay is running away most of the time. I think if you made it so more resourses are available and/or they drop from the enemies it would be better. You need something that makes player on their toes. I think a Doom approach will fit this idea perfectly.
Camera just needs more polish. Sometimes goes through walls, sometimes very close or inside something. Maybe change the level design to fit the camera better (get rid of the maze).
As for the sound - I wish it was there. I understand the 48 hour limit. Its just sometimes unfiar when you dont hear the fireballs.

Overall a great game and a great entry!
Keep it up :)


It's a cute game with some interesting concepts; I quite like the idea of limited ammo, the risk/reward of rolling and the movement is pretty smooth. I do think it's a little off-balance currently, as it felt like 75% of my time playing was running in the hopes of finding more power dice. Perhaps it would have been nice to reduce the amount of power dice required for a spell and making them drop from the enemies. 

I ended up stopping after what I think was another level repeating, so I'm curious of I missed out on any other content or if it was simply an infinite loop.

The character looks really cute, I especially liked the hat flying up when they jump! The art is nice too. The pixelated blur is quite interesting to look at.

Nice job!


Enjoyable, fun, impresive considering it's scope and final product. Overall awesome game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

An interesting concept for sure. The idea of there being a risk-reward system with going over was neat, and the idea of re-rolls requiring pickups worked pretty well. My issues are mostly entirely about balance. There are too few power dice relative to the number of element dice, especially in the one small map. The fact that pickups infinitely respawn and you aren't kicked out as soon as you win a round means I was starting each round with full dice bags, a charged spell, and full health. The game just wasn't able to throw anything at me that could take me out in a single round, and I was able to max myself out between rounds. I would have liked to have seen an "ending" to the game, but I'm guessing it's randomly generated forever. I had fun, but I ended up playing it for way longer than I was having fun with it.

EDIT: Oh, and a few notes on accessibility: The elemental invulnerability being indicated by color is harder for colorblindness. I think it's using other factors to indicate it as well, such as transparency, but I never exactly figured out what appearance matched up with what invulnerability. Also, I would have liked to see an FOV slider in the game. I know it's a bit of a reach goal for a game jam to have those kinds of graphics options, but since FOV is an accessibility feature for those susceptible to motion sickness, it would have been nice to see.


I really enjoyed the risk vs reward concept for building up damage, and the graphics offer a really unique look. I also enjoyed the various animations and the cute jump.

My main critique is the lack of sfx, it's a bit difficult to know for certain when you get hit without them and the spells don't have as much oomph as they otherwise would with sfx.

Overall I had lots of fun, especially with blasting monsters using overcharged fire spells!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I think this game is the most visually impressive that I've seen so far, really like the whole theme and aesthetic of the levels and game. The spell system is cool too but I feel that some more variation between them could be better, I like how the wind AOE sends you in the air and if others had more special moves like that it would've been awesome. I also found that having to keep collecting the dices every time became a bit tedious. The game was fun though and could definitely be a full game.


Very fun game. I'd consider this easily the best of all about 60 i've played so far. Obviously sfx are missing.

If you continue developing this i'd like to see an actual threat of going over 20, since the abundance of heal pots don't make it risky at all. And although i like the modular generated stages, I'd prefer handcrafted levels or roguelike elements if it goes any further.


Unique and very fun concept! I found it a bit hard to find the enemies and work out where to go, but during combat it felt good.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I love love love this aesthetic! The spellcasting system was fun to play around with, and I liked the creative enemies - the whole game has big PS2 vibes. The one thing I'd say is that running back to pick up more dice every time I want to use a spell was a little tedious, so there might be a better way to limit spell usage in an interesting way.


Awesome game! Presentation and art style are both really fun. The concept and implementation are very well done!


I really like this Cooool game! In particular, there are different types of spell. If monsters receive restraint with different spells and I can choose which spell by color, it would be greater!


This game looks super neat, but unfortunately I can't rate it! It fails to install while trying to get one of the UE dependencies for Windows. I would love to play it post-jam if you can export for Linux!





