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A member registered Jul 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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that would be nice. Including it automatically undoing until the start if you failed. Thanks

Awesome! Love the animation and the idea!

Cool music and gameplay. Takes some time to get into it, but at last it's fun. good job ^^

I think I'm too stupid to play this ^^ Did never manage to leave the second room. The rng of the bullets direction is a fun idea, but since the character always looks down while not moving it is insanely hard to get away from the (faster) enemies while shooting them.

Very fun game. I'd consider this easily the best of all about 60 i've played so far. Obviously sfx are missing.

If you continue developing this i'd like to see an actual threat of going over 20, since the abundance of heal pots don't make it risky at all. And although i like the modular generated stages, I'd prefer handcrafted levels or roguelike elements if it goes any further.

The progression is well made. I just love it!

Thanks for the feedback. This was my first jam and i wanna try to follow the theme way more next time.

Thank you very much. I wish you all the best too.

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Thanks, I'm glad you had fun. According to feedback, the level selector is probably the one thing i need to improve the most. Not sure yet if i keep working on it tho.

I could build it for mac, but failed to upload that build within the timeframe

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I got to the level with two doors and stopped after that. Not sure anymore if thats the last level.

I'm not sure as to wat i exactly want more from the game ^^

yes i have that feeling too. I think the booster tiles are directly disturbing the idea of limited moves and creates an artificial difficulty and only a pseudo puzzle, since its trial and error mostly

you're absolutely right. This is my first jam and i thought at first my idea is brilliant. Only realized halfway through that it will be common and not so much theme related ^^

thanks, but since there is no music i assume you meant another game ^^

Very cool idea and i like the style. Will you develop this further?

Very cool how you designed the levels. It felt natural and did not get boring.

This is an awesome 48h edition of a game. The only thing that i'd like to have as a player is feedback on being hit.

Very beautiful game. Apart from the lack of content this could already be a full release. Looks and feels so polished. good job!

Your page looks to describe most features pretty well (i probably just didn't read it ^^').
What I think could be improved is labeling the inventory as such, since i thought at first that every slot is the chest. Also as soon as you have about 2-3 ranged weapons there is no longer any danger in this game. Maybe you can counteract that with enemy variety or a bit more complex ai.
But of course all this is not that easy within 48h. Those are more my thoughts on how i (as a guy without experience in game dev) would continue development.

Nice little game. Definetly had fun for a good 30min or so. That last jump wrecked me.

damn nice progression and idea. I like it a lot

Fun idea with cool music! What I wished to have during gameplay was to be able to do something with the crosshair. Collect coins with it or something. Still very fun tho.

Awesome presentation, i like it. I appreciate the volume slider. Most of the games are way too loud without that option.

Very nice concept by rolling the dice while mid-air and the sound effects made me chuckle. Took me a while to figure out how it works, but as soon as i did it was very fun to play.

Thanks a lot. Definetly need to work on the communication of the mechanics to the player. Glad you liked it :D

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You're right, I haven't communicated the rules nearly as well as I should have. Though none of the tiles kill you, it's about how many moves you have left, which is shown by the number on the dice. As soon as you reach zero it resets.

Also the return to the start of the level select annoyed me too ^^

yeah somehow i completeky forgot audio while developing ^^'

Tanks for the review.

10/10 very cool gamy. Loved the chill music, the core mechanics and i definetly envy you for your galaxy brain to come up with so many different ideas.

Love the clean style of this game, and of course the concept itself ^^

Most of the feedback i received are telling me that they tried to play it like it is yours, so its fun finding what some expect from mine.

This is a masterpiece considering the 48h limit. Good job!

Took the theme literally ^^ nice, i like it. My high score is 186, what's yours?

Awesome idea. Did you playtest every single combination?

Solid idea. Did you make this with a team? I can't imagine someone doing this alone in 48h.
Also I feel like it could profit from some fog.

Thanks man. Means a lot that the level design is good. I've got a lot of feedback that the level select isn't well introduced ^^ guess I need to improve that with high prio.


Thanks for the constructive feedback. I've noticed a lot that players tried to match the values. A small indicator there would improve it a lot.

And you're welcome about the folder :D

Glad you liked it!

Thanks for your helpful feedback. First I was planning to randomize your available moves, but for obvious reasons that does not work at all with designing the puzzles.
Sadly I only noticed that I forgot all of the audio after the jam ended ^^'
Some more scratched features (or event tiles) were ice, different colored teleporters and +X move pickups. All the positive feedback I am receiving motivates me to keep developing it further :D

I wish you let the player speed up the enemies turn, or do it automatically. Otherwise neat little game

Surprisingly fun, but damn it is hard to be that fast. A little wiggleroom to turn after the dice begins turning would be appreciated ^^

Awesome art and music. The concept really interests me, but i couldn't for the life of me find the crystal ^^'