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A member registered May 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Ah alright I’d feel bad if that message was part of some kind of setup and I just missed it lol! Good work:)

I think the biggest issue was that you could walk off-screen with no transitions in some places and then suddenly transition without seeing your character. So you didn’t know which direction you came from in some rooms. I got pretty disoriented lol

Uhh, so first off, it looks amazing. I love the contrast between the drawings and the 3D model when you walk up to the camera lmao. But on the topic of camera, I struggled with the angle a lot lol, so it took me a few minutes to get to the mirror which informed me there was not game, tried to walk around some more. But then I alt-tabbed and couldn’t move when I alt-tabbed back in and closed it down.

So uh basically, lemme know if I missed anything? ’:)

The amount of content in this for a five day jam is impressive man. You can be proud of this one for sure.

Okay for the feedback for a post-jam version:

  • The portal gravity field thingy feels too slow. I’d double it then tone it back until it fits.

  • The linux version crashes for some reason.

  • Didn’t play with sound so dunno on that front, but maybe add different tracks based on which character you’re playing. The times I unmuted the same track was playing each time.

  • Glowing runestone effect when they break.

  • It was not obvious you should click on the other characters at first. I’d have the first puzzle be clicking on the second doll. Just make it the only thing you can do, and have a simple block push get the characters together.

  • No point in the runes slowing you down. There was no challenge to going back to the tree each time having to swap back and forth (I learned I didn’t have to do that but I thought I had to bring the rune to the crystal, not the tree).

  • So I guess, make it so you don’t accidentally think you should juggle the rune back to the tree while swapping characters. Maybe just require locking one of the dolls in somewhere in order to complete the puzzle then teleport the locked in one back to the tree when the rune is put back.

  • Clearer indicators what what does. The tree or circle should glow the color of the rune you’re carrying when you walk on top of the large circle, clearly indicating that something is happening.

I could keep going with details but solid, solid work!

Thanks <3 Number go up! but what number did you get?

I feel like I didn’t even consider scope, this is truly a Bob Ross happy accident moment that turned into a happy little game. That said, thank you very much, I hope to continue scoping correctly by accient in the future;)


I… I think it fits what ended up in the game pretty well? XD

Thanks for the kind words! You’re cooking with that cave idea. The gears are turning in my head now!

Beautiful artwork! It was difficult to figure out what I should click on though

I think it is because you are not incentivized much to move around. I think the earlygame would be more enjoyable with different pick-ups spawning, bubble size, more points, reduced spike spawn-rate, etc. Could be something to add but I did not have time to add that during the jam.

I was pleasantly surprised!

Np <3

Definetely fun as a goofy entry. 6/9.80085 stars

The controls and camera angle seemed odd. Also a bit jarring sound effects. I liked the atmosphere though!

Really neat idea! Got 5743 points. It could use some less harsh punishment for hitting a tree IMO. The game got stale after a while, maybe a gradual increase in trees would be fitting?

Heads up. Audio is loud, first thing you should do when launching this is press ESC to see the options for FOV, volume and mouse sensitivity.

44:85 sec! Fun little experience:)

Wow, thank you for the kind words!:)

This was very cool! A slightly long intro but then it got going. Highlighting letters you don’t have in the word you are typing would improve the QOL a lot. I don’t understand how losing worked, but I was furiously typing away, that’s for sure!

Man, I loved it! But please adjust it so there is not constant uncrafting looking for that one ingredient.

I did, yes!

(1 edit)

Sounds like it worked then! I think if I go back to this project I’ll polish up the early gameplay. In my opinion the game gets legitimately fun past 60 seconds. But that’s still 60 seconds which are not as fun every time you play. It’s challenging because the difficulty at 60 seconds is probably too high and would make people lose straight away if I just started it there. Yeah I’d have to think about how to make that work better. I really want people to enjoy all the visuals and spike patterns I prepared so I hope at least a few people will make it to 120+ seconds

Thanks! Totally, for this short time I really prefer to just take existing sounds, making them yourself really only makes sense if you can’t find what you’re looking for or when making a full game. Seems like you enjoyed! How far did you get?

Nice! I also agree with the difficulty. Could have been slightly easier, I’m happy I got past lvl 9… Also more generous hit-boxes for clicking would have been nice. It was frustrating to have the right idea but being unable to execute it because you clicked next to the critter. Also here make sure to have separate click and collision hit-boxes. Both should be generous to the player goal.

It is lacking some kind of challenge though, otherwise I enjoyed myself greatly

That is a TRAIN and you cannot change my mind!

Sound slightly too loud. Otherwise I had a good time!

(3 edits)

Ohh I missed the instructions lmao (I just pressed play and walked around). Maybe put controls at the top of the description for dummies like me. Gonna try again now ;)

EDIT: Okay. Simon says, I see how it is!

It should probably give you more points depending on how far you get in the game. Right now you can have a bunch of shallow thoughts and get more points than if you have deep thoughts (collecting points by just clicking the first box and restarting the minigame). Maybe it would be cool if the further you get in the game, the larger the area of isolation from the other people has to be for your concentration to stay intact. Cool mechanic even if the reward system is not balanced!

Also I think the nudge feature was broken? I tried all the mouse buttons this time, I swear!

I think the game was broken for me, I never got any thoughts. But I really like the artstyle and ambience. Quite relaxing:)

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I really like this idea! Very cute. I think using the mouse was maybe not the right choice for this mechanic, maybe using keyboard keys would have lended itself more to playing a piano type game. Unfortunate there is no download and the audio is broken for me in the web version, so the notes don’t line up with the track and it stutters :(

I played on phone, which, nice you included that! In general I think there was too much open space without any clear goal so I don’t know if I saw the whole game. But I liked the floating part and doors. I think it could have benefitted from being more of a puzzle game, right now I just aimlessly walked about. The storytelling could have been more audiovisual: At one point you say there is something watching. Could have made a sound and a visual instead to foreshadow the eyes that appear later. All in all i think it is a solid start. For future jams I think you should focus on limiting the scope and polishing what you have. There were a lot of mechanics jammed into this one which you could have explored more:)

I had a dumb smile on my face for the whole thing, nice!

I’ll have a look at that tomorrow. I tried right now but encountered some issues.

From the Godot documentation a potential workaround is to use a different browser than Safari, let me know if that works:)

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, the AI is maybe a bit hard lol. Since it is a story game you’re not actually supposed to beat it. I think the flappy mode (F) is the only one where you can get a shot through xD

Thanks, glad to hear it! That was actually one of the criteria I had for deciding on a concept, aka. "The prototype for the game has to be fun as well". 

As for a download: Not right now, we don't want someone playing the full version to affect the vote on itch as that wouldn't be fair to the rules if we haven't got permission to do it. You can bet we're gonna upload the second the jam is over though! (Well, as soon as we can ;) )

I think collectibles could be a really good solution! (And pls do that thing where you see a collectible early on you can't get and have to backtrack!)

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Thanks! Yeah oh well. Something was bound to go wrong for the first game-jam. We just got the authentic experience ;) 

Ps: you posted a duplicate comment

oh I see! Welp hahaha

This is so fun! You really are your own enemy in this game lol. Also, B is best letter <3

Some animations, polish and a leader board  on this and you've got yourself a finished game

No biggie. Hope I can try it after then!:D Our game didn't compile at the end so we also only have a build up from day 3 of the jam lol, so check ours out after too!