Thank you for playing!

If that's not read well it's Google Translate, sorry! -Kaylee


Really impressive that you made so many 3D environments, models, visuals and effects. The gameplay has potential but it could use some more polishing and tweaking. For example, I was constantly out of dice and the speed of the enemies meant that I just shot whatever I currently had, which removed most of any tactics in the fights. It was also very hard to aim at enemies which were really close, I think that some kind of autoaim would be much more rewarding. Also I noticed that different enemies react to different elements differently (or I think they did?) but it would be great if that was indicated in some way so the player could tell which elements to use on which enemies beforehand.

Overall really good job on putting this together in such a short time, you chose an ambitious scope and did a good job on executing it.


Really glad you like it! Paul really enjoyed your nice words about how we did overall. Hopefully we'll be able to fix some of the flow issues in a Post Jam version of the game! The idea of an autoaim system sounds really cool too, I think the Area of Effect spells are intended or the close combat though. And you did notice correctly, the different coloured enemies would be weak to different spells. :D Thanks for the feedback. -Kaylee


Visually quite impressive and the style is great! The concept is interesting, but, I think it does get brought down by making the dice consumable without the spells really feeling impactful enough to compensate, expanded out a bit more in spell variety and what they do and I think it could be pretty great. Seriously though, very impressive work on the visuals, crazy it was done during the jam.


Thank you! The theme was really the hardest part for us to be quite honest, at least imo, but I am still proud of what we managed to do! Hopefully in the post jam we'll figure out a better flow. And thanks for the complent on the visuals! We all worked really hard on the visuals. -Kaylee


The graphics of this game are really stunning, and it's amazing you created all the assets during the jam!  I really like the character design of the main wizard.

Unfortunately, I am easily prone to motion sickness, so I wasn't able to get that far into the game.  My main feedback is that the controls felt a bit difficult to manage.  I was controlling the camera with the mouse and using the arrow keys to navigate, so in order to ready a spell, I would have to either stop moving or not move the camera, so I could hit Q and E. 

Overall, nice job with this!  I wish I could have played more, but my motion sickness got the best of me.


Thanks for trying out the game. The graphics were fun to make, Sam and Leah did a great job on the design and 3D modeling! I'm sorry that you were having issues with the motion sickness and the spell keys being Q and E, are you left handed by chance? Thanks! -Kaylee


I am left-handed, haha.  I guess that explains it.  


This is a fun little game and I liked how polished the visuals were! (That jump with the hat falling off is adorable) It does get a little repetitive after a while and there didn't seem to be a difference between different element spells aside from they do less/more damage against different colored enemies. Adding a little more variety to maps/mobs/spells/abilities could make this game a lot more fun! (And some sfx sounds) Overall, great quality considering the short period of time! Great job! 


Thanks for playing! We would like to add stuff like SFX in the post jam hopefully as well as just more maps. :D I'm glad you enjoyed it. -Kaylee


The character models were so cool! The mechanics were an interesting take on the theme.


Thank you! Glad you enjoy them, and thanks for playing. -Kaylee


I love the character model and animations! In fact, all of the graphics were really good, it's a shame the frame rate was really low (at least, it was for me). The music was lovely, and suited the title screen and tutorial, but I would've gone for a more intense song during combat. The game could do with more sound effects on the whole.

The dice mechanic is clever, especially the spell power dice, as it makes you wonder whether to risk rolling for a higher number, but not too high. Kinda like black jack. 


Thanks for playing, were you able to lower the settings in the options menu? We did try to make it playable on most PCs but we're sorry that it had low FPS for you. We did have black jack in mind for the dice thing! :D Glad someone noticed. -Kaylee


I liked the concept for this game, and thought the presentation was amazing :D

I could of done with more dice as each enemy basically required me to use everything I had, and then I had to break any flow to go backtracking. Maybe I’m just an unlucky throw :D


Thank you for playing! We are thinking of a way for the game to flow better for the post jam. We are all quite happy with the visuals as well so thank you! -Kaylee

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