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A member registered Jan 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice entry! I loved the board-game inspiration and the fact that you strove for uncommon meaning of the theme. 

The core idea of the gameplay is really interesting; however, I would have preferred a bit more of control on the movement, because for a good part of the game time I just wondered on the board skipping the only cell that I needed to reach. For example, the taxis are a great way to change movement, but not to control it, because they don't really offer a choice to the player that can affect the result of the die after it has been thrown. Maybe you could have a different "taxi", something that gives the player an option to modify an already-thrown die by one unit. That's just an example, but there are a lot of solutions to manage randomness in games :)

Besides all of that, congratulations for your first entry!

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Thanks, you're very kind! Truthfully, this was our first jam in such a large team (4 people), and we're also surprised by how much we were able to accomplish in a handful of days :)

Thank you so much for playing and for the comment! :D

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Nice submission! I love tower defense games, and I had a lot of fun playing this :)

The progression of the game is a bit too fast: the second level felt much harder in comparison to the first one, and I would have preferred a slower pace.  However, perfect balance is hard to achieve in a handful of days. So, don't worry, the gameplay remains interesting and solid ;)

I also experienced the same bug described in other comments; I hope you can fix it in the next release! Anyway, congratulations for your entry!

Oh wow, the retro aesthetic of this is amazing! *-* I loved how you were able to represent a graphic style - and the hardware on which it was present - with so much accuracy, you did a fantastic job!

The gameplay is not easy, but somehow I managed to resist a bit. It's fun, though! Congratulations for your entry, I enjoyed it a lot!

Thank you so much! You're right, the theme of this jam inspired a lot of original ideas, and I'm currently playing so many good games thanks to it! :)

I loved the graphic style of this entry! *-* I think it's one of the most iconic in the Game Jam, since it exploits a strong limitation (=using only two colors) to convey a peculiar mood. Congratulations for this, how did you do it? (If I may ask)

I also read that you didn't manage to implement all of your ideas. The short duration of your game is, in fact, my main concern, since it leaves the story unfinished. However, that is not an error in strict sense: it may happen that, within the brief duration of a game jam, time is not enough for everything and some beautiful ideas get discarded. We all know it, and jams' final products are always a compromise between dreams and time. The important thing is to deliver what you can, respecting your health and your other duties, and maybe use the result as a launching pad for the next release ;)

Great job on the artworks! I loved the introductory comic: it works really well to present the characters and the setting of the game. I also appreciated how everything is consistent in terms of color and drawing style :)

My main concern is on the length of the gameplay: it's a bit short, and the only level gets solved easily. That's not an "error" in a strict sense, also because I know that a lot can happen within a game jam period, and things never go as planned. However, now you have a working baseline with all the necessary elements, and you could re-use them to design more levels! I read from your other comments that you plan to expand this, so good luck with the development! ^^

Thank you, we're happy that you liked (and that the screenshot fulfilled its promises) :D

Incredible entry, I loved this!

I think that the core idea of the puzzle is clever - ride animals to reach the exit -  and perfectly fits the "parasite" theme. But on top of that, you also built a solid and satisfying gameplay! More specifically, the levels are greatly designed, and the new mechanics are always well introduced, in a way that doesn't overwhelm the player with options, but at the same time leaves them free to reason and think. This is an amazing work of game design, good job and congrats!

Speaking of negative aspects... I GOT STUCK :(  I managed to reach the level you see in the attached screenshot (of which I don't know the number), and when the gorilla was facing the hedge, I had this kind of intrusive though:

...what if I was able to break the hedge?

So I pressed SPACE, and I broke the game instead, LOL. No movement, no restarting, everything froze.

I know I've been pretty stupid and greedy, 'cause I had the solution in my mind and I could have just flown to the exit. I could have played the game, instead of beta-testing it, you know. But well, at least I hope that this bug report could be useful to you.

