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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Holy crap this is a fantastic spin on scrabble, well done. The graphics could use some work, some of the letters are pretty impossible to tell what they are at first (M for example), but you have a solid game here.

I loved viewfinder, this seems like a very obvious spin-off. I think the scaling is a bit of an afterthought personally, but the base mechanic is good. I think the style of the game is a bit odd too, if you're taking snapshots, you should at least have a camera with you, or something.

But otherwise, it's a great idea, hopefully you can build upon it.

Having to reset the stats to work out how it would serve you best is a great idea, I enjoyed it a lot. The graphics need some work, but the ideas were fun.

Wow, this was astonishingly good, the atmosphere is amazing, I prefer it to Patrick's parabox, for sure...feels like it fits better. Hopefully you can keep fleshing this out to be a more polished product.

Can't really say much else that others haven't said already, really enjoyed it - I'm a sucker for ghosts and portals, so I give you full marks on style alone. I wonder if with later levels you could have horizontal portals that make you thinner and thicker too.

Top marks on this my man, perfect little idea for a game. Well done.

I enjoyed the concept, although I wasn't sure how you could lose if you buff yourself when the die roll was positive and debuff the enemy when it was negative?

This is a really fantastic concept for a game, a great base. As a prototype it was pretty buggy, getting stuck on the landscape was frustrating, but I don't think that really matters. I did find it frustrating to remember which number switched to what - I'm wondering if you could have a preview of the 'next' blobbert in the queue which you rotate with right click, and then left click changes you so you can swap quickly and with minimal frustration.

You have an amazing base for a game here, cartography ftw. Wasn't a fan of the style, personally but top marks on the rest. Well done.

I like the idea, but I cannot operate a reverse look camera! Need an option to choose :)

Nice as a base, but the game was over in less than a minute for me...I thought I did something wrong!

Found it tricky to operate the wheels, and things were a bit buggy, but it's a nice concept for a mini-game.

Nice concept, but it's fiddly having to left click then right click back and forth. A good start though!

Not my type of game, but I can see why others would enjoy it. Great style and creativity, well done. I think it would be cool if the crops changed over time, but you have a solid base for a game here.

Reminded me of Toe Jam & Earl in style, which is fantastiic. The ending was hilarious, although the gameplay wasn't the most inspiring.

A great little game that you can definitely build on. It seems to me that to make it instantly more fun, you could have the option of collecting gold and then buying new warriors rather than them appearing randomly, but granted that requires a lot more content.

Rad, great basis for a puzzle game here.

It was fun insofar that I wanted to see what what would happen at various stages, but I felt it a bit more frustrating than anything else, and I felt it was too easy.

  • Some thoughts - you should be able to push down to make the ladder go faster.
  • You should have things that can potentially knock you off (like birds).
  • Ladders should have to be much more accurate. 
  • The ladder should sway, and you should also have a side task which is supporting the foundations as you climb (perhaps have a split screen with your friends helping down below or something.
  • The alien was a nice touch.

Well done, one of my favourite concepts of the jam. Definitely have an amazing base for a fully fledged product. I was wondering if it was cool if you had to build specific shapes, because it gets much harder as you grow.

Lovely little game - a little buggy and difficult to click stuff, but I could see this being a real game if you fleshed it out.


Pheomenal idea, well done. Not a fan of the style, but the mechanics are amazing and you really have a great base here. Reminds me of snipperclips.

I enjoyed this, but I didn't see how you could lose?

The camera being reversed made this unplayable for me!

Fantastic little game, such an amazing base idea for a game. As Swinkly said, it's a little too easy to cheese it with constantly turning the snoglobe, perhaps you could limit it to a few seconds, or times etc. Good job.

Well done, great little game. Personally wasn't a fan of the style, but I think you have a really good base idea here.

Nice creativity with the bag size mechanic

Sometimes the character felt like it moved way too quickly to grab a ledge (particularly if it was close to you). Having a bullet-time ability would have made that less frustrating, but understand it takes away from the difficulty a bit.

Fun game - would have liked some music!

I agree with this

Perfect, really. Well done.

Perfect little puzzle game, good job.

Me too, the poses are an incredible touch.

(2 edits)

This is pretty much perfect in every way for this jam. Well done. I didn't play it long enough, but does the boxer's drivego up again after a while?

Very cute game...having to switch the roles was fun, it would be good if you could speed it up so that it becomes more frantic and confusing when the switching happens! Well done!

Great basis for a game! Well done, you should keep developing this concept!

This was super enjoyable, top marks there. I couldn't beat the final boss though.

Keep developing this concept!

This was hilarious, although I couldn't figure out what do to

(1 edit)

Very enjoyable - I think it's a good base for a full game, would like to see some variation, direction switching, maybe powerups, multiple hexagons etc. Keep going!

Top marks on music too.

I really enjoyed the mystery because I love puzzle games, but I got stuck unfortunately. Would have been nice with some hints, maybe!