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A member registered Aug 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very nice and cute little song!

Evil cat with evil song! love the pixel art he is so silly looking x)

Nice song overall, the evil vibes works well, although the song does feel a bit repetitive in the end.

Great use of nyasynth too!

Nice job!

That vibrato on the meowsynth! Very tasty, it makes the melodies so fun!

Great song from A to Z. That little slow part in the middle was a welcoming change of pace and worked very well to bring the final part to the highest!

You didn't over used the amen break like I did so great job on that! 

I'd day the metal pipe sfx sometime feels out of place but with a sound so intricate and weird it's hard to make it blend with the rest x)

But other than that banger song, nice job!

I like that the song never come back to any melodies or anything played before, it's always changing! and that chaos works very well! Though the metal pipe sfx is a bit too loud and feel out of place, it's great that you tried to Experiment a bit with tweaking the sound.

Also the world need more music with the hit sfx so kudos to you!

Nice job!

Sounds like a very very gloopy goobie silly boss fight. Meowsynth is nicely incorporated and I think you managed to use it with perfection, by using it differently enough  that it feels rather alive! 

I'd say sometime the metal pipe sfx doesn't blend well with the song and it become a bit too chaotic.

Other than that great song!

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she Tenessee on my Wilson till i search for the eye of doom

Amazing art, amazing ambiance, but I got stuck and idk how to go further which is sad bc I want to play more of this game!

Good idea! having 7 people to manage and having them slowly leave making you alone is nice! The wobbly effect on the sprite were a bit much and it gave me a bit of a headache, but good thing there is a minimap so you don't have to focus on the environement all the time.

Very cool game overall! great job

Very charming game, lots of content and little cool details. Liked it a lot! 

The music are really nice too

Overall nice game! The mechanic with the torch is very cool but we would have liked to see it getting further than just putting them on blocks to open doors. Also the blur effect is maybe a tad too much and can become a bit nauseating. 

The game is short which is a nice thing, it's a nice little experience!

Congrat on making a cool little game!

Thanks! it does make the game way better, congrats on making a cool game!

The game and the crafting thing look cool but I did not understand how to make it work. So I was just aimlessly grabbing everything in my way and searching for exits until I got oneshoted by the first monster I saw. 

If someone knows how crafting work please tell me I'll go back and try the game again, because the game looks cool!

the fast paced combat is cool, getting little items that alter your way of playing and looking at the map is very cool too. Liked the game a lot, would love to see it evolve to a full game!

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nice game, the fight system is nicely done but without health regen it's pretty hard. Also it lack some sounds and musics. 

But overall very charming game!

10/10 would kill the voices again

Am I dumb why am I stuck in the first room ? ;-;

If everyone know please tell me, it looks like a cool game I really want to test it as much as I can before rating

Nice game! Good ambience and narrative (even if the character could have some reaction to the hotel being filled woth eldritch rats and maid). The fight system I like a lot too, however I did not understand how speed work, does every enemy just have more speed than me? and if so why are defensive move bypassing that?

Very cool game nonetheless, congrats!

Also the receptionist being the UE mannequin with no voice is very funny to me lmaoo

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I love so much the setting and the characters (the cat shopkeeper with shoes is my favourite). Please make that into a full game because it has a lot of potential!

great now I'm a master at spelling "arachnophobia" lmaoo

Insane game, very polished. I have not made it to the end but I would have liked to see the writing mechanic be taken even further (For example with ennemies altering the way you write or idk). Otherwise It's my favourite game atm. Congratulation for a solo dev to have made such a great game!

I don't quite understand what you have to do, I got stones, I got potions. But I keep dying over and over because I walk too much. This "lose hp when doing any action" mechanic is maybe too punishing, since the level design is a labyrinth with no minimaps and it's hard to understand where you have to go ;-;

The promise of cathulu was very hype, but I got lost after aquiring the dagger lmao. Nice work for a solo dev, even if I think you didn't made the assets yourself ? (could be wrong tho). The snap movement are very disorientating since you have no minimap and the walls are the same everywhere and I got killed multiple times by ennemies gattling gunning my face. 

I just hope I can see Cathulu one day...

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Wow, overall banger game! What strikes me the most is the ambiance and atmosphere, that with the music, this was a delight. I only got two of the four endings, idk how to get the other two tho.

Also cosmic horror being litteraly horror in space is very funny to me lmaoo

that section at 0:53 is soooo cool, love it!

What a banger! Great job right there, that mix of metal and chitune works very very well, it looks like something toby fox could do and I'm very much here for it!

Very cool game. The art style is so effective and full of character, loved the music too! Although I would have liked for it to have a little more feedback when hitting bosses. I was, at the beginning, a bit lost because I thought the bosses where unkillable lmao. 

Also there is quite a lot of time where I just died on loop because I were spawned very high and couldn't manage to get to the platform when falling, but that's mostly just a skill issue ngl.

Other than that, it's probably one of my favourite game yet visually and musically wise. And I'm astonished you managed to do all of this alone! Great job!

I don't know maybe you could have done some Ganon from Zelda Ocarina Of Time shenanigans, or have some close ranged attack to repel. It would have been so cool!

I became so busted that I could teleport my to the other side of the room with one shot 10/10

It's pretty fun! The repel mechanic works very well, although I would have liked to see that being used in different ways. And I was pretty bummed to see they were only one boss, but after a bit of crying, it's alright!

Sound is rough too, had to mute the game midway :c

But overall very nice, thanks for the game!

Insane! I loved every bit of it, I especially loved how busted your charachter becomes with the upgrades lmaoo, it's very fun! And the smoothness of the controls hmmm that's some good work

be not afraid

Incredible! exited for the next game!

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Great! Love it 

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I liked it a lot! The composition was great, even if the part with the 4 repeted notes seemed a bit out of place. 

Also the artwork is insanely good omg I love it so much!

I was hooked by the melody at first, which is really well composed. However, I feel it's used too many times with too few changement, a part B with an other melody/chords could have been neat! I feel the pitch shift thing is used too many times too.

Also, it was lacking from a fight theme energy. I think it's mainly because of the drums which felt a tad too weak. But overall it was fun to listen and was in character for Green Tail!

Okay this one is insanely cool! Your composition feels so fresh, also I love all the little electric sounds, great job!

Very cool core idea with different sound clashing between themselves, it could work very well with a melody or chords! 

Really cool composition, with great little ideas like the (idk if it's really a choir but) cycling choir in the second part. But I feels like all of this is more of a build up for the real fight song, by the calmness of the song I couldn't Imagine it being played in a fight! But overall great song nonetheless!

The solo goes wat to hard lmao love it!

Omgg idjejzbaudiebabs I love this so much!!

Really cool melody, the hero thing works so well! Nice job!

Woah it's so cool, all the changements are so well made, it feels honestly like a pro song! Love it!