Besides all my failures, I can assure you that I had a lot of fun with your game, so thanks and congrats for the amazing submission! As soon as I'm free for another half hour (which is approximately the time that required me to reach the cursed level), I'll definitely retry it! ^^"

Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback! You gave a lot of information about what you - as a player - experienced, and that's very useful for us. We'll try to improve the game in the direction that you and others suggested :)

Besides that, we're happy that you liked it! Thanks again for trying it :D

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Amazing game! I loved Solitaire at the time, and playing this was such a peaceful and emotional experience *-*

The idea of representing parasites as sequences of cards is perfect, and I was surprised by how well the solitarie mechanics fit on that core idea. On the other side, the additional "Roshambo" mechanic felt a bit unrelated, also because (but I may be wrong here) there's no way to strategize your move, it's more like a random guess?

The "artistic" side is simply beautiful: the animations are smooth, the music is relaxing, the cards are clear but also unique in their way. I don't know if you designed the graphics, but I would pay for a deck of cards with this style :P

Overall, fantastic submission! Congratulation for your first GWJ :)

Good job! You did well in conveying the horror atmosphere, especially with the sound effects and the limited view.

I admit that I'm not a huge fan of this kind of games, and I would have appreciated a warning for jumpscares and loud sounds in the description, also because it's a jam submission and it will be played by a lot of different types of players ^^" 

However, congratulations, it's a polished and solid entry that I can easily see expanded with more monsters and mechanics :)

It's sad to read that the game broke, it seemed captivating. From what I experienced, the artworks and the audio are great! I loved the infection animation in particular :)

Good job! I loved the intro scene and the general mood :D

The level is hard to navigate without a map or something, but I guess it's the point... However, I had fun playing this :)

Thank you so much, we're happy that you enjoyed it :D

Thank you! It's nice to read that you managed to play it properly in the end :D

To answer your second comment, we're aware that this game might touch some hot topics, and I agree it's a bit weird. When one of us came up with this idea of "being the Earth and fighting colonizing parasites", we immediately loved how it sounded, especially because it allowed us to subvert perspectives and show humans "from outside", which is always good :)

Amazing idea, I loved this and I laughed out loud when I read the description :')

The corporate atmosphere is incredibly realistic, with co-workers minding your businesses and bosses who don't work... Should I assume it's inspired by a true story? :P

As others stated in the comments, I had some trouble at the beginning when I was looking for the vending machine. After that, the game became immediately easy, maybe a bit too much. If you'd want to expand it, you could add some obstacles, like a limited amount of coffee or a finite set of tasks to delegate. Anyway, great job :)

Thanks for playing our game! We're happy that you were able to win in the end, even if it required multiple attempts... We'll try to add more in-game hints, so that players are walked through the learning process :)

The suggestion on the skippable intro is also spot-on, thanks a lot!

I'm quite bad in this type of games, and I couldn't pass the first level... ^^"

However, I really appreciated the atmosphere you were able to create with the artworks and the music, especially with the heavy use of color red. It's a bold choice, but it paid off with the mood :)

Thanks! We're happy that you tried and liked it :)

The final plot twist almost got me!

Congratulations, this is a great and solid submission, with really nice artworks! :)

I would have liked to explore the fish-controlling-fish mechanic a bit more, which happened only once in my (late) game. However, that's material for the next release :P

As you imagined, every game is easier for the people who created it, and that's why playtesting and feedbacks like yours are so important to understand how the game is perceived by other players. So thank you, we appreciate it and we'll try to tune the difficulty! :)

Thank you, it's good to read this kind of comments *-*

Thanks for your detailed comment, you're really helping us by describing your gameplay and we couldn't appreciate it more!

Regarding the UI, we'd need to fix it in a way that doesn't make you throw away your first game ^^" We already wanted to add a proper in-game tutorial on controls, but - as you know - time in the game jams is never enough, and we needed to focus on something else...

Anyway, happy to know that the game worked well afterwards, and congratulations for your winning :D

Thanks! You're right, the visibility of certain UI elements is not helping the gameplay... We planned to implement markers and colors for disasters, but we discovered there wasn't an easy solution for 3D, and so we focused on something else ^^" We'll try to fix it in the next release, since you're asking for complete product! :)

Thanks again for playing the game, we're very happy that you enjoyed it!

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Nice entry, congrats! Controlling an enemy it's an interesting mechanic, especially because it gives the player the abilities of that enemy, opening to a lot of strategies. It's a small thing, but I appreciated how you used two healthbars to signal the status of both the player and the controlled body: it's a simple trick to remember that you have some kind of protection, but also that the protection can fall off, and that's perfect for the "parasite" theme!

At a certain point, I had some difficulties with the combat mechanic. I wasn't able to understand how the enemies were moving, and at the same time I felt like that the game was asking me to predict their movements. I don't know if that was your intention by making a turn-based game, or if you planned to make it real-time, but it turned out different. Don't get me wrong: uncertainty is good in games, and that's only my perception; anyway, I hope that the feedback might help you in some way.

Overall, great job. Congratulations :)

Really nice submission, I enjoyed this! At the beginning I was afraid it was a memory game, and that it would have continued to introduce new shapes ^^" Fortunately, in the end the schema was easy to remember, and the last levels were really intriguing!

I managed to reach the final level, of which I appreciated the design and gave me a lot of fun. Congratulations :D

No, don't worry, it was perfectly fine! With such a limited time for the game development, I think that putting a couple of difficult levels was the right idea to show the possible range of the gameplay. I just thought that, if you plan to expand this, knowing the perceived difficulty could be an useful feedback, even if it's from a single playtester :)

Incredible entry, I loved to play such a solid puzzle game! The overall look is very polished, with great graphics and audio. The core mechanic fits the theme and is pretty fun, even if the levels are not obvious and requires a bit of thinking (which is positive, don't get me wrong!). More specifically, I perceived a sensible increment of difficulty between levels 8 and 9, with the last two levels demanding some accurate timing.

After a lot of attempts, I managed to reach the end :D

Congratulations, I really enjoyed your game!

Such an interesting game, I loved the strategy that you can put in this by multiplying and differentiating your units. 

At the beginning I thought that the merging action would give me an additional Roshambo element, but then I discovered that it replaces the original one. That makes more sense, because it requires you to multiply first (by gaining the blood cells) and differentiate next; this is some cool game design, and a good way to direct the player's game. Good job, congrats!

Wow, thank you so much, it's so nice to see someone enjoying our little game! And let me say it, you did pretty well in winning twice in a row ;)

Also, having a gameplay video is such a precious feedback for us, because it allows to see what does work and what to improve. So again, thanks for your contribution, and good luck for your YouTube adventure!

Super-polished entry which gave me a lot of fun! I'm amazed by how you managed to have six different people working on this, and still the final product seems so coherent and well-directed! All the artistic aspects were spot-on: from visual effects to environment art, from music to voice acting, from character design to UI graphics, everything contributes to create a strong mood, which I totally loved. You did an amazing job as a team, congrats!

Speaking of mechanics, the simple idea of choosing which units to control, knowing that the others will become your enemies, is fantastic. I've never seen it implemented in a turn-based combat system, and it has so much potential that I'm kinda sad you only had nine days to explore it :P

I'm looking forward to your next release ^^

Really solid submission, very polished and good-looking! I spent some time getting comfortable with the controls, but after that it was nice! The map seems very large, and at the beginning I spent at least ten minutes climbing on the right and returning to the starting point... I though I was supposed to do that, and only at the end I read the note on the game page... If I may give you a feedback, maybe adding some indications for the player in the first part of the game would help the learning phase :)

Besides that, this is a great entry in this Jam, congratulations :D

Thanks Delpire, happy to know that the chaotic atmosphere was appreciated! We wanted the endgame to become like a frantic micro-management experience, but without making it impossible to control. Your feedback would really help us, so thank you!

Hi Xandruher! Thanks for playing our game, your feedbacks are always appreciated :D

I didn't know about the bug... I really hope it didn't ruin your play, but -hey- you just gave these poor debuggers a purpose! We'll try to recreate it and see what we can do about it :)

Also, it's nice to read that you persevered to play it four times. I hope that the little animation did pay off in the end... Otherwise, we'll add more explosions in the next release! Thanks again!

Thanks! Glad to read that the game was appreciated, it repays our efforts ^^

Thank you, we're happy that you had fun with our game :D

Thanks a lot for playing our game, it's nice to read that the idea was appreciated ^^

Really nice submission, I liked what you did with the zombies turned into people with smartphones :P

The graphics were super clear and the animation felt very smooth. It was good to have a complete tutorial to learn the game, it helped me to enjoy it! Congrats :D